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  • Atheist Logo

    Atheist Logo.gif


    if you see it, awesome, but it’s not really there.

    I told a girl in the pub about my ability to guess what day a woman was born just by feeling her boobs…

    I told a girl in the pub about my ability to guess what day a woman was born just by feeling her boobs…

    “Really?” she said, “Go on then…try.” After about thirty seconds of fondling she lost patience and demanded “Come on, what day was I born?” “Yesterday.” I replied.





    Kinda knew something like this was going to happen after they completely fucked up the entire DCU with “the new 52”.

    Taylor Swift at 16

    Taylor Swift at 16.jpg


    sadly I think she’s lost weight since this picture 🙁

    tire fire

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  • Turbo Encabulator


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    out of the pool

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    Oh Yeah?

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    That that!

    Bounty Hunter

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    The Planets

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    Is it because I’s Veidt?

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    Picture 1 – Cesare/The Cabinet Of Dr Caligari
    Picture 2 – Gwynplaine/The Man Who Laughs (extremely painful, literally bruising make-up by Jack Pierce)

    After this is gets REALLY tantalizing. Universal were so keen on Veidt they wanted to cast him as Dracula, but Veidt was convinced his heavily German accented voice wouldn’t work so he turned it down. So they hired someone (irony alert) with no discernible accent at all, Bela Lugosi.

    Picture 3 – Jaffar/The Thief Of Bagdad (He’s heavily referenced in Disney’s Aladdin)
    Picture 4 – Conrad being a sexy bitch.

    And finally a montage to the glory that is Conrad Veidt.

    Movable Dots

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    “I don’t feel safe with your glasses on.”

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    Solution. Don’t wear his glasses then.



    Glenn Close

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    Baseball Pool

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    Not Delivery

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    Dinner Sword

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    Wall Snake

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    Baltimore Landslide

    Tennis Hair

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    Self Help Books

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