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  • Ted Cruz: “My music tastes changed on 9/11”


    oh thank god for the republican party, and endless source of entertainment


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    Black Bike

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    Dewee’s Island SC; People Living Amongst Nature

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    Dewees Island: Natural Beauty from Yonder Blue Films on Vimeo.

    Dewee’s Island is one of the last places where man and nature live unfettered. You can only get to the island via ferry, there are no major roads, all utilities are underground, and clearing any large section of the trees is prohibited. This short video looks at the wildlife and residents of this unique east coast island. All aerial footage shot by RC helicopter (pictured above on the set of “Insurgent”).

    MCS Theme Day – Alcohol

    Take a picture of what you drink and submit it, tag it “MCS Alcohol“.

    Points for anyone that gets a picture of a beautiful woman with the drink.

    edit: you guy suck at either drinking or taking pictures.  where are the pictures gorram it

    edit2: something changed around here, let me know if you see anything obviously broken.

    Edit 3: Turns out that the new template I spent a couple hours on doesn’t work at ALL without JS enabled on the site, which is friggin rediculous. I’ve abandonded my plans to use that theme at all, so I’m pretty sure it’s rotten to the core. I’m going to focus on just modifying the existing theme to be responsive. Don’t worry though, I won’t be doing this on a live site though.

    or will i?

  • bubble face


    “Smoke Posters” from Octavian Mielu – Portraits of Famous Personalities & Superheros

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    Well-known super-heroes and Celebrities serve as a model for various artists and this has always been known as an inexhaustible source of inspiration.

    The Romanian illustrator Octavian Mielu uses these models, in addition to personalities such as Jimi Hendrix, Marilyn Monroe and others in his work. Here are some examples of this series…

    You can see more here:

    Ps.: Is there any way to embed a imgur album here ?


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    Hot Rod

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    tiger travels


    pig putty


    ????? ????

    The seven mountains mandate

    I am convinced, I will leave behind all my pony homo sex


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    Darwin Awards Candidate

    skirt spin



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