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    If you pump estrogen at that early of an age, and the body grows up with those higher estrogen levels, one can pretty much grow up as a woman.

    I’d tap it.


    Nobody know wha they want out of life at age 12 WTF…


    I’d hit it.


    Dublin0: i agree. at age thirteen he’s gonna want his penis back. but he’s given up his man card



    Teutonic Logic

    I wish my people were not so embarrassing

    Jenny Greenteeth

    She’s adorable.


    I’d hit it like a sledgehammer…again


    uhh actually transexuality is pretty much a from birth thing, and not much can be done effectively past puberty. Hormones can be reversed, much like taking hormones later in life. Surgeries are the trickier parts, which she has not yet had (to the best of my knowledge) so I see no problem with it. Good on the parents for caring about their CHILD and not their SCRUPLES


    Does he/she remind anyone else of Claire from Lost?


    I second the adorable comment.


    What you mentally feel like has a bigger effect on you than what you have been phyiscally born. In the past decade people are becoming more and more aware that the genderlines are not as rigid as previously thought, and that people have different variations of masculinity and feminity in their heads. Situations such as this seem to be growing.

    I have to admit, 13 seems extremely young. But I can only imagine the hell it must be to be trapped in a body you don’t identify with. If I recall a special on Discovery Health (Born the Wrong Gender), I think most people are are born with a sense of awareness on what gender they identify as.

    I believe 90 percent of people who go through the procedures and surgery to become a different gender, do not regret it at all and are actually extremely, extremely happy. So I wish the best of luck to her and her future happiness.


    Blargh I meant 12. :C

    Howie Feltersnatch

    Kind of cute. Reminds me of that chick in Hanson.


    She’s sixteen now. I read a news article on her about a week ago. She underwent evaluation by four different psychologists, and they unanimously agreed that she was a girl trapped in a boys body. she’s already had the surgery, and quite frankly, she’s fucking adorable.

    Special Kail

    What’s the best part about plugging a 12 year old girl? turn her over and she’s a 12 year old boy! yay


    I want to say I’d hit it, but I probably wouldn’t.


    : Absolutely Yes. I thought she looked familiar. Whatever happened to Claire? They should bring her back.

    Teutonic Logic

    Howie Felthersnatch

    lol that is fucking funny


    JazzyJazzyJazzHands: can you tldr that?

    so heres a play by play of what went on in my head:

    but still im not qestioning my sexuality. shes still hot. but i already have my heart set on a german girl. <3
    so andthenjaredsaid: sauce?


    You’d never know if this wasn’t in the news.

    Just saying.


    Howie Feltersnatch:
    Holy shit, he’s done it again. Single-handedly owned a thread with a single comment. I salute you sir.


    Now that you mention it, yes. Also, she’s adorable.


    When you say “I believe 90 percent…do not regret it,” are you stating a random personal opinion without a source or credibility, or do you mean that you believe you saw on the Discovery channel that 90 percent, &c.?

    I don’t know if all this is limited to the last decade, the feeling that one is the wrong gender, but I don’t believe (personal opinion) that people know they’re the wrong gender from birth, or prior to adolescence. It seems suspicious to me that, with the expansion of the internet and a more liberal view in the media towards lesbian/gay/transgender sexualities, that 12 year olds would “know” what that they’re the wrong gender. If it was someone older, fine, but at that age, no—to me it sounds like the kid’s a bit emo and has been watching too much t.v., and may be susceptible to those influences. Granted the issue goes a lot deeper than that, but since it would normally be impossible to change one’s gender without science and pills, then I don’t subscribe to the view that nature gets it wrong—not that I want to open the hermaphrodite can o’ worms.

    If only the duck-billed platypus could take duck hormones and finally not look so effing weird.

    Whatever your nethers look like, they’re yours; love them.


    Tuetonic Logic: “I wish my people were not so embarrassing”

    Yeah, they should start a political party to bring back strong moral values to the German people. I mean, you are a proud people after all, so the party would definitely have to be nationalist. Hmmm, it’s about social values, so that makes it socialist. And really, what is Kim doing that is productive?? She’s not a worker. Yeah, it should definitely be a workers.

    Just don’t put some random irate, anti-semitic hobo in charge of it this time please!

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    rattybad: Studies show that less that 1% regret the decision to undergo male-to-female reassignment.
    Its not a snap decision. They have to undergo multiple psychological evaluations and spend quite a long time in the transition stages before final reassignment is done.

    Teutonic Logic

    I could barely discern the point from your rambling series of words. But just to placate your simple mind, yes all Germans (this includes ethnic germans lively outside Germany) want a new nazi party and they are driven to authoriatism by their inherent culture shortcomings (failure of the 1848 revolution, in which the intellectual moderates failed to achieve a political change from below utilizing the masses that would have allowed for a more even distrubtion of power). They are waiting to plunge Europe back into war.

    Germans are bad racist people who have been utterly reduced to an unthinking abject poverty following the second world war.

    Satsified? Did you get what you wanted?


    , from the special “Born the Wrong Gender”, unfortunately I didn’t remember the exact percentage, I just remember it was extremely high and in the 90s.


    I say kill it with fire and pretend such an embarrassment to live never existed, then go do the same to all other sex changes


    Hottest 12 year old boy evah


    “reassignment” <- I don’t know why but I’m LMAO on that word.


    Howie Feltersnatch: definately /thread. AWESOME.


    I`d like to meet this kid`s parents.I`m more curious about them.

    Gary Generic

    I wouldn’t hit it, but I might let it hit me.


    Vagina is vagina, after all…

    Gary Generic

    SteamUserNotSet: Actually, there’s a huge difference between vagina and inverted penis. I spent too much time learning how to work the Joy Button to throw it all away on one such as this.
    Nothing against her, or anything. I’m sure it would be a fun weekend, and I’d enjoy a girl who actually knew how to handle my stuff…
    Decisions, decisions…


    Huh… this doesn’t really bother me at all. I guess the “scrupulous about gender reassignment” part of my brain was forever destroyed by Famke Janssen in the second season of Nip/Tuck.




    Y Chromosome = MALE. We’re done.


    if it was born male, it doesn’t matter what it does in life, and regradless of the hormone treatments, its a MALE


    the problem is that gender and sex are not interchangeable. If you see sex as a physical (y/x chromosome thing) and gender as a social construct this all gets more complicated

    a messy but necessary step



    Teutonic Logic: “Did you get what you wanted?”

    Not really. Actually, I like the idea of a Nationalist Socialist Workers Party…I just don’t like the idea of an irate hobo (like Hitler) being in charge.


    transgenders are a drug you retard.

    this site has enough retards (see above comment) we don’t need any more. Go play in traffic. Blindfolded.


    It’s only gay if you look down.


    I’m not reading 30 plus posts just to see if I’m the first to say…




    She’s 16 now.

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