Awesome Pac-Man

By the lovely HappyToast:


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  • Bad Grammar Destroys Nations


    NSFW – UPS Package Deliver

    NSFW Packaging :


    Save The Planet


    LOL Chair


    Abortion Is Never Too Late


    abortion kills.  thats the fucking point

    American Soldier


    Kid on alligator

    Hint #27 that your parents didn’t really want you:

    Kid on croc

    broomrape lane street sign

    Who names these streets, anyways? I sure wouldn’t want to live there.


    Evolution of Britney Spears

    What’s sad is that I couldn’t even submit it to the “I’d hit it” contest.

    Evolution of Britney Spears

    Pyramid head helmet

    Pyramid head helmet

    I like the original better but one can’t be to picky when the clock is ticking.

    Plastic Bottles

    Please recycle.

    Depicts two million plastic beverage bottles, the number used in the US every five minutes.

    Snake Attack

    I don’t know where this is from, but it’s mighty cool.

    Snake Attack

    Riding a Beholder

    Just when you thought that Bear Cavalry was bad enough…


    Will it take off, R2?


    Andy Woerner and his crazy rocketeer friends have built a 21-foot long X-Wing model that can actually fly.

    More here

    NSFW – Rainbow Brite

    She’s all grown up… sniff…


  • The GOP Bus


    FYI… the Republican presidential candidates recently refused to hold a debate at a black university.

    Old D&D advertisement

    Don’t you wish that you could be this cool?


    NSFW – Dark Elf

    She’s a bad girl, I’m thinking.


    Odds of dying

    I want to be shot by a jealous husband when I’m 98 years old.


    Fall Bunny


    Fall Bunny


    Penis Bottle

    I wonder what’s in it?

    Nice Container

    How to speak english

    Learn the important words and phrases first.

    Fuck Basic

    Happy, Sad Sign

    Tram Is Happy!

    Sign Thief

    Hey, come back with that!

    Ultimate Monster Golf Cart

    That’s one sweet ride.

    ultimate golf cart

    Awesome Gamer’s Monitor

    You wouldn’t miss much with this monitor!

    Gamer's Monitor

    NSFW – Sexy Poppins

    Nothing is sacred:


    Harley and Batgirl

    Friends… like Xena and Gabrielle…

    Harley and Batgirl

    Run for your poopers!

    Run for your poopers!

    You can run…

    Animal Wut?

    I WOULDN'T hit it...

    Fiona’s Boobs

    Is this a threesome in the making? Disney could make a mint!


    Periodic Table of Condiments

    Pass the!

    Halo 3 Legendary Box Official Photos


    I’m going to buy this just for the box. Kinda like I wanted the Heineken keg can to display, although this is much cooler.

    More :


    Car Stereo System Diagram


    This is how you do it 😉

    McFarlane’s Halo 3 – Cortana Figure


    McFarlane's Cortana Figure


    You want it. Admit it.

    Strange Daredevil toy statue

    Strange Daredevil toy statue

    So he’s a gravehumper. Go figure.

    invisible president

    invisible president