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  • Donkey Kong’s Last Supper

    Misha-art-donkey-kong-last-supper.jpg (377 KB)

    From the amazing Misha.

    Killer Mine Sign

    illminesign.jpg (940 KB)


    This was taken on a mine field in afghanistan…creepy

    Giant Mekong Catfish

    GiantCatfish.jpg (215 KB)


    Fillet anyone?

    Turtle Chainsaw

    045.jpg (101 KB)


    Hey yall, chek out muh new chanesaw.

    Goatse Case Mod

    goatsemod.jpg (97 KB)


    I think we need a new “Goatse” category. Oh wait…no, nevermind.

    Camel Boots

    camelboot1zx4_2.jpg (34 KB)


    What more can be said?

    It’s FISH!

    fish026.jpg (192 KB)


    Happy fish too.

    Sniper Dog

    armydog2cs9.jpg (120 KB)


    Two woofs left, hold a woof high.

    Yes, I do

    yesidoB150.jpg (426 KB)


    A shirt graphic I made for a pregnant woman – to answer the age old question….. “got milk”?

    Maury Preggo Test

    maury.jpg (383 KB)


    Well, the shop job may not be the best but maybe someone else can do better.

    Rosy & Race

    rosyrace.jpg (587 KB)

    rosyhead2.jpg (449 KB)

    So I got ribbed for posting this one earlier with a terrible filter on it. FINE! Here’s the pic and another one.

    Site upgrade

    Ladies and Gentleme, MCS is now running WordPress 2.5

    You’ll see a little difference on the backend, but not much else is going to be different for your experience on the site.  I’m lucky in that I was able to get this done before I got too drunk tonight, which I’m just about to the point where clicking on my mouse is a confusing process.

    On a totally different subject, is anyone playing Tabula Rasa on the eastern server?  I bought it for 10 bucks from last week and I just started it, and would love to meet someone (ANYONE) in the game.  It’s fairly dead on there right now, which is a damn shame.  You get to shoot shit in it.

    If you see any bugs, or if anything scares you, please feel free to send me an IM or hit the IRC channel and complain about it.

    Coffee Art!

    image001.jpg (48 KB)


    image002.jpg (51 KB)


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    Atomic Tree

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  • LA Wankers

    wankers150.jpg (647 KB)


    Because I hate the Lakers

    jesus with dinosaur

    jesus.jpg (99 KB)

    Cow Has A Bad Day

    post-1207429518.jpg (29 KB)


    Or maybe it is having a good day?


    From Dark Roasted Blend.

    FSM creator

    how it was.jpg (53 KB)


    so THATS how it happened

    Marine Vs Ultralisk

    1207527598921.jpg (164 KB)


    Whens SC2 come out again?

    Rapture’s Location-bioshock

    Rapture picture and pic.JPG (104 KB)


    location of rapture.jpg (85 KB)


    The location of Rapture. For all you Bioshock fans.

    iHave the Power

    iMan.jpg (117 KB)

    He is AWESOME

    1207166605907.jpg (104 KB)


    he should name his son Starscream
    and like when his son looses a baseball game hell say “you failed me for the last time”

    Wikipedia Commons Picture of the Year

    Broadway_tower_edit.jpg (894 KB)


    Not would’ve been my #1 choice, especially after seeing this one:


    See the rest here…

    Pedo and Friends

    1198047325936.png (252 KB)


    I never realized Pedobear had so many damn friends.

    Fire cat – ouch?

    fire cat.jpg (100 KB)


    I dont think this is a repost, correct me if I’m wrong, but it still rocks.

    Polar Bear pool pony

    december_07_2_22.jpg (70 KB)

    Sick Cthulu Illustration

    cthulhu1.jpg (328 KB)


    Cthulu rendition by korintic, off Penciljack ( This is kinda sweet.

    Air Cooled Rig

    Air Cooled Madness.jpg (529 KB)

    A real sandwich.

    DSC_0003.JPG (155 KB)

    As promised, here is what a real sandwich looks like, not that so called “superior” sandwich posted earlier.

    Death Personified

    sugar.jpg (164 KB)

    Anton Chigurh from No Country for Old Men

    You can tell an ant on sugar “You don’t have to do this.”, but I doubt it will listen.

    You’re fat

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    you’re fat
    don’t try to sugar coat it because you’ll eat that too.

    Food Cake

    FoodCake.png (669 KB)

    This is the next step in our plans up here – Stealth Food.

    BIG Fish

    fishmetal.jpg (197 KB)

    Big Fish!

    Sitar Hero

    Sitar_Hero.jpg (425 KB)

    Sitar Hero

    Oh the Japanese

    believeinmeat.jpg (23 KB)

    Look up to find pedobear murdering Ronald McDonald.

    And horrible English translations! The multitude of the happy is being yours.

    Barcelona Torre Agbar

    Barcelona_Torre_Agbar_01b.jpg (952 KB)

    Barcelona Torre Agbar

    Julia Stiles – Open Top


    Steak and tomatoes


    kevin bacon in a sexy jacket


    jew cat


    I think this cat is jewish.

    Floating Bridge
