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  • Pretty Stormtrooper

    window.jpg (210 KB)

    us.jpg (1 MB)

    Stormtroopers in Love

    us.jpg (1 MB)

    Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

    1310837024004.png (987 KB)

    Nothing is sacred. Not even your womenfolk!


    GRERP.jpg (198 KB)

    river boat city

    o687339.jpg (1 MB)

    More Danielle from American Pickers

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    from her Facebook

    the elements

    o748218.jpg (184 KB)

  • Human hair necklaces

    hair-necklaces_001.jpg (984 KB)

    omg omg it itches, it itches so bad get it off

    Danielle from American Pickers

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    She also does Burlesque.

    The Leisure Dive

    leisure_dive1.jpg (941 KB)

    Planking is dumb. At least this requires some effort and skill.


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    something went wrong here..

    Luna Moth wallpaper

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    Adult Luna Moths don’t eat; in fact, they don’t even have a mouth. They only live for about a week, and their only purpose is to mate.

    LP wallpaper

    lp.jpg (1 MB)

    Welcome to the Chunkle

    pCU6Q.jpg (143 KB)

    Did Axl really get fat?


    shrooms.jpg (165 KB)

    or Stormtripper
    or Shroomtripper

    Piercer’s Wedding

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    Things to do with extra long condoms

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    Baby platypus

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    Obi-Wan Kebongi

    swwalp.jpg (215 KB)

    Daddy’s little girl

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    Garfield’s owner finally snaps

    grf.png (143 KB)

    oh, fuck.


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    Love panties

    b _32623_.jpg (51 KB)

    Why I masturbate at work

    masterbate98952.jpg (76 KB)

    Pissed off rescue owl

    Original.jpg (131 KB)


    Pavlov’s Dogs

    lUjKY.jpg (29 KB)

    ding ding ding…


    the-people-must-believe-that-they-are-not-manipulated-in-order-for-them-to-be-manipulated-effectively.jpg (187 KB)

    Tongued Tied

    n0k9n46330.png (216 KB)


    article-2011471-0CDEE2E700000578-366_964x894.jpg (96 KB)