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  • who’s the 1%

    1749_f1e6.png (74 KB)

    door holding game

    tumblr_lvogbuQq8n1qb5gkjo1_500.jpg (82 KB)


    Mechanical Christ

    234.jpg (340 KB)

    found jacko

    Michael.JPG (88 KB)

    still here.

    John “Skrull” Lennon

    John_L_Skrull_Sketch_001.jpg (157 KB)

    Forgot the artist…Byrne, perhaps?

    Gray heather

    grayheather.JPG (73 KB)

    Nebraska state capitol

    65520193334786649080.jpg (450 KB)

    I once SWORE this was some cgi from some game but no: real pic, real place.

    Sparkler message

    sparklercu_t.jpg (146 KB)

    Must be some sort of code…does “CUWT” mean anything…?

    You Guys Doing Any Hiring?

    0ccffa5f51174100030f6a706700a136.jpg (55 KB)

  • Kat Dennings

    kat-dennings-13089.jpg (348 KB)

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    Franklin & Peppermint Patty

    franklin.jpg (81 KB)

    Nolo contendre, if I’m accused of bald-faced trolling…and yet I’ll still put it to the m[c]s viewership: is Patty being racist?


    SOPA.jpg (326 KB)

    Here’s Google’s viewpoint on this. The link below takes you to a pdf version and a take action page where you can tell congress you oppose SOPA

    Weird abs

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    weirdabs2.jpg (23 KB)

    The hair doesn’t even come close.

    WoW kid

    WoWkid.gif (546 KB)

    Old, but still smirk-inducing.

    More Jamie Eason

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    mohr137g.jpg (27 KB)

    Bet she gives a killer hand job.

    Old Man’s War Project

    I loved the old man’s war series, and this dude did a bunch of concept art for it, in an unofficial manner…

    Finns win agin

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    Josefine Preuss

    Josefine Preuss.png (358 KB)

    laying back

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    Italian army

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    Reality on Demand

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    Reality On Demand follows four strangers who playtest a highly advanced virtual reality game that puts them into their favorite TV shows and movies.

    you people don’t understand

    agJxk.png (138 KB)

    ponies will never go away


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    nazi ponies