LEGO Star Wars 9492 TIE Fighter

LEGO Star Wars 9492 TIE Fighter
Behold, the standard fighter in the Emperor’s Navy! The TIE Fighter is back, and this time it includes a bunch of figures like the TIE Pilot, the Imperial Office, the new Death Star Trooper, and the new R5-J2. Build a squad of them and crush the Rebel Alliance! 413 pieces. Ages 8 to 14.

I own a version of the tie inteceptor in lego, but it didn’t come with any of those cool minifigs.

via LEGO Star Wars 9492 TIE Fighter – LEGO – Star Wars – Construction Toys at Entertainment Earth.

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  • Riddick 3: First Look At Vin Diesel as Riddick

    Betrayed by his own kind and left for dead on a desolate planet, Riddick (Diesel) fights for survival against alien predators and becomes more powerful and dangerous than ever before. Soon bounty hunters from throughout the galaxy descend on Riddick only to find themselves pawns in his greater scheme for revenge. With his enemies right where he wants them, Riddick unleashes a vicious attack of vengeance before returning to his home planet of Furya to save it from destruction.

    Technically, this is the fourth Riddick movies, but whatever, I’m psyched for it.


    New Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Action Figures Revealed

    Nickelodeon is releasing a new CG animated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles show later this year, and that of course means new toys.

    1 – These toys look awesome, exactly how I would like my TMNT items to look.
    2 – when I was much younger, 10 or 11, I had a TON of these guys, and was going over to a friends house to play with them and their own TMNT collection, there was a disagreement over who owned what, and some punches got thrown. Ultimately the cops showed up and everyone was all up in a tizzy over what I believe was Casey Jones action figure. I want to say this was my first brush with the law, certainly wasn’t my last…

    via Nerd Approved.

    Kong “Kardashian” & her dad

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    Now I see where the sexiness comes from.

    Shit Gamers Say To Their Girlfriends

    I would like to meet the girl bouncing on the bed. she’s got nice assets.

    Cardinal sin

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    …of pride, I would guess.

    Fractalackin IV

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    click here:

    click “like”

    last time I did this, MCS got an additional 100 people to like it.  I want over a thousand.  ONE THOUSAND.

    Make it happen people.

    The Unofficial Hunger Games Cookbook

    When it comes to “The Hunger Games, ” staying alive means finding food any way possible. Katniss and Gale hunt live game, Peeta’s family survives on the bread they make, and the inhabitants of the Seam work twelve-hour days for a few handfuls of grain. While the residents of the Capitol gorge themselves on delicacies and desserts to their hearts’ desire. And now you can share in some of these delicacies with The Unofficial Hunger Games Cookbook.

    The books were meh…but I could see the potential for a great movie in there, so I’m pretty pumped up for the theatrical release!

    via ThinkGeek

    Bread Sharing

    Lucky for the Son of God, bread had no DRM or copyright.

    via Nerf NOW!!

    Cyclopean things

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    Jurassic Park theme on a melodica

    wow, I couldn’t tell the difference at all!

    Uncle Phil

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    In his enclosure.

    Here are 2,000 ducks

    that’s a lot of duck.

    Sulfer Hexafluoride

    hard to tell if this is really an effect of the gas or just some clever audio dubbing…

  • Driving in Snow

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    Anger Management

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    Blood Drive

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    Nice Dress

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    Lucky Guy

    internet business

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    is fucking serious

    Slow internet

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    Frustrated lizard

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    Australia’s premier dark variety and horror burlesque show.

    Fractalackin III

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    Think Different

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    Space invaders

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    I hate babies

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    Clear Bubble Bed

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    Wanna go camping?

    The Dolphins are here.

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    Vagina tattoo

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    The lump in my pants

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    Sex as a weapon

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    Star Trek Season 1 in HD

    what do you think it’ll cost? $100 a season?

    Redbox refuses Warner Brothers

    Two years after bending to Warner’s demands and delaying its kiosk rentals 28 days in exchange for lower acquisition costs and a steady supply of Blu-ray discs, Redbox announced the agreement has expired. This comes as a result of Warner’s desire to extend the delay between the time movies are available for purchase to the time they can be rented in kiosks or by subscription to 56 days, and instead Redbox will go back to buying the studio’s movies at retail

    Nice to see that they’re pushing back against the insane stipulations of WB to not rent movies for 60 full days after it’s been released on the retail level. Of course, I’m using Netflix myself, so I have to wait up to a couple years to see the movies that I want to see, but I also have nearly 3,000 hours of entertainment queued up in there, I can stand to wait a wee bit longer than the average consumer.
    via Engadget.

    Ouija board FU

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    Amazing Time-Lapse Video Takes Fascinating Look at Very Large Array Radiotelescope

    Signal To Noise from Douglas Koke on Vimeo.

    Time-lapse footage taken at the Very Large Array (VLA) in Socorro, New Mexico; one of the largest Radio Astronomy Observatories in the world.

    Bungie handing over Halo community services to 343 in March

    As of March 31, 2012, Bungie will no longer host any Halo services on Current Halo data will be transferred to 343 and, at that time, “all live Halo data will be managed by 343 Industries, and Bungie will no longer be able to update game stats and player service records, to host new user generated content, or to operate the Bungie Pro service.” Using a peculiar bit of language, Bungie notes that “any replacement functionality” will be hosted by Halo Waypoint on

    Sad to see bungie moving on, but 343’s done pretty well so far, I’ve been fairly happy with the Halo Waypoint relaunch, and very happy with Halo Anniversary.

    via Joystiq

    Infinity pool 55 stories high

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    At three times the length of an Olympic pool and 650ft up, it is the largest outdoor pool in the world at that height.

    Read more:

    Fractalackin I

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    Baking cookies

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