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    shredder action baller

    shredder action baller

    awesome lumberjack

    awesome lumberjack


    comic shop bingo

    comic shop bingo

    Emma Watson

    Emma Watson

    Political Dangers

    Political Dangers

    the famous idaho potato tour

    the famous idaho potato tour

    feed me sluts

    feed me sluts

    I DO have time

    I DO have time

    did you know

    did you know

  • superman cake

    superman cake

    MAN in the 5th DIMENSION

    MAN in the 5th DIMENSION

    the planet earth

    the planet earth

    haters gonna hate

    haters gonna hate

    andy boot

    andy boot

    MCS on the Facebooks

    Just a heads up, MCS has has a facelift on facebook, in which I have included the new MCS background as the main image, as well as a new profile picture, which is very very white and very very minimal… What, you don’t see the new background on MCS? You can preview it on Facebook, but you should also do a hard refresh on MCS to see the new background image!

    Also, thank you to Ilya Shumanov for being the 800th person to like MCS on facebook. Hopefully by the end of the month we’ll be up to 1,000 facebook likes!  Please, for the love of god, please please please like me.  On facebook.

    Brownies on a stick

    Brownies on a stick

    sorry balloons

    sorry balloons

    6 monitor man

    6 monitor man

    fuck popcorn

    fuck popcorn

    jakop cevic breast cancers

    jakop cevic breast cancers

    Stylish Leather Couch

    Stylish Leather Couch

    Everybody is a genuis

    Everybody is a genuis

    the secret to happiness

    the secret to happiness

    cat x5

    cat x5

    Scumbag Prince

    Cat Boss

    Cat Boss

    vanessa hudgens

    vanessa hudgens

    a large gun

    a large gun