fuck you imma car

FU-imacar.gif (1 MB)

Looks like Hanna-Barbera work…what’s this from?

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  • Federation core ship

    trade-fed-core-ship.jpg (336 KB)

    Say what you will about the prequels; the scene where one of these gets shot down remains one my top 5 coolest Star Wars moments.

    New Trek uniform

    new-trek-uni.jpg (35 KB)

    Could be interesting in an oh-shit-the-artificial-gravity-failed scene.

    First Amendment

    1st_amendment.jpg (686 KB)

    Hope the fact that it looks like a grave marker isn’t portentous…

    Lip stud

    superlips.png (1 MB)

    Creepy gators fan

    creepy_florida_fan.gif (3 MB)

    Glam phone

    glamphone.jpg (103 KB)


    fixed_that_for_you.gif (798 KB)

    Travis Bickle

    bickle.gif (702 KB)

    …demonstrating old-school “boom-headshot” form.


    Disappointed In Halo 4? You’re Not Alone!

    I’m bitter about how much of a let down Halo 4 has been so far.

    1. Not much to talk about with music, it’s all generic, non-halo sounding.
    2. The standard assault rifle sounds off.
    3. The warthog sounds off.
    4. The warthog handled like shit, which is saying something, cause the original warthog was pretty loose with it’s steering. Now it feels like I’m ice skating with bowling balls.
    5. The story is horrible so far, half the time I feel like I have no clue what’s going on, and this is 5 hours in! They keep dropping names like they’re supposed to mean something (“oh the didect must be stopped or else the Librarian will awaken the construct”). I’m a pretty big Halo reader, and I know who all those people are in the expanded universe, but holy crap.
    6. Maybe Halo has the reverse problem of the Star Trek movies, where with Halo, all the evenly named ones suck monkey dick?

  • Ashley Wood’s Hell Spawn

    hellspawn_comic_cover_011_cl.jpg (94 KB)

    l.jpg (56 KB)

    I read the book.. i loved it.. i love the look of the whole thing

    Duck and Cover

    Duck_and_cover.gif (429 KB)

    Cause, you know… Nukes work that way

    Ernst Haeckel’s bats

    haeckelbats_50.JPG (425 KB)

    Those goddamned faces…


    handtasm.gif (439 KB)

    Friggin’ Minecraft

    klk6-f4rS0i8_GL4Z1rpeg2.jpg (57 KB)

    it’s pretty cool…

    Judge Death

    GD_Judge_Death_Small.jpg (247 KB)

    Death Rider

    150900_v1.jpg (35 KB)

    This is from World war 1 i believe.. i could be dead wrong, either way it’s pretty badass

    WTF cat

    z9P4igMnH0GKsScbWvmQgg2.jpg (41 KB)

    My guess is that the cat stumbled upon some shock sites

    Do we have a new President yet?

    Everyone’s calling it for Obama, but there’s been no concession speak from Romney yet.

    Edit: Yes we do. The same one we had yesterday.


    Yes… Yes it is.

    wizardwhale.jpg (16 KB)

    Just a random thing

    lovely bones

    bones.jpg (177 KB)


    Jengenritz-2.gif (140 KB)

    Jengenritz.jpg (68 KB)

    Late for the self-pic thing, but here’s me anyway…

    Rapt Contemplation

    RaptContemplation.JPG (456 KB)

    wondering why I didn’t post early enough to make it to the MCS 2012 yearbook. :\


    82886980.jpg (87 KB)


    unsc spartans

    unsc spartans

    Master Chief Coffee

    Halo-Morning-Coffee.jpg (50 KB)

    wish is was higher res, but Halo 4 dropped today so wtf not.

    halo – ring city

    halo - ring city