Disappointed In Halo 4? You’re Not Alone!

I’m bitter about how much of a let down Halo 4 has been so far.

  1. Not much to talk about with music, it’s all generic, non-halo sounding.
  2. The standard assault rifle sounds off.
  3. The warthog sounds off.
  4. The warthog handled like shit, which is saying something, cause the original warthog was pretty loose with it’s steering. Now it feels like I’m ice skating with bowling balls.
  5. The story is horrible so far, half the time I feel like I have no clue what’s going on, and this is 5 hours in! They keep dropping names like they’re supposed to mean something (“oh the didect must be stopped or else the Librarian will awaken the construct”). I’m a pretty big Halo reader, and I know who all those people are in the expanded universe, but holy crap.
  6. Maybe Halo has the reverse problem of the Star Trek movies, where with Halo, all the evenly named ones suck monkey dick?

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    nobody is sucking my dick


    I’m not as far into the game as you are (probably around 2 hours) but I’ve been impressed with everything so far. I like the improvements to the few weapons I’ve wielded so far, and the assault rifle actually sounds as powerful as it should be (and believe it is). Warthog control may be more loose than I remember but manageable. I haven’t paid much attention to soundtrack and not very far into the story. Probably because im just hypnotized by the graphics and snappy controls. In general the reviews are very positive. Too much hype? If 4 is pissing you off, put an hour back into 3. 3 feels broken compared to anything released after.


    Did you have ODST? The color pallet was basically black and gun metal.


    I haven’t played campaign yet but I’ve logged 6 hours of matchmaking and done the Spartan Ops missions.

    Like you, I have read all the books except the most recent one.

    I think this may be an issue of expectations-not-living-up-to-hype. I’m such a Halo fanboy, though.

    I have enjoyed every Halo game that has come out. All of them. Every single one. This will be no exception.


    Will have to tend to agree with you on some points tiki. The MP is good, and I don’t mind the sound of the weapons, but they sound off because the reworked all the sounds in the game. The controls feel fine, the graphics look great, the new weapons feel good and make you want to use them.

    Now the bad things. The story feels weak, and I’m about 7 hours in so far. The music is really bad. Halo music use to be so good it could pick you up and move you through emotions that it created. I don’t want to insult the composer of the music in Halo 4, but it feels jerky, and repetitive. Which is to bad, because for me it really takes me out of the game. It may not for others, in fact they may love the new music, but I do not.

    Another sound problem for me is the reworking of grunt, and elite sounds. I miss the scared little grunts that would use broken english.

    The final problem I have is the AI is down stupid. Making the game very easy. To many times I can just sit back at range and kill most all enemies and they mostly just stand there and die.

    I’ll reserve final judgement for when the credits roll. Most of the things just annoy me. I’m in the camp with rsixidor. There hasn’t been a Halo game that I didn’t enjoy either, I hope this one ends up being the same.


    the “wort wort wort” IS classic. Kinda reminds me of the Swedish chef.
    and the grunt’s “We’re all gonna DIE!”


    Yep exactly, or if the grunts kill you they yell out, “I want his helmet” haha or “I killed him it was me”


    I could have sworn I heard a grunt talking about the Demon in the third level.


    Most likely because they are not known of The Demon plus they are not allied with the humans unlike the rest of the elites, this Covenant fleet were probably sent out to discover the other sacred rings and ran into “that really big thing”

    But yea its a real letdown of the grunt and elite signature dialouges, and i did miss the carbine shot sound they never changed it from 2 – ODST


    No, this group definitely has knowledge of humans. It’s a splinter faction that developed after the events of Halo 3, IIRC. It hasn’t said that in the story yet, but one of the first things Chief says is, “they seem more fanatical.” I’m not sure why he said that as I didn’t get any evidence of it.


    Well people and aliens can get pretty fanatic when it comes to religon


    You are right about that, they just hadn’t done anything at that point that should have caused MC to say that. It was literally as soon as you start moving around on the Forward unto Dawn.


    I noticed the same thing and said WTH to myself as well. Likely this game was pushed out.. it really needed a few more months to polish it up and fix minor problems like that. All we can hope for now is they will take the feed back, and not make the same mistakes again.


    I’m right there with you Tiki. I blasted through the entire campaign yesterday just to be done with it. ODST and Reach switched the game-play up a little bit, but now we’re back to running around Forerunner structures pushing buttons.

    All the new sounds for the weapons is off-putting. The music is bland. The Covies have been stripped of all personality. There feels like way too much Mass Effect influence with the Promethians and everything looks like Tron. And for as much noise was made about the SPRTAN IVs, they’re barely in the campaign at all.

    But the worst part has to be the game-play of the ending levels. We get a flying stage, but instead of dogfighting it’s an aggravating “Airstrike Impossible” (look it up on TV Tropes), more of fighting some guys to push a series of buttons, and the big finish…a “Press X to not die” quick-time event. Thank a pant-load 343. I want Bungie back 🙁


    thanks for the tiny spoiler, dick.


    At least he didn’t give you the tiny dick.


    biggest problem? credit limit in multiplayer.


    I reached XP limit the first day. 6.75 hours that day, should have been around 15 hours if it weren’t for all the matchmaking issues.


    Alright, now that I’ve finished the campaign I do have some complaints, but most of them are about the ending. Fuck me. The story of the ending was fine, the way the game play ended was terrible.

    The music could have been better, but it could have been a hell of a lot worse. They should have tried to get the guy that did the other Halos, no matter the cost. I think he said no, though.

    I wanted to fly the Pelican more. The Broadsword not being able to roll was dumb. I guess it made since because you aren’t dog-fighting? Whatever that could have been worse.

    There were two instances in the game where I was like, WTF Star Wars? (One was music, one was gameplay.)

    I will have to go through on Legendary at least once. Perhaps it will at least be challenging, but some of my buddies blew through it even on L. Oh well, the multiplayer is a fucking blast and Sparta Ops is very fun. I won’t stop playing this for awhile.


    If you want it to be challenging, why not LASO ?


    I will, eventually.


    You’re a madman. A MADMAN I SAY!

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