da_fuq.gif (484 KB)

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  • Pope Killin’ a Dragon

    sylvester-dragon-banco.jpg (88 KB)

    Pope Sylvester I

    So let me ask you atheist libtards a question. If religion never happened, then where the hell are all the dragons?


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    JGL works out.

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    Reddit. Photoshopbattles. Enough said.

    Rier Valley

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    Concept Car

    ford-concept-car-sketch.jpg (209 KB)


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    Jet Bike

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    Bone Yard

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    The Sloths

    sloths-party-008-02282013.jpg (336 KB)

  • Cara Delevingne

    Cara_Delevingne_Victorias_Secret_Fashion_Show.jpg (264 KB)

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    VERY purple

    James Dean

    James-Dean.jpg (31 KB)


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    Furrowed brow

    furrowd.jpg (244 KB)

    Chinese placenames

    chinese_placenames.png (615 KB)

    I’m taking the accuracy of all this on faith.

    Water fortresses

    Fort_Boyard.jpg (4 MB)

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    Just finished reading “World War Z”; the notion of zombies being able to cover distances underwater was a new one for me.

    I’d go with the last for overall effectiveness against a subsurface zombie horde –although it’d be mitigated by the need for a helicopter just to access it.

    Future Car

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    I need to build one of these….

    With all the gun crazy shit going on, tell me your gun experiences

    So the left AND the right have been going ape shit crazy since the Newtown shootings. I’ve been shooting rifles and pistols for a few years now and don’t fear guns as much as many lefties seem to, so tell me, what experiences have you guys had with guns?

    How would you describe an “assualt rifle”. This is a phrase that I giggle at every time I see it due to how ridiculous it sounds.

    Multiple Mi-Go

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    More related to “The Whisperer in Darkness”:

    Movie Mi-Go

    The Whisperer in Darkness – 2011

    Half Price

    Half-Price.jpg (28 KB)

    King Sloth

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    Superman trolls American Indians

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    I think the art’s from an actual cover, unaltered.


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    Autumn Road

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    Mountain Lake View

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