With all the gun crazy shit going on, tell me your gun experiences

So the left AND the right have been going ape shit crazy since the Newtown shootings. I’ve been shooting rifles and pistols for a few years now and don’t fear guns as much as many lefties seem to, so tell me, what experiences have you guys had with guns?

How would you describe an “assualt rifle”. This is a phrase that I giggle at every time I see it due to how ridiculous it sounds.

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    I can tell you from personal experience that my Glock-17 probably saved my life (and my wife with me)about six months ago. A man attempted to rob us in my car. He was entirely unprepared to be face to face with the muzzle of my weapon. He threw his hands in the air and cried “NoNoNoNoNo!” I let him run away.

    As for “assault weapons,” I own two guns that would fall into Feinstein’s category. I don’t see a problem with them. Their role in homicide in America is so small it’s not even a whole tenth of a percentage point. They exist to help peoples resist crime, tyrannical governments, and to harvest game. As long as the person who might be sent to arrest me because I got put on a list somewhere (possibly for exercising other liberties) can possess such an instrument, I believe it is my right to possess an equal means to protect myself.

    I can already hear the howling of the rest of the internet, calling me paranoid, jumping the gun to label me a racist, etc. I’ll clarify. I’m not talking about our current government (although that same government burned about 80 people in a farmhouse). I’m talking about a future government we have not yet seen, and therefore not able to predict as far as 100 years into the future. Not worried yet? How about an evangelical theocracy that executes people for possessing contraceptives or being gay? How about a catastrophic failure of civil order based on an economic collapse? The future is fluid, and the past is loaded with examples of all of this, and worse. Given that, I cannot support any law that renders the electorate helpless.


    I have a carry permit, and wear my weapon everywhere it is legally possible to do so. I see it not only as a right, but my duty as a loving husband and future father.


    I take the exact same stance (see my longer entry below). I have taught my fiancee proper gun safety and in addition to my carry weapon which goes with me wherever it can legally, she has access to my mossberg 500 if she would have to defend herself, her kids, or our home while I’m not there. She will have her carry permit soon and we will be taking multiple classes on home defense, general shooting techniques and defense outside the home.


    Extremely well said sir.


    Guns represent the worst possible fear for a leftie. Not the idea that someone else might use a gun on them (you’re 100 times more likely to die in a car crash than by gunshot), but the idea that their own survival might be on their own hands. They fear that they will rightfully be regarded as worthless cowards if a thief breaks into their house to steal their stuff and threaten their family and all they did was to hide under the bed hoping for Mommy Government to come and save them.

    The very existence of guns is contrary to the leftie belief that all problems that require any actual effort to solve should be solved by Mommy Government.

    fracked again

    That is so cute. You think you could resist a tyrannical government.


    Thanks. Valuable input.


    fracked again

    lol. Whatever, Deadpool.


    Look up the American Revolution, Viet Nam war for just two examples of locals resisting a much more powerful military force. Happens throughout history. Some times the rebels/revolutionaries win and sometimes the military powerhouse wins.


    I don’t have to resist the whole Government.

    Just the parts that get close enough to cause harm to me and mine.

    Generally that harm is within shooting distance.


    my boyfriends best friend has a permit and a bunch of guns…took us to a shooting range and showed us about gun safety and how to shoot and what not… got to shoot a .22, a 50cal, and a really big one we rented (dont ask me i dont remember what it was)… i almost got knocked on my ass from the big one and since i was wearing a v neck shirt, a casing from the .50 landed on my chest and another on my neck, but it was cool and i look at guns differently now. That is my only personal experience with guns 🙂


    My gun experiences: I’ve never seen a working firearm in the hands of anyone other than police officers. Boring, eh?


    I live in a country that has reasonably tight gun control – hand guns are pretty much impossible to get and you need a licence to own any sort of gun. That said, it’s a rural based economy and most farmers would have a shot gun and/or rifle and there are plenty of people with hunting rifles.

    Our police force do not carry side arms, although most squad cars carry lock boxes with weapons.

    Because guns are hard to obtain there is not much of a black market so guns are seldom used in crimes. I have never owned a gun, and have never felt the need for one. I’m glad of this.

    My own experience of guns: I have never fired a hand gun. I first fired an air rifle in my teens, and have done so often since, both target shooting and bird hunting. I have been hunting once with a .22 and done target shooting once with a .372.

    I know the situation we have here would not work everywhere, especially the USA.


    I grew up around guns and have been firing them since I was about five. My dad collected guns and hung out with other people who collected guns, so I’ve gotten to fire a huge amount of various types from tiny handguns to a mounted .30 cal machine gun. I’ve always enjoyed shooting, but it was always drilled into me that guns were not toys and if you point a gun at someone and pull the trigger the consequences will be dire. Oddly enough, none of the guys my dad hung out with felt the need to carry a gun with them everywhere they went. Most of them, my dad included, kept a pistol in their vehicles. My dad called his “the Bandito Zapper.” Off the wall as most of those guys were considered back in the day (my dad died in 2001), I don’t recall any of them being as extreme as some of the gun owners today. None of those guys thought it would be a good idea to carry assault rifles to an Obama speech or keep a gun on their hip 24/7. They all felt guns had an undeserved bad reputation and tried to not go out of their way to make it worse. In fact, my dad once told me if I wanted to kill someone to use a bow and arrow since guns already had a bad enough reputation.

    When my dad died I inherited his gun collection. Gave the full autos to a friend of his with the correct licensing, sold most of the others and kept the ones I wanted. They’re all safely locked up right now, although I need to get them out and clean and oil them so I can teach my son about shooting.


    I grew up in a very rural part of the USA. There were always guns in the house – locked in a cabinet, but with the key in a known location at the other end of the room. My father didn’t hunt much, but I had a number of aunts and uncles that did. Most of Dad’s guns were inherited, so he didn’t use them much – they were more heirloom pieces. The two guns that saw a lot of use were the revolvers, which were used to kill the cattle and pigs that we slaughtered – one bullet to the head, from about two inches away. So I never saw guns as a toy, only a tool.


    I have 2 shotguns and 3 rifles
    love hunting and target shooting. I live in SWNY and only 400 people in the village, i’d say over 90% have guns, stupid cuomo is making “assault weapons” illegal, if it has a pistol grip then it’s not allowed ( a brick can be an assault weapon) and only allowed to have 7 rounds in a mag. He needs to go


    I saved 12 people from a mentally unstable guy that showed up at the animal rescue I was working at. He pulled a shotgun out of his truck, and started yelling that we had his horse, and he was there to take it back. Actually, animal control had removed the horse because it was nearly starved to death. I drew my handgun, told him to stop where he was. He swung around to aim at me, and I double tapped him, just like I had been trained. Spent the day at the police station, and was let go with no charges. The news wasn’t interested because a gun was used for good, and the body count wasn’t high enough, I guess.
    I carry everywhere, and I carry a backup. If a store has a no handguns sign in the window, I refuse to shop there.


    Why so many downvotes on a totally legitimate use of a firearm by a law abiding citizen to protect himself and others? It doesn’t make any sense to me.


    I guess I should have let the guy blast away until the police got there. Considering the remote location in a very rural environment, we would have had a 45 minute wait in good weather.


    Many on the left wold prefer to see a dead victim or victims rather than a dead criminal as it does not support their view that ordinary people are not capable of defending themselves utilizing a weapon. And that the only option is to wait for the police to arrive.


    What’s really great about this story is that the guy you killed was likely just as pro-gun as most of the folks posting in this thread.

    Too bad about his horse.


    Your comment makes no sense. Criminals tend to be pro gun, because it makes their job easier.
    The discussion is controlling guns for law abiding citizens.
    Are you trolling me because I actually did defend myself within the law?


    You say I make no sense, then agree with what I said.

    What part are you having trouble with?


    I’d love to see the census that told you criminals are pro gun. Isn’t it true that guns make their job harder/riskier?


    Criminals, in general, are pro-gun control for the simple fact that it disarms potential victims and the criminals will continue to use firearms, other weapons or simply physical force. A young strong criminal is physically more than a match for just about any woman older person, male or female, and even most young , fir males, since the criminals are prepared to use violence whereas normal people are unprepared to use violence. Firearms equalize everyone a 100 pound woman or an 85 year old man can defend themselves against a 200 pound thug. Take away the firearm and those people are essentially helpless.


    I’ve been around guns since I can remember. I have memories of going to the range with my dad and shooting his M1 car. I was taught gun safety since I can remember as well. And as such I treat firearms as they should be treated by anyone who owns them.

    As for what I own now. I have a Ar15, a Ruger P89, and a Glock 36. I also have an assortment of old single shot long guns. I have a CWP, and carry the G36 everyday where I’m legally able to carry.

    As for my mentality on carrying a firearm. I do so to protect myself, and anyone else I may come across who finds themselves in a life threatening situation in which a police officer is to far away to render help. Because I carry I also find I get myself out of situations that could turn violent more, then before I carried. Point in fact. Our family owned a trucking company. It just recently went out of business after my dad died of cancer. I worked at the business as a mechanic. A weekend only about a month ago I was going in to work on a reefer unit when I guy we knew, and a family member of his was at the shop working on pallets. They didn’t expect me to be there, and as I was pulling into the gate I saw from under a trailer that was on the pad by the shop one of them grab a wheel barrel, and run with it around the shop. I got out, and I had my kid with me in the car and I left him there as I checked out what was going on, and to look at a reefer unit that was on a pallet by the shop I was going to get parts off of. That is when the guy we knew pointed out that copper on the unit had been cut off. That is when the pieces clicked. I could A) go find the wheel barrel, and thus find all the copper he had just removed from the unit and put myself in a situation where this guy, and his family member who would not like to go to jail may assault me, and even put my kid at risk, or B) play dumb and leave. I’m armed they are not, but it meant that I may have to shoot and kill them both if they attacked me. I chose option B.

    As for “assault rifle” being applied to describe an Ar15. That just makes me laugh. Assault rifles have been banned for the general public a long time. What an assault rifle is for anyone who doesn’t know. It is a select fire rifle. Meaning you can toggle the fire arm to fully automatic, or burst fire. Meaning a single trigger pull will cause the rifle to continue firing till you release the trigger. An Ar15 or any modern simi auto firearm fires only one bullet per trigger pull. To call an Ar15 an “Assault rifle” just shows lack of knowledge about fire arms, or an attempt to demonize the Ar15 as something it is not.

    In summation. I own guns, I carry guns, and I hope to never have to use them. But I will if it is my family, or my life in a situation that can’t be escaped from.


    I was brought up with a very anti-weapons mentality first and foremost. As a child, I wasn’t allowed toy guns (a single exception in the mid 90’s was coerced out of my mother at the expense of several days worth of childly tears. It merited me a cap pistol that broke after one day of playing). I still failed to regard weapons as intrinsically bad. In all fairness, my mother dating a gentleman who shot clay pigeons for sport didn’t help.

    It wasn’t until December 2011 that I fired an actual gun (25 gauge shotgun, I think). It was at a friend’s estate (he too likes to shoot clay pigeons on occasion). He gave me some gun safety rules, many of which I already knew about, and the day went without incident.

    However, bear this in mind: because I never took to my mother’s fundamentally anti-gun policy, I took to the gun safety rules relatively easily. Another friend of mine who was shooting for the first time that day too took much longer to assimilate the same rules, and even when she had them down, she still chose not to respect some of them (namely, open your breech when you’re not ready to shoot, even if you have no ammunition loaded) because “if you have no ammunition, then you can’t do any damage anyway, so there’s no point” (I disagree).

    I still don’t own a gun and I don’t plan to acquire one, but having seen responsible gun owners carry and use their guns safely, I can’t really adopt an anti-gun posture; I can only urge gun owners to mind their own safety and that of others where their weapons are concerned (I understand most of them do already, which is nice).

    Up until now, I didn’t know the meaning of the phrase “assault rifle” was under contention. I always thought that a rifle was any firearm with a rifled barrel (as opposed to a carabine, which has a smooth barrel), and that an assault rifle was any rifle that could be made to fire repeatedly with a single pull of the trigger. Personally, I can’t think of a reason for a private citizen to own one such weapon, but I think it would be an infringement of one’s civil liberties to outright disallow possession of such weapons. That said, I would have to be in favour of heavy control over private ownership of assault rifles (as I have defined them, in case that’s not the correct definition of an assault rifle).

    Most importantly, I can see by the comments of gun owners here that even though they own and carry firearms, they aren’t the violent gunslingers that some anti-gun activists would have me believe that they are.

    So, long story short, I think it is in everyone’s best interest that an organ of government keep track of which weapons are owned by civilians, but also that civilians should be allowed their guns, whether they’re hunting rifles, shotguns, handguns or multi-barrel rotary machine guns, so long as they’re responsible adults who wouldn’t use them with ill intent.


    I very much appreciate your presentation of the non-firearm-owner but firearm-respecting person’s viewpoint. I’m glad that the only people voicing support for 2nd amendment rights aren’t those who own firearms.

    I would like to point out something in relevance to your “assault rifle” comments. You are correct in your definition of them in that to be consider such they must be capable of fully automatic fire. Semi-automatic firearms (defined by the media and democrats as assault weapons) aren’t actually assault weapons. As to your assertion that true assault weapons shouldn’t be readily available, they’re actually not. In 1986 laws were passed that prohibited civilians from buying or owning fully automatic weapons newer than that year in manufacture. You can purchase one made in or before 1986, however it involves a $200 fee, extreme background checking past normal firearms purchase processes, and any gun that would fit the category is extremely highly priced. Such that most are $5,000+ if not $10,000+. This is because the year restriction places an extreme limit on supply. The chance of someone obtaining one of these weapons through the legal channels, spending all that time and money to commit a crime with them is either abysmally small or non-existent. The 1986 law I’m referencing is here in greater detail:

    Somewhat amusing is it’s name, which seems to me a misnomer. The overview of the process for obtaining the ability to purchase such a firearm:

    Details from ATF (form number is wrong at ehow but it’s a good summary):

    Price guides for these automatic firearms backing up my listed ones:


    As a kid my father had an assortment of revolvers and hunting/plinking rifles. We spent a lot of time with ATVs out in the SoCal deserts so we had plenty of room to plink soda cans. In the early 2000’s a manager at my employer heard about a training class and I joined him for a day at the range. We continued to train with that school for a number of years, eventually becoming staff and in turn help teach the new folks who came to this school. The paradigm shift came when one of took a course with Sabre Tactical under Commander Paul Castle. The system he developed gave an instant advantage to close quarter combat, the situation most of us would experience defending a home/business or being holed up in a vehicle. We flew him out to California and trained under him, learning his system (Known as Center Axis Relock, or C.A.R. for short). I believe we are the only school in California, possibly the west coast, that is certified by Paul to teach the C.A.R. system. I have a great time meeting new people in these courses, and the feedback we get really makes the day worthwhile. In all the years I have been teaching/training I have never had to use these skills to defend myself, though I have “made-ready” a couple times due to things like trashcans knocked over on the side yard. The school itself has been in operation for over 20 years. In that time, among thousands of students being trained (roughly 100 per month) there has been a total of two “training-related” injuries. Both were when a finger was on the trigger when holstering. On the upside, we are aware of multiple instances where former students successively defended their home/family from an intruder, including detaining and placing under citizen arrest until LE could arrive. She came back to the school and explained how her training just “kicked in”.
    An article on a class was posted recently, checkout page 12-13 here…

    As far as my take on “Assault” weapons… I see no differences in dangers or safety between a mini-14 VS an AR-15. No real difference between a mossberg 500 VS a semi-auto benelli with a pistol grip. A 6-shot revolver can be far more dangerous than a glock with 17 rounds. The difference is based on who is in control. I am a strong believer in the right to bear arms. I am a strong believer that with training anyone can be effective with any firearm, from your 12-gauge down to a .380 pocket pistol. A right-minded citizen with good cause and good training can better protect themselves and their family than a carload of cops. I do not wish to bash on all L.E., but we all saw the spray-and-pray on the ladies’ blue Tacoma when they were looking for Dorner’s grey Nissan.
    Be it with my school or another, I highly recommend training. It really makes the difference as to which side of the muzzle the dangers are on.

    One final note… for those who are unable to obtain a permit to carry (specifically CA, I do not know all the laws for other states)… having a firearm locked in a container is considered “transporting”. You may have an unloaded firearm and a charged magazine within the same locked container. That container can be under the car seat, in a backpack, pretty much anywhere save for glove box. They say you must be transporting for specific reasons, i.e. home to range, or work etc. however there really isn’t any way to prove or dive into if you were going to/returning from a range, home etc. It take seconds to open a locked case, slap/rack and ready to roll. This allows most of us to have a weapon at the ready without dealing with CCW permits. Case in point, I was stopped for a moving violation. I declared to the officer I had a weapon and magazine locked in a case, and that it was being transported, not conceal carry. I also keep printouts of the penal codes in case they employ trickery. He wasn’t thrilled with the idea, but had no ability to confiscate my weapon.
    That’s about all I have for now. Shoot safe!


    After a lecture about always paying attention to which way the barrel is pointed and always assuming the gun is loaded, my first time squeezing a trigger was lethal to the gopher I was aiming at. I was 8 years old. Twenty five years later, I can’t even begin to contemplate how many thousands of rounds I’ve fired since then… be it plinking with .22’s, shooting silhouettes at the range with pistols, training and qualifying with several different automatic weapons as a young enlistedman, zeroing rifles at the range, shooting clay pigeons, or hunting pheasants, turkeys, deer, and elk…

    I hope my sons get to grow up the same way I did, in regard to firearms; they’re off to a good start already. I started them both shooting younger than I did, but I also made them memorize and recite gun safety rules before each was ever allowed to handle his .22’s for the first time. Hunting and target shooting are some of our favorite things to do as a family.

    Today, I own 4 handguns, 2 shotguns, and 12 rifles of various calibers and actions. Each is a little different from the rest, some are flashy, some are bland. I submitted a picture of my “black guns” to a gun page on facebook, so they could post it for me to show off my goods anonymously. Through all of the thousands of likes and dozens of comments the pic received, I really wanted to chime in with the fact that the half of my collection not shown is what really does all the work. Spills blood. Takes moving targets at long distances. Fills the freezer every fall. Fires projectiles large and fast enough to kill any animal in North America. Yet they all look so plain and non-threatening: wood stocks, few accessories besides an optic and a sling, bolt action, pump action, or break open/single shot.

    So the guns shown in the fb picture were either for show, for fun, or for home defense. (I’ve never been deployed to a war zone nor had to use a firearm in self defense yet, thankfully.) Does that mean I shouldn’t be allowed to own them? I don’t think that’s anyone else’s business. While 2 of my rifles resemble weapons I’ve handled in military service, they aren’t quite the same; they’re not true assault rifles if I can’t hold down the trigger to light up a target vehicle or area with a spray of lead. The prevalent media/politician definition of assault rifle that focuses on appearance rather than function is just plain crazy. Heck, measuring on appearance alone, a .22 belonging to my son would be included in an assault rifle ban after the stock upgrade I gave to it.


    Never owned, fired or even held a gun. Never felt the need either, and I’ve been in some pretty rough places.

    If it makes you feel safer then I have no problems about folks owning a gun. I dont really see the need for what people are classing as assault weapons, to be held by private individuals though.

    I would like to see National Service, that way we can make sure people understand and have a heathy respect firearms.

    Just my opinion you understand.


    10 Years in the Military and my Firearm just became another piece of kit that could never be clean enough for inspection.

    Now that I am long out of the forces I am saving up for a Sig P229.

    I notice that a lot of people posted their experiences with firearms here without any political commentary and still got down voted. Seems silly to downvote someones experiences in this case…

    Robert Spam

    Little road rage incident. Guy blocked my car with his and got out. When he walked to my window, I held up my pistol shaking like a leaf but never pointed it at him or fired. The thought of what would actually happen if I shot a guy that turned out to be unarmed frightens me to this day.

    Never the less, he followed me to work where I was arrested for having a gun and pulling it on someone. Lost my job that day too. I was lucky I could find someone to bail me out as I was living away from home.

    Having a pistol didn’t ruin my life but came damn close.

    Haven’t carried since then and after looking at the statistics, don’t really feel the need to either.

    Have since married a Brit who is REALLY anti-gun. At her prompting, I’ve looked at the stats and found having a gun in the house is a bad idea, especially a pistol.

    My personal opinion is get rid of the hand guns but keep the long guns and shotguns. Limit everything to six shots before a reload is needed.


    If you were arrested for just having the gun, you weren’t carrying it legally in the first place. That part is totally your own fault and avoidable.


    You would have been much better ff getting your ass beat by the road rage idiot?


    I’ve grown up around guns somewhat. From cub/boy scouting to my dad having a scoped bolt action .22 LR and a 12 gauge pump. I’ve had my concealed carry permit for nearly 5 years now although I’ve only starting carrying everywhere it’s legal to do so in the last 8 months. My fiancee is getting her permit very shortly for which I am grateful as myself and my firearm cannot be with her every time she leaves the house. I have a Mosin-Nagant, TT-33 Tokarev, Mossberg 500, and I’m just about done building an AR-15.

    As far as “assault weapons” I don’t think it’s a proper term at all for two reasons:
    1) Assault is an action, not a object, and most anything can be used to assault someone. So the use of a firearm determines the definition more than it’s look or accessories.
    2) The liberal/leftist idea of polymer instead of wood furniture, or a collapsing stock instead of a fixed one or many of the other accessories to firearms that they demonize changing the function of a firearm is ridiculous. The bolt, action, barrel, caliber, all are unchanged when you change the cosmetic features of the firearm around it.

    If any firearm can be considered an assault weapon, it’s one that is fully automatic (aka the military versions). This video does a good job at showing the difference since liberal media likes to show fully automatic weapons while talking about banning semi automatic ones: www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8YuPPWuGW8

    This one also shows the switching of accessories on a gun and that it’s basic function doesn’t change, just it’s appearance: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ix_ed4YxUT8

    “High capacity magazine” is also a misnomer. 30 round magazines are the standard designed capacity from decades ago when the guns being disputed were originally designed. Anything below it is reduced capacity. Above 30 is actually high capacity.


    Two things, first, to the guy who thinks the idea of resisting a tyrannical government is “cute,” currently about a third of our population in this country is armed. That’s a third of 313,914,040, or roughly 104,000,000, making for what generally works out to the worlds largest potential standing army (compare, for instance to Russia, currently the worlds largest, with 1,027,000 active troops).

    Secondly, and more to the point, this entire debate boils down to the question of whether government should have an exclusive monopoly on deadly force. Based on historical examples, that course is the road to disaster. I realize it’s been running around the internet as a meme, but it really struck me. “I saw a movie where only the police and the military had guns. It was called Schindler’s List.” I cannot think of a situation where having only governments and criminals with access to modern arms is anything but an abysmal idea.

    fracked again

    Grow some balls and don’t be anonymous. I promise, Obama won’t come for you in the night. (BTW, learn how the respond button works) Gun laws were loosened for everybody but Jews and Gypsies in Nazi Germany, despite what you might have heard.

    I am a gun owner. But I’m not a paranoid whackjob that fantasizes he can be Rambo.


    It’s not fear or reprisal, I just don’t have the sort of ego where I comment enough to justify either my name, or putting up a cute photo. I’m sorry if this denies you the opportunity to harass me on a more personal level. I apologize if I don’t spend enough time here to automatically hunt down a “respond” button. I have a life. I honestly don’t know if you do or not, but I can tell you have mistaken contempt and sarcasm for rational discourse. You also seem very willing to write off people who disagree with you as “idiots” or “paranoid.” I suppose it’s my personal quirk, but I tend to regard people who jump to ad hominem, as people who have already lost an argument and are grasping at whatever straws they can find.

    I’m particularly disturbed at how you seem to feel that people who disagree with you should be the first on the list to be disarmed. Maybe that’s my interpretation, but it seems to be where you’re going with this.

    You’re ALMOST right about the origin of the term Assault Rifle. It actually started in 1944 with the StG-44 Strumgewehr. It was so named by the leader of that country at the time (I won’t contribute to his fame by mentioning his name). It translates to “storm rifle,” or “assault rifle.” Since then, all selective-fire, medium-cartridge, magazine-fed rifles have been so described.

    Do I hunt with my AK? Not always, but when I’m hunting things like feral hog, I like to have that follow-up shot handy. Aside from that, civil order occasionally slips for a while. Like Inspector Kemp said in Young Frankenstien, “A riot is an ugly thing.”

    As for the assertion about whether or not Obama is coming in the night for my, or anyone else’s guns. I believe I mentioned at the beginning that I’m not that concerned with our current government, but with what sort of government we might wind up with a hundred years from now. In 1984, those of us old enough to remember saw the winter Olympics, broadcast from beautiful Sarajevo, Yugoslavia. Less than a decade later, the entire region was one giant dripping blood stain, where the helpless died by the hundreds of thousands, while the UN invented new words like “ethnic cleansing” to avoid saying genocide (which, per their charter, would have forced them to intervene somehow). I don’t have future goggles, and neither do you. I’d prefer to have it, and not need it, than need it, and not have it. I just looked in my closet, and my rifle is just sitting there, assaulting no one. Maybe it’s defective.

    fracked again

    I’m so sorry that I hurt your feelings. You seriously think that somebody would harass your ‘nym if you took two minutes of your precious time to make an account? You may be kinda paranoid. But don’t let me take more of your precious time. Gotta check the use by dates in the bomb shelter food stash, I understand. Go ahead. (That was a joke, anon. I don’t literally believe you have a bomb shelter. I just think it is funny to say. Glad you found the reply button. The internet can be a tricky thing.)

    I find your position to be so ridiculous that the proper response is ridicule. So yes, sarcasm, contempt, making fun, all of that, because I think your beliefs are worthy of ridicule. I sometimes do that with my leisure time. You do with your spare time what you like, I’ll call people on the internet stupid every now and then. Takes all kinds.

    People so paranoid that they think that the government is coming to get them when they haven’t actually done anything fall into a range of behavior that I find a little crazy. If it isn’t an actual fact that the government is coming for that person, they are disconnected from the world. If they think they can take on tanks, bombers, etc., they are delusional. And if they live in a fantasy world populated by illuminati, fantasies of race war, FEMA death camps, depopulation by vaccine or chemtrail, etc, they aren’t living in reality. If that last level of crazy doesn’t describe you, I don’t think you are actually dangerous and should have your guns taken away for the safety of yourself and the rest of us. Just that you are a bit kooky.

    That isn’t an instance of ‘they disagree with me.’ Its an example of some people actually being nuts. Being ready for some oppressive future regime makes you part of a very stupid target market for gun manufacturers. The rush on guns and bullets, with the subsequent price hikes? Gubmint’s gonna take the guns and bullets away, so we best stock up!

    “I just looked in my closet, and my rifle is just sitting there, assaulting no one.”

    You get the origin of a particular phrase, later re-introduced as a marketing term, and then write that.

    That is why I point and laugh.


    My my. That’s quite a mouthful. Since Perhaps you could use your google-fu to look up places like Vietnam, Operation Barbarosa, and other failures of tanks, planes and other modern technology against determination and sheer weight of numbers. Technology has limitations, especially when you can’t be assured of the loyalty of your troops. I’m not sure how many people in uniform today could fire on their fellow citizens, but the people I served with would be a coin-toss.

    If you think ridicule is a weapon of any meaning to me, you’re mistaken. I’m a 41-year-old Infantry Marine. Your internet tough guy tactics are less than meaningless to me. I’ve been out in the world, been shot at, and I’ve seen the true nature of the human species. We’re not a pretty animal. Most of us are nine missed meals away from becoming murderous, shit-flinging chimpanzees with swag.

    Regarding some of your wilder speculations, I’m actually a rather big fan of vaccines, I think chemtrails are the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of, I think JFK was shot by Oswald, I regard 9/11 as the work of a few religious whackjobs. Having worked for our government, I can tell you that they can’t keep a secret for shit, so I’m not that big on conspiracies in general. I’m ethnically Jewish and I can tell you that if there’s a zionist conspiracy out there, I’m definitely getting shorted my “cut” of the proceeds. I do, in fact keep a store of food and fresh water, but because natural disasters happen, and I think it’s my responsibility as a grownup to make sure I (and my loved ones) can eat and drink clean water when mother nature decides to randomly take a shit on my part of the map.

    The bottom line is that I just don’t see my way clear to punishing ordinary citizens because we decided to cut funding for mental health care and are getting bitten in the ass for it, and I think that “what about the children” is the sort of panicked thinking that got us “no child left behind,” and zero tolerance policies for nearly everything in schools. If you want to stop mass shootings, the press needs to stop making narcissistic sociopaths famous.

    fracked again

    Internet tough guy? Lol, I’m just another asshole in a sea of assholes. And you are actually making my point for me. The US military isn’t coming after us, even if your paranoia suggests that half of it might. Even a partial nut like you knows that the conspiracy theory believers are complete nuts.


    I may have to invent another interweb name to give this another thumbs up.


    Wasn’t really my point at all. My point was that at least half of the military would refuse an unlawful order requiring them to fire on citizens. The other half? Drones who would shoot their mother if they got an order. That really doesn’t say anything either way about the person giving the order. Sadly, not every conspiracy out there is a hoax. There’s the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment.
    There’s Watergate (guessing you can find that one). There’s the FBI COINTELPRO program
    …and a few others.
    The discussion has taken a sharp turn out of subject, so I’ll nudge it back again. With such things as the militarization of police departments, no-knock warrants, the occasional riot here and there, and the reality that it’s really not any of your business what’s in my gun safe, I don’t see where the laws being proposed to limit what a citizen of the United States may own if all the people they’re hoping to effect with it have no intention of following the law.

    People still place a value on their own lives, and are generally risk averse. That is the reason why there is less violent crime in states where citizens can walk around armed. It’s also why every single country that has banned guns in the last ten years has seen a massive spike in violent crime.

    The truth is, I’m just not real trusting of people, and governments are made up of people, people who are fond of getting their way. Maybe your attention span is too X-box to remember it but I mentioned (twice) that my concern isn’t THIS government, or THIS military, but a government in a future we won’t even live to see. I’m not looking after me. I’m looking after my grandkids. Like I said before…I wasn’t issued a pair of future goggles, but I made pretty good grades in my history courses.

    Whenever I see a new proposed law that seeks to curtail individual liberty for the convenience of the Executive branch, I ask my liberal friends, “Would you give this power to Nixon, or W, or gods forbid, Rick Santorum?” I ask my conservative friends, “Would you give this power to Clinton, or the next Obama.” I then ask both of them, “Would you give this power to Pol Pot, or Mao, or Milosevic?” Those are the stakes. Take a look at the people around you who voted last year. Take a look at the people you deal with every day. What sort of world do you really think these “geniuses” are going to give us in 20, 50, or 100 years? I don’t know either, but I know I want my descendents to be able to shoot back.


    glad I could help

    fracked again

    I grew up target shooting and killing pest animals on the family farm. Target shooting wasn’t plinking at cans on a fence or shooting holes in pieces of paper, it was tossing wormy apples into a creek, leading the target, squeezing the trigger, and as fast as you could, pull the bolt back, chamber a round and knock the apple back under water. Over and over, box after box. Most gun ranges are boring to me. Hey, look at that. I can hit a piece of paper that doesn’t move.

    I’ve shot rabbits, squirrels, and deer for food, and skunks, raccoons, groundhogs and feral cats as pests. I killed a couple of wild dogs that had killed a couple calves, one of which was the best shot I have ever made. At a bit more than 100 yards, with the dog running perpendicular to me, I put a bullet through its head (I don’t remember anything about the gun, other than it is one of my dad’s, a .227 with a scope). I got to be an excellent shot with rifle and handgun, I prefer muzzleloaders for the challenge of hunting with them (decreased range, accuracy, only one shot, etc), so you can guess what I think about people who think that they need a semi-automatic for shooting anything that doesn’t shoot back.

    I haven’t hunted in a few years, not since I moved. I haven’t gone looking for a place to hunt, but would like to. I haven’t moved my guns to my new home, since there isn’t a safe place for storing them here.

    There aren’t a lot of break-ins in my neighborhood, but they do happen in my city, every few days. Some of the most commonly stolen items are guns. They are easy to sell and worth a decent amount of money. Letting people know you have guns is an invitation to rob you while you are at work. Very few of the break ins are violent, and they almost never happen when people are home. Most of the burglars are young and scared, and tend to run off if somebody spots them. The only violent ones are the ones who are looking for narcotics, and they go after people that they know have them. Again, its an invitation to be robbed if you are dumb enough to talk about it.

    As for “assault weapons,” the term originated with the gun industry as a marketing term for guns that looked like or were based on military weapons. It isn’t something the left made up. The assault weapons were marketed to people who needed a gun that looked tough, or had features that they didn’t need, and ownership of one was a way to get your manhood. (I’m not immune. I love bullpup designs, and would love to have a P90S)

    When gun control advocates needed a phrase to refer to a type of gun, they used the gun industry’s terms. The NRA reacted by saying, rightly, that most of the differences are cosmetic, and eventually acted like gun control advocates had made the term up. So both sides are filled with assholes and idiots.

    There are a few things that I do agree with the gun control advocates on. First, nobody needs a folding stock unless they are trying to conceal a rifle, or need to keep a gun close to their body, perhaps as they move through a building. Second, nobody needs more than a few bullets in any gun unless they are a really bad shot. Those people probably need to take a class or two before they will be barely safe with a gun. Safe for themselves, not just the people around them. Finally, arming teachers is the fucking stupidest thing I have ever heard. I wouldn’t trust most teachers to safely store a gun in their room, with 20-30 kids getting into everything. The teachers that think they will be John Wayne, they are too nutters to trust with a gun in a school. If you really need armed security, get armed security. Maybe the local police could help, since that would be their job.

    That said, I do agree with the NRA on one thing, but not in the execution of it. We need to enforce the gun laws we have before we add more. But that would mean properly funding the ATF, getting rid of the loopholes in our laws, and clearing the roadblocks out of the way of the background checks. The checks would make it easier to keep guns out of the hands of people with criminal records or dangerous mental health issues. It won’t be perfect, but that isn’t a reason not to do it. The current checks are a mess and not all states participate fully. The NRA doesn’t give a shit about gun rights or gun owners. The only people they represent are the gun manufacturers. NRA members that don’t understand that are just tools.

    Most people with a mental illness aren’t dangerous to anybody. Paranoids, manics, people hearing voices, maybe a few other groups, they shouldn’t have guns or access to guns. And among the people that I consider too paranoid to have guns are the idiots that think the government is going to come and take their guns, and are delusional enough to believe that their brave last stand will set off a revolution against the evil government. Some even think that they are hero enough to survive. They are people that shouldn’t be able to buy guns, and probably _should_ have their guns taken away.


    I cry bullshit. I can tell you the caliber of every good shot I ever made in my life. You talk about a .227 with a scope?
    Try again.
    Unless you are talking about some obscure 5.8 mm or a really old weapon from before the first world war, you made that up.
    .227 IS the outside diameter of a number of .22 caliber bullets. But they are not ever referred to as .227 and you would know that if you were actually a shooter.
    And it is PS90. The P90 is the select fire non-legal in the US for civilians version.

    And NO ONE in the gun industry has used the phrase assault weapon in reference to a semi-automatic rifle. That was some crap Diane Feinstein and her crew cooked up twenty years ago. I asked about this with guys who have been gun salesmen, cops, Immigration and Customs, and soldiers since I was in grade school.
    They are all ‘gunnies’ and all agreed that the term ‘assault weapon’ is a bullshit term of art created by the liberals to scare non-gunnies.
    Show me one ad from any newspaper or magazine from a reputable gun store or gun manufacturer that uses that phrase.
    I can tell you I have Field and Stream magazines in boxes going back forty years and there is no mention anywhere in there about an assault weapon until the 86 weapons ban.

    Now we have youtube video of Diane Feinstein stating explicitly that she wants to pick up “all of the guns”. We have video on youtube of multiple other Democrat politicians stating exactly the same thing. We also have the actions of the criminal Cuomo in New York. He falsely declared a State of Urgency and got laws passed at night without public review, which is part of the process by law for legislation in New York State. Three days of public review BEFORE they are voted on. That public review never happened. Now people who have paid for equipment lawfully purchased who still have that equipment after a certain date —

    *are subject to the police going to their house and confiscating that equipment and arresting them*.

    What part of that is slipping past your mind?
    Enacted in law illegally by a criminal.
    Are the people who can read newspapers and watch youtube all paranoid or are you just delusional?

    And there are a large number of conservation agents and game wardens that would prefer that people use a semiautomatic firearm to prevent an animal from being shot in the body cavity but not being immediately felled by the shot from running miles away and then having to suffer through illness and infection and eventually die suffering.
    A second shot can be a very humane thing if you shoot the animal and for whatever reason the wound is not immediately incapacitating. I know two gun shop owners that refuse to sell bow hunting equipment because of that very fact. The arrow wounds the animal and it will be fatal, just maybe not for a few days. Both of them were game wardens in Louisiana and told me wretched stories about finding deer rotting while still alive and with maggots in wounds and being eaten by ants while they were still alive because they couldn’t garner the strength to get up.

    And folding stocks and adjustable stocks are quite useful for transport. Some rifles with longer barrels simply won’t fit in a compact car trunk or even most rifle cases without the stock folded. I have a .308 that simply won’t fit in the trunk of a Chevy Camaro. The fact that you couldn’t imagine a legal use for folding stock weapons is a reflection upon you and not someone who would like to be able to shorten his rifle so it fits in his safe better or so he can put it in the same hard case he keeps his shotgun in.

    As far as just a few bullets goes, there are a whole long list of reasons why someone might need more than a handful of bullets.
    Maybe there are five or six guys trying to break in…?
    Maybe the guys are not deterred by the first shot, or the second, or the third….?
    I would have to guess that you don’t live near any areas with gang activity. You would not ever have brought that subject up at all.
    Diane Feinstein on youtube:


    fracked again

    Huh. So I got the rifle type wrong, despite not having . You really care that much? I haven’t hunted in a few years, as I said, and haven’t shot that rifle in about 20 years. Please excuse me for my honest mistake. I typed in some numbers that I thought were right, saw that 227 came up in a search and didn’t bother looking further. Looking a bit further, it looks like .223 is what I meant. I could be wrong. Do you need me to drive to my parent’s house and check?

    And I got the PS90 wrong. Thanks for the correction. I haven’t priced one in a few years, so I went from memory.

    Sorry I don’t spend my time memorizing the same things that you do.

    It seems like your “gunnies” have bad memories.

    Just scroll down to the HK ad.

    Or take a look at this. I know, its NYT, but at least look at the first photo. Cover of the July 1981 issue of Guns & Ammo. Skim down to the part about Phillip Peterson. Considering that he writes for Gun Digest, and sells guns, he might be knowledgeable.

    That would mean that either Feinstein (who I don’t agree with) went back in time to set all this up, or you are wrong and your friends are wrong. I was wrong and admitted it. Can you do the same?

    The gubmint aint comin fer yer guns unless you are a danger to yourself or other people, or have lost your rights to own guns as a felon. You may want to read a little bit about the NY Constitution. The governor can skip the review period, legally, if the governor considers it something that must be enacted ASAP. The standard is entirely up to the governor’s judgement. You can call him a criminal, but that doesn’t actually make him one.

    I don’t think that it is a functionally workable law, but it was constitutionally passed.

    As for a second shot in hunting, my opinion is that if you don’t think you can make a killing shot, don’t shoot. If you are too lazy and unskilled to follow a blood trail, in my opinion, you shouldn’t be hunting. Once you catch up to your deer, if it is still alive, a killing shot is just mercy.

    I would need to spend some serious time rebuilding skills that I haven’t used in years before I felt that I was competent enough to hunt with a muzzleloader with iron sights. But I would be fine with a bolt action with a scope.

    I have never hunted with a bow because I don’t have the knack for it. I don’t have the skill to be sure of killing with one shot, so I don’t use them. Not selling archery equipment? That seems odd to me. But its their store.

    I hadn’t considered transport. You make a valid point. But I also have the tools to disassemble my guns, which is what I have done when I needed to transport them and space was an issue. I suppose if you are too lazy to do that, you could just fold the stock.

    Five or six guys, determined to get in, willing to die to get in, not scared off by a warning shot…

    Do you live in an action movie, or just think you do? I admit that there isn’t much gang activity where I live. And none of the gangs in my area would go to that effort unless they were going after somebody that they really wanted dead. I’m not in a warzone. I’m not in a failed state. You could make up more and more extreme hypothetical possibilities until I would say yes, you really do need this gun or that one, with a drum magazine and whatever else. That doesn’t make them realistic.

    Besides, that is a job for a shotgun.


    First off. The phrase in debate is “assault weapon”. The phrase used in EVERY add you showed is “assault rifle” a serious distinction. The reason it is a distinction is that ‘assault rifles’ are fully automatic weapons and already heavily regulated and etc. The liberals and apparently you want to conflate semi-automatic rifles with machine guns in order to make them scarier. *Exactly as I said.*

    AND you are making claims about firearms and shooting and claiming growing up shooting with all kinds of weapons. Yet you don’t remember the caliber of the rifle you used to make the shot you remember best. Any person on the planet who uses weapons for any length of time will tell you the caliber of the weapon you use is important. If you mix up different rifle cartridges and then erroneously put the wrong cartridge in a given rifle you can cause a blown chamber or even cause the barrel to explode. This fact right here leads me to believe you are an internet shooter. I doubt you ever picked up any weapon stronger than a nerf gun.
    You have made a number of assertions that are provably false. The wording and the intent of the law in New York is to make weapons and magazines that were legally purchased illegal. The end result is that people who purchased firearms and accessories legally will in fact be criminals if they retain those firearms after a certain date. I can tell that you never read the text of the law. Your opinion of the workability of the law is not a factor here. You said people who felt the government was coming for their guns were paranoid and mentally ill. I proved you to be either wrong or delusional.

    And you cannot seriously expect me to believe that you somehow think it is better to disassemble a rifle which will undoubtedly distort the zero and make it inaccurate than to use a folding stock?
    You are way off base on everything you said.
    AND a simple google search will show you that home invasions with multiple people happen with quite enough frequency to put the lie to your statement as well.
    And a job for a shotgun?
    Look everyone!!!! Joe Biden has visited Myconfinedspace!!!!


    “First, nobody needs a folding stock unless they are trying to conceal a rifle, or need to keep a gun close to their body, perhaps as they move through a building. Second, nobody needs more than a few bullets in any gun unless they are a really bad shot.”

    I will, for the sake of argument, agree with that, even if I don’t see things as black and white. There’s another point I’d rather make.

    Nobody needs a car that can go faster than the speed limit, but that doesn’t stop people from buying expensive sports cars, which is legal.

    Nobody needs a 50” flatscreen TV, but some of us who are fortunate enough to be able to afford one have one (or more), which is legal.

    Nobody needs a perfectly tended lawn, but some neighbourhoods demand that every homeowner keep one, and even that is legal.

    And you think it should be illegal to have 7, 10, 20 or 30 rounds loaded in your weapon just because it’s unnecessary?

    fracked again

    There are limits to what is considered road legal, so I don’t think that is a good argument.

    You agree to keep your lawn maintained to a certain level if you move into a neighborhood with a home owners association. You have agreed to a contract, and must follow through, even if it seems silly. If you move into a community with codes requiring that your lawn at least not be up to your knees, that is just part of living in a society. So, not a good argument.

    And I need my 50 inch flatscreen. That is an absolute necessity. How dare you? Have you no shame?

    But I can’t kill somebody with my TV unless I drop it on them. And I can’t kill several people in a very rapid fashion with that TV. So the comparison isn’t really spot on.

    If I go into a 7-11 with a muzzle loader and kill a large number of them, the first was murder. The rest of the people that didn’t rush me (or just walk past me out the door) while I was reloading… that is just natural selection.


    You talk a lot about what people need or don’t need. It is not the place of you, me or even the government to determine what we need. It is the Bill of Rights not the Bill of Allowances, Entitlements, Privileges or Needs.



    Sin Eater

    I have owned a shotgun and a .22 rifle since I was nine and inherited them from my father. Shot them every so often, squirrel hunting or rabbit hunting. I have worked at one job or another since I was 14 and basically didn’t have time to hunt or shoot a whole lot. When I was 19 I was embroiled in a situation where a biker who was entirely too drunk to ride kept knocking over his Harley. I offered to put his bike on a trailer and give him a ride to wherever. He took offense and waved a Python at me. One of the other bikers calmed him down and no shots were fired. I have been shot at by two drug dealers because of personal differences, (I don’t use anything they sell) one crackhead who didn’t believe me that I didn’t have any money, and one prison guard. The prison guard told me to drive through a gate (I was there to be trained as a guard go figure) and then expected me to stop after I went through the gate when she hadn’t instructed me to do so. She popped off a round from her duty pistol before the other gate guard could stop her. Luckily she missed. She got fired.
    I have had three police pull their duty pistols in my presence, twice actually in warning to me. It was a case of mistaken identity once and once was a misunderstanding due to my having excessively long hair. Mr. Hippy Hater Cop thought I was there to sell drugs.
    I never owned a handgun until last year. I was attacked late at night way way out of town in my truck. I had tens of thousands of dollars of computer equipment that didn’t belong to me in the bed of my pickup under the tonneau cover. Luckily the dude was drunk and thought I was someone else but if it had been a carjacking I would have been thoroughly screwed. He attacked me physically when I got out of my truck to check into a hotel. He realized his mistake quickly enough that he only grabbed me and made a sloppy swing at my head. I had been installing computer equipment and running data cable all day and was probably too beat to fight back.
    I had purchased a bolt action rifle for my son to hunt with a month before as a Christmas present. I went to a local range that lets you rent guns and shot a box of ammo in all of the automatics they had. I went back to the same gun store and they talked me into buying an HK45. I loved that gun but it developed issues with the trigger reset and I didn’t care to have to fix it so I sold it and got an FNP45. I love this gun. I don’t have a carry permit yet so I only shoot it at the range and carry it in the truck. I have bought my daughter two pistols and my son one. We got to the range a bit in the summertime. I was going to the range once or twice a month until the liberals caused the gun scare. Now I am biding my time until I can buy my family some AR15’s and a BUNCH of 30 round ‘standard capacity’ magazines. Waiting for prices to return to some semblance of sanity. I have purchased a Smith & Wesson model 29 just for kicks last month. I found it at a normal price and had put some money aside for some customization of my truck but the local speed shop pissed me off so I spent the money on my wheelgun.

    Luke Magnifico

    I’ve fired a couple of handguns and a few rifles but none of them compare to the satisfaction of sawing up tree trunks with a chainsaw. If you’ve never done it then you should, it’s an immensely enjoyable activity and you actually end up with something useful instead of a piece of paper with bulletholes in it and a lot of spent casings.


    Also, you can probably defend yourself from burglars with a chainsaw, or a chainsawed piece of wood.


    I just imagined the face of some twit trying to force my front door open with a crowbar when he suddenly hears a chainsaw starting behind that same door. MMD 😀


    Great idea. Until it actually happens. A chainsaw is an ungainly weapon on its best day. A steel pipe or a crowbar can beat a chainsaw based on speed and dexterity. And if you are too squeamish to shoot someone, you are too squeamish to pick bits of intestine out of your hair after you ‘accidentally’ swiped a chunk out of that burglar’s abdomen. And can you imagine how that will stack up in court?
    The District Attorney will ask what exactly you thought you needed that ‘assault weapon chainsaw’ for in front of the jury and you will be remanded for psychiatric care until they determine you are not crazy. But someone who would attack another person with a chainsaw MUST be crazy. So you will spend YEARS eating jello and taking the pills they want you to take.

    Luke Magnifico

    I never said anything about attacking anyone with a chainsaw. I said using a chainsaw was enjoyable.

    Even coming down to that, you’re assuming that the final objective is to kill the other person. Surely scaring them off is better? A chainsaw is big, loud and highly visible – much scarier than some inconspicuous gun, regardless of whether or not it’s a better weapon. Do you really believe that whatever a burglar would pick up in your house is worth his or her life?

    Oh America.


    Same goes for chopping some firewood with an axe 🙂


    Personally I do not believe in guns personally, and really think its sad that we live in a society where we need guns to feel safe just going outside! I can kind of understand having ‘some types’ of guns to protect us but honestly who really needs an assault rifle for anything? There is no one reason that I can think that that an assault rifle would be needed for anything.


    I’m going to upthumb you preemptively because people who don’t like guns around here must be censored(!), apparently.


    I am from the US, and OMG I don’t like guns? Something must be wrong with me right? Sorry if I believe in a more passive way with dealing with our own personal self or the worlds issues.


    You have the mentality of a serf. Better men than you ensure that you are relatively safe.

    fracked again

    Damn your voice of sanity!


    Did you read the article about the woman out jogging who was eaten by a mountain lion?
    How about the mother and child who were attacked in their home?


    What about the people who are attacked by bears?


    Ever try to shoot a pack of wolves tearing into the rectum and abdomen of one of your young calves while it is still alive?


    Coyotes actually live in urban areas as well as rural areas nowadays. Two coyotes can clean out an entire neighborhood’s cats and dogs in a month. Leaving little steaming piles of what used to be Fluffy on your lawn for you. They can get rabies. They can attack humans. They can be hard to shoot.



    “I like guns! I like blowing things up.”

    -Adam Lanza


    I come from a rural area, where guns are common. My aunt’s biker-boyfriend accidentally blew his head off with a shotgun “defending” his home. My mom’s boyfriend (after her separation from my dad) was murdered in his own house with a gun.

    I grew up with my dad. My friends were all deer hunters. I’ve handled plenty of shotguns and 30-06 rifles and gone target shooting with .22 pistols and rifles. Yet, I’ve witnessed a friend’s rifle discharge and blow a hole in his roof. I was upstairs at a friends house when his pistol discharged accidentally and left me wondering if he was dead (he wasn’t).

    Bottom line. It’s too easy to kill someone with one of these weapons. Too many folks who are too immature/criminal/insane have too easy access to these weapons.

    Honestly, it’s immature hot heads that I worry about.


    Wow. Having never been around an accidental discharge in my life, I can safely say that we don’t hang around the same kind of people.

    Luke Magnifico


    Nope, no gun problem there, those prepubescent children would have found some way to get a gun, it’s not like criminals obey the law.


    The UK just switched to stabbing instead. Now you have to be 18 to buy a silverware set because it contains a butter knife.


    Well Here we go.
    1. No one under the age of 21 in the United States may own or carry a handgun legally.
    (They broke a law)
    2. Killing people is illegal. (they broke a law)
    3. Robbing people is illegal. (they broke a law)
    4. Threatening someone with a deadly weapon is illegal. (they broke a law)
    5. Assault and battery is illegal. (they broke a law)
    6. Leaving the scene of a crime is illegal. (they broke a law)
    7. The gun was no doubt stolen. (they broke a law)

    So what law would they decide to follow?
    Seriously. You have a supposed 10 year old and a supposed 15 year old who are fucked up enough that killing an infant is something they choose to do.

    Why does no one look at the family situation and the school situation to actually solve the problem?

    If they had tied the kid to the front bumper of a car would it be a car problem?
    If they had used a chainsaw would it have been different?
    An electric drill?
    A hammer?
    A baseball bat?
    A steak knife?
    Why or why not?

    Luke Magnifico

    It would have been different because a gun is a ranged weapon. You can overpower or run away from a 10 year old with a knife fairly easily. A 10 year old with a gun isn’t much different from anyone else with a gun.

    Besides, how could they have illegally acquired that gun and broken all those laws if someone they knew hadn’t owned it legally in the first place?


    Clearly, you don’t spend a lot of time around moms with strollers, or around ten-year-olds. Either way, she was facing TWO assailants, one of which appears to have been 17. She could not have run away from either one of them on her best day. On the other hand, she could have, if properly armed, gunned both of them down.

    Guns exist in America. We can’t actually put that genie back in the bottle. We MIGHT someday know if their weapon was black market purchased, or stolen from a legal owner. In the meantime, I still, don’t see where I have to be disarmed and helpless against armed felony dirtbags BECAUSE you’re upset that there are armed felony dirtbags.


    w4rb4dg3r (UID# 6722) Poorly-rated. Like or Dislike: 1 4
    March 23, 2013 at 5:34 pm
    Hidden due to low comment rating. Click here to see.

    My son is 14 and is on the school basketball team. He weighs a hundred pounds less than I. We wrestle a lot. He has friends who have been trained in various martial arts for several years. Some of that has rubbed off on him. Wrestling with him (I am 5’7? and 250 pounds and can out lift him every day with weights) is a tough thing. I was mugged when I drove for Pizza Hut as a college student by a 16 year old. The cops thought it was funny until the guy was brought in. He was 5’10? and was one of the bigger members of the local football team. He weighed in at 195 and was in good shape. He took me down in 25 seconds even though I could bench 250 and squat 400. So tell me a woman could take out a 17 year old while trying to defend a stroller. Please show me.
    If YOU are afraid of weapons and YOU don’t want to own one fine. The rest of us are not keeping our heads in the sand. We have to live and work in areas where people get robbed and mugged and shot at.
    For the record (I know I keep having to say this) during the duration of the 1986 Assault Weapons Ban police would find standard capacity magazines (20 or 30 rounds) clearly marked ‘Military or LE Use Only’ and
    banned firearms in the houses and the cars of criminals. A significant number of those were traced back to military armories (the weapons had been logged as being destroyed) and to police cars being robbed. I get this information from *police officers.* I have seen 12 internet articles since January that indicate that police cars have been broken into (sometimes stolen entirely) and the contents burgled. The items removed would be patrol rifles and shotguns and ammunition and magazines. Additionally you can google machine guns smuggled with drugs and find many articles that show that fully automatic and illegal weapons are smuggled in the same way as the *TONS* of illegal drugs that cross the border every year. So…Tell me how keeping my neighbor from owning an AR15 will keep Johnny Burglar-guy from getting a weapon if he wants one.
    Show me how your utopia works in areas where bears and mountain lions don’t live at the zoo.
    Put your money where your mouth is. The next time you go to a big city, find the high crime area. Put on a t-shirt that says “I do not believe in guns and will not protect myself” and hold your wallet in your hand and walk down some streets after dark.
    If you make it back let me know how you feel about self-defense and guns.


    My son is 14 and is on the school basketball team. He weighs a hundred pounds less than I. We wrestle a lot. He has friends who have been trained in various martial arts for several years. Some of that has rubbed off on him. Wrestling with him (I am 5’7″ and 250 pounds and can out lift him every day with weights) is a tough thing. I was mugged when I drove for Pizza Hut as a college student by a 16 year old. The cops thought it was funny until the guy was brought in. He was 5’10” and was one of the bigger members of the local football team. He weighed in at 195 and was in good shape. He took me down in 25 seconds even though I could bench 250 and squat 400. So tell me a woman could take out a 17 year old while trying to defend a stroller. Please show me.
    If YOU are afraid of weapons and YOU don’t want to own one fine. The rest of us are not keeping our heads in the sand. We have to live and work in areas where people get robbed and mugged and shot at.
    For the record (I know I keep having to say this) during the duration of the 1986 Assault Weapons Ban police would find standard capacity magazines (20 or 30 rounds) clearly marked ‘Military or LE Use Only’ and
    banned firearms in the houses and the cars of criminals. A significant number of those were traced back to military armories (the weapons had been logged as being destroyed) and to police cars being robbed. I get this information from *police officers.* I have seen 12 internet articles since January that indicate that police cars have been broken into (sometimes stolen entirely) and the contents burgled. The items removed would be patrol rifles and shotguns and ammunition and magazines. Additionally you can google machine guns smuggled with drugs and find many articles that show that fully automatic and illegal weapons are smuggled in the same way as the *TONS* of illegal drugs that cross the border every year. So…Tell me how keeping my neighbor from owning an AR15 will keep Johnny Burglar-guy from getting a weapon if he wants one.
    Show me how your utopia works in areas where bears and mountain lions don’t live at the zoo.
    Put your money where your mouth is. The next time you go to a big city, find the high crime area. Put on a t-shirt that says “I do not believe in guns and will not protect myself” and hold your wallet in your hand and walk down some streets after dark.
    If you make it back let me know how you feel about self-defense and guns.


    I notice you exclude the 17 year old from the argument. Nice choice.
    They could have stolen it from a police car. They could have stolen it from a pawn shop.


    What are you talking about?


    Exactly why guns are needed for defense. A physically weak person can match a much stronger person.


    Have you ever used your gun to pleasure yourself? Betcha have 🙂






    so is this whole thread the ‘ask questions later’ part that comes after ‘shoot first’


    No. That is on another thread.
    This is the people who don’t like guns versus people who believe in self defense.


    No, this seems more like a discussion where the reasoning trends towards either thinking that since criminals break laws, everyone should have the right to own military weaponry. And if one doesn’t agree, then being robbed/murdered/rapped is the fault of victim.


    Just for fun…
    Are you aware that the amount of violent assaults and murders that do not involve firearms outnumber the firearm related assaults and murders eight to one?
    Are you aware that statistically somewhere in the United States a woman uses a firearm to defend herself about thirty times a day?
    And absolutely no one brought up military weaponry.
    We are talking about civilian rifles and shotguns.
    None of these are fully automatic and no mention of grenades or rocket launchers or nukes has been made.




    I think its very clear from this thread that if youre anti gun you are going to be down voted.

    What this boils down to is a culture thing, Americans dont think they are able to function without access to firearms, think baby and dummy, try to take them away and you get a screaming snotty mess that has a tantrum.

    Theres no reasoning with them. So why bother.




    So if I understand you correctly, you wish to decide for other people what they may own and use to protect themselves, while SIMULTANEOUSLY bemoaning about the tyranny of the majority on this board.

    You have just personally justified the 2nd Amendment, which is the instrument by which we negate tyranny by the majority.


    Because the gun is the tool which gays have and will use to get equal treatment in USA.


    Well… Technically no one is saying people can’t be gay. They *are* refusing to let them have a religion based ceremony to agree to live together.
    I honestly believe that if gays were allowed to be married they will soon regret it. I have been down that road and it is not for everyone.
    I kinda think that civil unions are the best road for the future. No more involvement between church and state. Make it so you can set the union for a number of years and make it renewable. No more divorce. No more shooting (or cutting up with a chainsaw or chopping up with an axe) someone who you just don’t want to live with anymore because they won’t grant you a divorce.


    You clearly don’t understand the issue. Marriage is not the property of the religious, and doesn’t require a religious ceremony.


    Nope, but it does tend to send retarded rednecks with baseball bats running home to mama in short order.


    You do not understand me correctly.

    IF people were willing to have a constructive discussion about this issue then I would be all for it, but you and the others like you are not.

    All we get are fanciful stories about how people have been saved by owning a gun, and from what I have read on this thread, shooting people, and the laughable Amendment/Bill of Rights rubbish that gets dragged out and flogged to death like some poor abused horse every single time.

    The world has changed, isnt it about time The United States of America caught up?
    Or would you all be happier thinking that every non-rightwing President is going to give your nation away to the “Reds”, or that theres some other external threat that would require every citizen to be armed to the teeth?

    I like the USA, and I find that every time I go over on business people are very polite and warm, saying that theres good and bad everywhere. It does however make the rest of the world a bit twitchy when you have atrocities like school shootings, and the NRA followers seem to be the most vocal in screaming things like, “From Our Cold Dead Hands”.

    We Just think, How cold can you be, that would quite a piece of paper a couple of hundred years old that was written by a young uncertain nation, as an excuse to keep guns in the hands of people that should not own them.

    But again, this is logic and that has no place in this debate as far as I can see because the rabid vitriol that is directed any anyone that has the temerity to say anything that would endanger the, I wont say right because thats just silly regardless of what a bit of paper says, ability to own and carry a gun is astounding and leads me to believe that nothing will ever change this outmoded belief.

    The TLDR Version, meh its your gun crime, your country we all think your nuts and you don’t care. So why bother even pretend to discuss it.


    TLDR Version:
    When the citizens of your country can mind their own business without asking for US foreign aid dollars and military help then they can *still* mind their own business.
    When the Navy Seals or the Army Rangers are not ever sent to rescue your citizens and politicians from aggression by enemies foreign or domestic then you can *still* mind your own business.
    Your country enjoys prosperity and freedom from the rule of Communism or Naziism exactly because of the fighting spirit of Americans. WE are the tip of the spear that eliminates terrorists and WE are the shield that protects the prosperity and limited freedoms your citizens possess.

    Shorter Version:
    The people who whine about guns being bad and crazy rednecks with guns are benefiting from the use of firearms every day. They do not handle their own self defense; they call someone ELSE with a gun. That makes them somehow morally superior in their minds. They are safe in their homes because there are “rough men armed” who take the defense of others seriously. Also the fact that 1/3 of the homes in a given area statistically will have armed homeowners protects the 2/3 which do not. The bad people who might cause harm are uncertain as to which home has a gun and which does not so they will often just leave a given neighborhood alone.
    Prove me wrong. Put a sign on your front door stating that you do not have guns in your house.
    Make it a trend. Let all of your friends know that they can support anti-gun politics by wearing t-shirts that state their position and they can print up those little signs and bumper stickers to put on their cars and front doors that state they have no guns and don’t believe in them.
    I guarantee NONE of you will do that. Not one. Even contemplating it will give you a sense of unease. You know that you benefit from the people who have guns. You know that the crime rate would go UP and not down if guns were removed from civilan hands.
    But show me. Print up bumper stickers and give them out on college campuses and to everyone in your apartment building or neighborhood who is anti-gun. Print up little signs that say you live in a utopia and don’t believe in guns. Take pictures and post them on Myconfined Space. Show me. Prove me wrong.


    Yes the magnanimous spirit of the USA, you waited until Europe was in flames and only one Nation stood before Nazi Germany, then gave the UK arms and troops which they only finished paying back the USA for a few years ago. If you can say nothing thing for America at least you know how to make a “buck”, even when its at the expense of an ally.

    You are not the tip of the spear, youre the petulant little boy that stomps around telling everyone how wonderful you are. Whilst knocking down the ants nest.
    This is one of the reasons the worlds in the state its in, America is Stuck in the past, this is not the Seventeen Hundreds, we are sorry you feel like you missed out but that’s not our fault.

    Youve lost more wars than just about any other nation, well may be except France, mainly because you dont fully understand war and we dont mean attacking what amount to third world nations where you seem to cause more casualties to you allies, you do like a little blue on blue dont you, and you treat you troops like the UK did in WW1, as nothing more than disposable tools.

    Also +1 for Godwin’s Law, Jolly Good For you.


    Godwin’s law involves calling someone a Nazi or comparing them to Hitler. I did neither one.

    -1 for being wrong.
    AAAAANNNNDDD we get involved in wars because countries populated with wankers like you beg us to rescue them when they are being invaded by Muslims or Fascists or Communists or whatever. We have spent *DEVASTATING* amounts of our money and time and people to defend the rights of wankers like you to not be under the heel of some truly depraved individuals in the past.


    Okay. Since you were “brilliant” enough to open the can of worms that is “modern” Europe into the discussion, along with the founders the United States. I’ll address both for you.

    First, every European economic and social success, and success is debatable, has only been possible because most of Europe hasn’t actually had to PAY for their defense in the last half-a-century. Believe me, I’m all for us abandoning Europe to the tender mercies of their nearest neighbors, ditto with foreign aid dollars. We’ve got better things to spend our money on.

    As for the framers of the Constitution, here you are, exercising freedom of speech, globally, from an instrument they could never have conceived of, via a signal that at some point is transmitted from space! They were some of the finest legal minds of their age, and their only real failing, as I see it, has been to underestimate the ability of ordinary human beings to piss away their freedoms for the illusion that daddy government will look after them and shelter them from their own foolishness.


    America is Governed by self-interest, which is why they station troops in Europe, because they were afraid of a strong USSR, not because you wanted to help Europe.

    This world has been developing quite nicely with out the USA for millennia.

    The truth about America? It was founded by traitors, they swore an oath of allegiance to their King, which they broke, and for why? Because they didnt want to pay taxes.

    So basically the founding fathers were either selfish traitors or proto communists.


    The only thing Europe as been doing for thousands of years is killing Europeans and the populations of other continents over the whose version of Jesus is correct, and you’re right, it didn’t take a lick of assistance from the USA, until someone had to put a stop to it.

    The USSR hasn’t been a threat for better than 20 years. In all that time, you’re right, we should have abandoned you, taken our billions of dollars in defensive material, foreign aid, and local spending by military personnel and booked. What will happen next? I can’t say for sure, but there are plenty of minarets in Spain you could look at for a clue.

    One of the great advantages of America is our geographic isolation. We can literally sit on our asses and watch you burn. Next time, and there will be a next time, we probably will.

    All countries are governed by self-interest. This is not exactly a revelation. I could not possibly care less who you think founded this country, or what you think their motivations were, but if you truly believe we’re so terribly inferior, feel free to reply in either Russian or German.

    Luke Magnifico

    You’ll watch us burn? That’s funny, since we’re not currently engaged in land wars with volatile islamist nations.


    Nope. No active war going on in Europe. Your own legislators are handing it over without a fight. Also, I’m amused that you look around, see what’s happening “now,” and are satisfied that everything’s fine. Sarajevo looked just fine in 1984. Good luck.


    And according to the Bureau of Statistics, an average of 600+ US citizens per year are killed in firearm related accidents, with the majority of those victims being school-aged children.

    Just a tiny percentage of the population. Nothing to really worry about.

    I wonder what they would say if they could post here.

    fracked again

    “Braaaains! Braaaaains!”

    Because they would probably be zombies if they were dead and had something to say.


    Yes. And that number has grown monstrously large since the liberal policy of refusing children any familiarization with weapons during schools. The Eddy Eagle program and other programs made great platforms for teaching young children that firearms are not toys and that there are rules for dealing with them safely. Just as there are rules for crossing the road safely and for starting a fire in the fireplace safely and for cooking and for everything else. More children drown in swimming pools every year than are killed in firearm accidents. MANY MANY more children are killed by medical malpractice in the United States every year than are fatally wounded by firearms accidentally.
    The good that firearms do that people like you refuse to acknowledge completely overwhelms the bad that you keep bringing up.
    Just like the good things that automobiles do and medical practice and the good healthy exercise you get from swimming overwhelm the fact that hundreds and thousands of children die every year from those three examples of things that kill people.
    And blah blah blah guns are only to kill people. Martial arts is technically only to hit people. Yet you liberals tell 100 pound diminutive women that if they would just spend ten years of their life learning some mystical magical methods of ‘violence’ they will be able to magically repel that 250 pound rapist who doesn’t care if he is punched in the solar plexus by a small woman.
    (not knocking martial arts. I know that it is more about mindset and awareness and a lot of discipline. Just pointing out that there is no martial art that will magically make a woman in a wheelchair the equal of a 240 pound weight lifting boxer of a man whereas a 9mm and two weeks of training will.)


    So, you’re approach to conflict resolution is violence?

    Allllllllllllllllrighty then!


    My Grand-Father was killed with a 12 Gauge Shotgun at point blank range when he came home from work.

    He was killed because his wife wanted a divorce, but since divorce was an unforgivable sin, it was not an option. She would go to hell.

    Murder was of course, completely forgivable.

    Given this, I was raised to be more afraid of good practicing Catholics, then I was of guns, although we never had one in the house.

    Tiki as you know I’m in the U.S. Army. I carried a M9 (Beretta Pistol – POS), an M4 – 5.56 Nato every day. Oftem I also carried a 12 gauge pump shotgun, and maned the 240B mounted on the rear of our Stryker.

    At home I make my wife carry a Taurus 605 (.357) if she leaves the house. I didn’t before my son was born, but now she is less easily replaced.

    I’ll also likely be getting a .357, and we have a Marlin 336C for home defense, with a AR15 awaiting final payment. Love me a classic Lever Gun.


    i never had a good catholic in the house either man good for you


    I grew up around guns, all members of my family,Aunts,uncles ,cousins, every body in the family had guns and hunted. I am totally familiar and comfortable around guns. I had an occasion to protect my neice form a very abusive ex-husband. He had been in and out of jail for threats and trying to take me with his hands,(big mistake) former open martial arts competition, and self defense. He showed up with a gun screaming and yelling he was going to kill her and the rest of us. When he tried kicking the door in I met him with a point blank 12 gauge shotgun blast to the chest. ten feet away. Not a picture I will ever forget. But it is now over.


    lotta killers in this here thread
    braggin bout their killin
    youd sooner turn the country
    into the o k corrral
    than realize that when everyone has guns
    justice wont belong to the righteous
    but to the quickest draw
    and next time you want to tell us about
    the killin you done
    write a fuckin rap song


    It might be a good time to look up at the original post, the one that asked about people’s personal experiences. I’m pretty sure that every one of them would have preferred not NOT have gone through what they went through. I can tell you from the instance when I had to draw my weapon, and decided NOT to fire, that it’s kind of like whether or not you’ve had sex. If you haven’t experienced it yourself, you have no idea what you’re talking about.


    blah blah ‘he needed killin’ blah blah
    yeah man thanks for sharing


























































    Can we haz some new porn now?


    Can we haz some new porn now?




    Pretty please


    please please please


    please please please please please please please please please


    please please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please pleaseplease please please


    bored now


    bored now


    So bored




    bored bored bored




    All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


    Still bored.






    Hitler liked guns too!

    Just sayin’


    He also liked titties.


    Titties and guns, guns and titties.


    How cool would it be if a girl had guns for titties?


    “Suck on these, Bub.” BLAM BLAM!


    But, I digress.


    Because I’m still bored.





    Oh, wait…. that’s me.



    Your hobby kills children.

    But, you knew that already.


    Tonight, at midnight, I’m gonna post Walt Whitman’s Song of Myself line by line by line.

    BE THERE!!!


    you could spam a lot smarter by doing this as replies to others tldr posts further back



    Thanks for the tip, Brah!


    My takeaway from this thread is that gun owners are also pro censorship.

    Just look at the number of downvoted posts.

    Hitler liked guns and censorship.


    Many of the Downvoted threads are completely random nonsense like

    “im a thug”


    Tonight, at midnight, I’m gonna post Walt Whitman’s Song of Myself line by line by line.

    BE THERE!!!

    You really need to take a step back. Look at what is really going on, not what you “think” is happening.


    Thou shalt not kill (unless it’s self defense and therefore legal under the laws of man).

    -Exodus 20:13 (NRA version)


    Exodus 20:13 Thou shalt not murder.

    The Bible is pretty clear that killing is fine for all sorts of reasons.


    The bible is pretty clear that murder is fine for all sorts of reasons, too.

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