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  • catwoman


    Loading Afro

    Loading Afro.jpg

    purple frogs

    purple frogs.jpg

    hump day

    hump day.jpg

    diable lambo

    diable lambo.jpg

    I just got over a cold (sorta?)

    Understanding Sinusitis


    I’m just now getting to the point that I can breath without coughing my chest out, my cure was a ton of vitamin c, zinc, multivitimins, alkaseltzer, theraflu and 4 boxes of tissues in 3 days.

    What cures do you use when you have a cold?

    If Emperor Palpatine Were Voiced By Mark Hamill’s Joker

    and I believe that’s Bane guest voicing Darth Vader!

    Judge and Jury

    Judge and Jury.jpg

    August LootCrate


    so this month wasn’t complete shit, there was a cool shirt, and the zombie guy was nice, though I gave him away to someone that would appreciate it more than I. The rest of it was pretty much filler, there was a Aperature vacuum belt, a 80’s press on temporary tattoo, which I almost got excited about thinking it was a vinyl sticker for my car, and then some other loot crate themed crap.

    The shirt was nice though. Not work $40, but nice enough to make me think next month won’t suck donkey dick like July’s box did.

    She’s so sexy

    download.gif (953 KB)

    download-1.gif (490 KB)

    handy hair

    handy hair.jpg

    snail paradise

    snail paradise.jpg

  • his and hers tubs

    his and hers tubs.jpeg

    sand bees

    sand bees.jpg

    Penis Goes Here

    Penis Goes Here.jpg

    ultimate shower

    ultimate shower.jpg

    sex burns calories

    sex burns calories.jpg

    no Outlet

    no Outlet.jpg



    Look what one dollar will buy

    Look what one dollar will buy.jpg



    plaid shirt


    What the fuck is wrong with the New Lobo?

    Here’s the original lovable lobo:


    And here’s the new one:


    I can honestly say that I’m very happy I stopped reading DC comics wit this kind of stupidity going on over there.


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