How steak is done

How steak is done.jpg

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  • Where is my bike

    Where is my bike.jpg

    janet leigh

    janet leigh.jpeg

    MCS Workflow

    MCS Workflow.gif

    no, but really, I have this set up on my mouse with the scroll wheel and the left sidewall button, I’m a copy/pasting FOOL.

    Another small adjustment to the author pages

    you can now see the selected author’s favorite images.

    I’ve also tidied up the comments / posts counts, no need to have them multiple places!

    Surprise Drive

    Surprise Drive.gif

    this is why you don’t tailgate and keep your eyes open for weird shit about to happen, especially when you’re right behind a damn trailer.

    Titanfall is awesome

    Titanfall is awesome.jpg

    been playing way too much of this lately.  Do you own it on Origin?  hit me up and we’ll kill things together: tgiokdi

    Bang vs Boom

    Bang vs Boom.gif

    you may have shot first, but I shot best.

    Supergirl is nearly nude on her first issue

    Supergirl is nearly nude on her first issue.jpg

    is this a real comic cover?  is DC that tone deaf?

    Snicker Shooter

    Snicker Shooter.jpg

    Dalec Cosplayer

    Dalec Cosplayer.png

    Destiny Jump Ship

    Destiny Jump Ship.jpg

    so sad this game was so disappointing 🙁

    Political Ice Cream

    Political Ice Cream.jpg

  • City Parking is Limited

    City Parking is Limited.jpg



    testing out NSFW favorite link

    testing out NSFW favorite link

    Click here to view testing out NSFW favorite link

    The Gun Store

    The Gun Store.jpg

    RIP Demis Roussos

    demis.jpg (46 KB)

    He didn’t sound fat.

    And on a more serious note, let’s not forget his collaboration with Vangelis.

    Piano over pool

    Piano over pool.jpg


    1420510437609-0.jpg (23 KB)

    Vacuum salesman invited to teen birthday party

    The middle school student turned 14 over the weekend and celebrated his birthday with a party that included close friends, family and a vacuum salesman. In an effort to help make her son’s birthday special, Dylan’s mother sent an email to the Kirby Company, the Cleveland-based makers of the Kirby vacuum.

    Masked Figure

    1420512098670-3.jpg (49 KB)

    Deer Wallpaper

    deer-dawn-richmond-park_85289_990x742.jpg (87 KB)


    horde.jpg (41 KB)

    Bob’s Burgers Nesting Dolls


    Bad Girl Shenanigans’ handpainted Belcher family nesting dolls are perfect for fans of the quirky Fox animated show. We can almost hear Linda shouting “All-riiight!” The only thing better would be if Louise’s bunny ears actually stuck out.

    Testing out something on the nsfw side of MCS

    Can  you please log out, log back in and try to comment on any NSFW post over on  ?

    Report back here afterwards if possible, if you find that you can’t comment at all, hop over to the chat room and let us know

    Opposite Day

    CCsu4QW.jpg (23 KB)

    Secret Santa

    700x1244.jpg (68 KB)

    Don’t Trust Clowns

    1421411249107.jpg (116 KB)


    1420681965936.jpg (67 KB)

    The Moon

    big_22e251281a6fb5401c600e6d0a039881a3bbb762.jpg (290 KB)