Weapons and their alternate uses

Weapons_600lunchbreath.jpg (160 KB)

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    29 Responses ttto Weapons and their alternate uses

    1. Rotatebilly says:

      The wood chipper isn’t a very good murder weapon, it’s better for disposing of the evidence.
      Any Fargo fans around?

    2. Nimbo says:

      In the US the number of civilians murdered each year with a rifle, any rifle is less than 500. Assault rifles make up a small fraction of that number.

      I get you dont like them. But seriously, your chance of getting with any rifle period is just north of one a million per year.

    3. Carnito says:

      I’ve hunt wild pigs with my AR-15, it worked just fine.

      • Wetwrks says:

        I think Ted Nugent would agree that an AR is a fine hunting rifle.

      • MrGlee says:

        The .223/5.56’s penetration can’t guarantee a clean kill. The bullet doesn’t always break through a boar’s skull. Even aiming at the heart fails since the caliber is too small and might change direction on impact and travel around the body.

        Maybe it’s enough for small game or even deer, but there’s a reason the rifles that usually use it are called varmint rifles…

        And before someone asks, the reason the military uses it is because it’s the cheapest ammo that can stop a man at 100m. They don’t care if he’s injured or dead as long as he isn’t shooting back.

    4. Lou R says:

      What is wrong with hunting small game with an AR-15? A well made, rugged, lightweight, accurate, controllable, portable, low power rifle with a detachable magazine. If your goal is either mass pest control or hunting small to medium game that is generally flushed at short range and/or may turn on you, such as small hogs what rifle would be MORE appropriate? That also discounts home defense as being a legitimate use. In many ways an AR-15 with the right ammunition is a -better- choice, both from an efficacy and safety standpoint than most handguns for use at ranges from 1 to 100 meters.

      • WistfulD says:

        It also ignores “use in the army” as an alternate use than murder weapon, so there is clearly a bias. Of the top 3 weapons used for murder, only knives are on this list. The other two are handguns and body parts (fists, feet, hands around the neck, etc.). Although honestly, given the way these are drawn, I almost suspect that the arrows and words are new or changed, and this was originally something about ways to kill zombies. Seriously, who draws political cartoons like this?

    5. Wildman7316 says:

      Does “Keeping the Government in it’s Place” not constitute an “Alternate Use”? How about “Making Unfriendly Countries think twice” (think about the quote often wrongly attributed to Admiral Yamamoto). Could it be that the person who put this Graphic together doesn’t consider Self Defense and the Defense of Others an “Alternate Use”?

      • WistfulD says:

        Well, they clearly ignored the military uses of assault rifles (whether that’s because they are a super-pacifistic ‘war is murder’ type or because they were coming at the argument with a ‘alternate uses (for the average citizen)’ perspective).

        I’m always fascinated by American’s (an assumption) belief that they are somehow keeping their government in its place (and the assumption that if they weren’t doing so, it would become a fascists state very readily) with their firearms. Sure, it’s because of your AR-15s that they don’t use their tanks and bombers and army which outspends the rest of the world combined to turn you into slaves to the state. Nothing to do with the volunteer armed forces never being able to be convinced to do so, or the fact that said armed forces are reliant on the economic foundation of the state that it protects. No, it’s a bunch of 2nd amendment enthusiasts who target practice on the weekends who are keeping their government honest. Makes perfect sense.

      • Korinthian says:

        You don’t really believe the USAdish people will keep the government in check with weapons like that, do you?

      • MrGlee says:

        Automatic rifles don’t keep governments in check. Cashier’s checks keep governments in check.

        Just look at the middle east: It takes at least Kornets and Javelins to handle a 3rd world standing army. What could you possibly hope to gain with an AR15?! Hell, you can’t even return fire without a Stinger when it comes to 80s and 90s air power. What are you planning on doing against UAVs and stealth bombers ?

        What the Second Amendment meant at the time was that the people could overthrow the government by force. Today even if you would allow people to have a tank in the yard it won’t do nothing.

        Automatic Rifles lol… I’d ban it just to expose the ridiculousness of it all.

      • Luke Magnifico says:

        As regards the first, have you tried taking a plane recently? Add to that warrantless raids and wiretapping, and even skeevier stuff like Stellar Wind… your government is so in the red already, where exactly do you draw the line and lead an assault on Washington?

        As regards the second…. I’m pretty sure that’s why countries are unfriendly towards you in the first place, friend.

    6. HoChunk says:

      If I was going to use a vehicle of some kind to murder people, it sure as fuck wouldn’t be one of those shitty leisure vans.

    7. outlanderssc says:

      I always get a chuckle at the idea that an AR-15 is an effective defense against a Predator Drone, and as such useful for “Keeping the Government in it’s Place”

      I also find it amusing that the ones pushing higher defense spending are usually conservatives, so they are in effect arming the very military that they believe will be used to oppress them.

      So they purchase drones and cruise missiles to arm the military and then purchase AR-15’s to defend themselves against them. Sharp logic, there.

      • Carnito says:

        It’s not about keeping the government in check. It’s about being able to defend your home and yourself. I have no desire to lead an insurrection against the government or fight the cops. Plus if the world all goes to shit, at least I could shoot a dog or something and keep us fed. I hope I never have to use it, but I also have fire extinguishers that I hope I never have to use. I’m a very liberal person, and have voted so my whole life, and I believe the 2nd Amendment is the most liberal right ever codified into law. How it became a conservative thing is a mystery and utterly backwards. Only totalitarian, theocratic, extremist, despotic, monarchs would want their people unarmed and helpless, like Iran or Syria.
        But I know, I know, when only the military, police, and the criminals have all the firearms, then we’ll be safe. 😛

        • outlanderssc says:

          I also find amusing the NRA concept that there are only two options – complete deregulation of any weapon or total disarmament of the citizenry – “when only the military, police, and the criminals have all the firearms”

          They ignore the fact that there hasn’t been a bill before Congress to outlaw all firearms in the last 100 years.

          Funny how everybody forgets the first part of the second amendment – “A well regulated militia”.

          We can actually have reasonable gun ownership of people who have been checked to see if they’re insane or criminals first, have safety training and with enough firepower to defend their homes without allowing people enough firepower to start a small war or kill several hundred people in seconds.

          We have that now, the US has more guns per capita than any other country. We need to focus on keeping them out of the hands of the insane, the criminals and the “would be Hitlers” of the world.

        • Carnito says:

          First, I’m not in the NRA. Second I’d be all for checking people out to see if they’re insane or criminals before purchasing a firearm, I have no problem with that. And third we are a well regulated militia. I’m subject to all the gun laws of my state, so I’m regulated. What do you think militias just materialize out of thin air? No, the militia are just people with legal firearms. Grab your best friend and say, “Hey, we’re a militia.” And now you’re a militia.

    8. impaciente says:

      This is conflating “murder” with “killing,” and that being said, the “Nothing” ignores the fact that an alternate use isn’t necessary. Some people need to be killed, and an assault rifle is often an effective way of killing them.

      Whether that killing is murder is a different story. Murder isn’t justified. Killing is, sometimes.

    9. db_tanker says:

      TECHNICALLY it could be an AR-10…although rather small for one it is just a silhouette…

      and regardless if it IS an AR-10, you can get different chambering instead of just .223 that make it a viable hunting rifle.

      as for the .gov control? well, some still do subscribe to the belief that the Founding Fathers laid down in the constitution about what the 2nd Amendment was for. But no matter what, violence should never be the first choice of a governmental change. I, of course, will never cater to the belief that violence solves nothing. It solves many things…generally all poorly.

    10. Pants says:

      Some people seem to think an AR-15 is an assault rifle. If it is not capable of selecting between semi-automatic and fully automatic, it is not an assault rifle. The term “assault weapon” in general is legally nebulous. The problem is people see a scary black gun and assume it’s the new BABYKILLER9000 complete with cop killer bullets and a specially designed stock to better bash children’s brains out.

    11. RealityCheck says:

      Alternative uses? Protecting home, hearth, and country, and keeping the fear of God in people who want to turn your country into a police state.

    12. The AR has no trigger guard…?

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