inside job

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    32 Responses ttto inside job

    1. Puulaahi says:

      TOO SOON.

      Wait, what’s the total death toll for Iraq & Afghanistan? The world will never know.

    2. Sean says:

      Totally agree

    3. Tyger42 says:

      Don’t tell me people are still on about this stupid theory…

    4. Korinthian says:

      Inside the plane or inside the towers?


    5. dallasalice says:

      Yes, because fire doesn’t melt steel says Rosie O’Donnell.

    6. Aquaman43 says:

      I don’t know about any of that, but this cuppa Folger’s is tasting pretty good, my doggie is on the bed behind me tearing one of her stuffed rabbits apart, and it’s gonna be in the high 70’s with clear skies today. Ahhh.

    7. guest says:

      One thing is to disregard as insane all the truly crazy theories about what really happened that day from people who’d clearly have a hard time spelling their own names, but a whole other thing is to be sufficiently retarded not to notice that nothing of what happened that day made any sense, and the official story is so ridiculous it looks like the work of a drunken, retarded mule.

      To begin with, the air space over the Pentagon is the second most restricted air space in the world (The White House is the first). They should have known an airplane was heading their way at least half an hour before it crashed, even on a day when two airplanes hadn’t already crashed into buildings. Yet they made absolutely no effort to evacuate or reduce the possible fatalities, or to shoot down the plane (which would have only required a dozen people with machine guns standing on the front lawn). And absolutely no heads rolled because of this. The plot of the last Matrix movie is move believable than that.

      And then there’s the three buildings who decided to disregard those pesky laws of physics that day. Anyone who knows more than one thing about physics and building design knows that the whole point of having load-bearing beams is that they distribute all vertical pressure evenly throughout their length. IOW, if you apply vertical pressure on a building, the load-bearing beams on every single floor will receive the exact same portion of that pressure, and will be just as equally likely to collapse. It’s physically impossible to cause a building’s floors to collapse in a neat little order from top to bottom by using only vertical pressure. If the pressure is enough to cause floor 150 to collapse, it is also enough to cause floor 30 to collapse because the pressure will invariably go equally through the whole building. In fact, floor 30 is more likely to collapse first because it’s already receiving the pressure caused by the weight of all the floors above it, which is less than what floor 150 is receiving.

      You can test this yourself at home. Make a tower out of half a dozen beer cans and apply pressure from the top. Will the cans collapse in order from top to bottom? Of course not. You can try a hundred times and won’t be able to get them to do that. Most likely, the first one to collapse will be the can at the middle of the tower.

      And in the case of WTC-4, we can see on the video that every single single load-bearing beam in the building failed at exactly the same time, which is not possible by normal means because load-bearing beams are structurally independent from each other. The amount of damage that one beam sustains has absolutely no effect on the one next to it. For an example of this check the Oklahoma City building. The explosion there took out a large number of load-bearing beams, and caused half the building to collapse. The other half remained standing with the only damage received being the result of the explosion’s shock-wave. The fact that the other half was damaged to the point of collapsing had no effect whatsoever on it.

      They claim “uh, 30% of WTC-4″ was damaged!!” So what? Why did the other 70% collapse too and at the exact same time? Empathy? It wanted to go with the flow? It didn’t want to be left behind?

      • Goldfinger says:

        Mhm. And now for motive. They did it because of….what? So they can invade a totally worthless country with no resources whatsoever, no real geo-political value, so they can kill a lot of civilians and their own soldiers. And the arms industry will make a lot of money they would have made anyways. Makes perfect sense.
        And if they are so stone cold, why do you think a big conspiracy of media, politics and industry would do this whole job so badly every tard on the internet can find out?

        If you wanna make up a conspiracy, start by finding a reason for people to conspire. And ‘being evul’ is not a reason. Well, it may be for the Republican Party, but they are not a conspiracy.
        I actually like the one where they destroyed the WTC because it housed the film studios used for faking the moon landing (another big conspiracy every tard with internet access could blow) and now that the smart smart conspiracy hunters on the interwebs found out about it they wanted to destroy the proof. Again, makes perfect sense.

        Maybe we should ask Dan Brown about it. He’ll know that the catholic church, or maybe just the Opus Dei found out that dem Joos kept the Holy Grail in the WTC and the KKK wanted to destroy the WTC so neither Jews nor Catholics would have the Grail. And since every member of the Bush administration is a member, knows a member or comes from a state where somebody is a member of the KKK – again, makes perfect sense.

      • dallasalice says:

        Seriously? Popular Mechanics shot down every one of your examples years ago.

      • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

        That was one of the dumbest fucking things I’ve read. Beer cans?

        Is that like poor people’s variant testing? If I place this beer can here in this tower and then…hang on I need to drink some more beer and finish the other tower or this experiment won’t be valid in the eyes of this government housing’s scientific community…

        Load bearing beams stand alone? Jesus…can I sell you this magic pen I have here? I’ll let you have it for 10000$ and it full on Harry Potter magic. You’ll love it, crazy person.

      • 100110110110010 says:

        You cant reason with 9-11 truther idiots. When you demonstrate that 98% of the people who know (the architects, the structural engineers, the chemical engineers) about the issues involved are unified that the jet fuel burn can and did cause the WTC collapse, they say “Experts don’t know everything.” Then, from under a rock, they’ll pull out their expert (who is usually a dentist, a lawyer, a muslim apologist, an anti-semite) and ask us to respect him.

        Oh, and the Pentagon, that’s also in the conspiracy too? I forget: is it a missile, or an unmanned 737? United 93– that was in the conspiracy too, right? They drove a plane into the ground for– I forget, why?

        Truthers = Birthers = Creationists = climate deniers = moonlanding deniers = holocaust deniers = UFO believers = JFK Conspiracists = … ?

        It’s the same mottled bag of high school educated (barely) Red State white folk who need to just get a job.

    8. PathogenAntifreeze says:

      If one thinks about these two questions, one will begin to consider alternatives to the “accepted” explanations:

      Who actually benefited from the events of that day? Who didn’t?

      However, one must also consider how many people would have had to maintained secrecy about it before and after, to this day, for any *inside-job conspiracy* explanation… and so it begins to look a bit more complicated and mundane than either side of the traditional argument thinks.

      I’m pretty sure it was agents of Atlantis who pulled it off.

    9. RP says:

      America, fuck yeah!

    10. 7footJesus says:

      I suggest it was Oswald, in the depository, with the rifle. I win!

    11. bzo says:

      If there is a cover-up of anything it is the covering up of how our government, under rediculous leadership from both president and congress, didn’t see this type of attack coming from a mile away. I am betting all those whose policies allowed our defenses to become so relaxed and full of holes are glad there are still fools wasting time and energy on this ‘inside job’ garbage, just as long as they’re not trying to uncover the real cover up I explained above.

    12. TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

      The american education system has let a great many of you down.

      Here: if you hit a building with a plane it will fall down. Buildings don’t topple over because they’re not made of Jenga pieces. That’s what happened. Planes hit buildings and they fell down. Everything else you want to think about it makes you look like a fucking retard. To everyone. All over the world.

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