The End Of The World

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    Number 1

    And the end of all pictures … at least I see nothing here. 😛

    Alec Dalek

    Why can’t religious folks keep their retardation to themselves?

    Number 1

    Yeah … stop those annoying Hawking-Fanatics! 😉


    I love the biblical quote -“be not wise in thine own eyes”
    I imagine a lot of his followers don’t feel very wise now –


    is it me, or does that guys shirt look like it’s been altered? the “judgement day…may 21, 2011…ask me!” are what im looking at.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Both are equally retarded but so is anyone who thinks Stephen Hawking is an authority on anything other than theory and being retarded. You do get that right? You’re placing your faith in someone who is actually a fucking full on retard. Sure its not mental…but really how do you qualify that? If you turned into Golum on wheels I bet you’d end up a little bent in the brain too.


    so we have a choice between “theory and retardation” or “fiction and fanaticism”? Boy am I glad it’s a bit more than that. At least theories can be followed and proven/disproven in a rational manner whereas there is nothing rational about fanaticism.

    Thanks for giving us your opinion there buttman.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    When theories are proved they are fact. Stephen Hawkings theories are no more factual than any religion.

    Thanks for showing how people miss the point almost on purpose by thinking they’re smart when they’re not.


    Correct me if I’m wrong but theories are proven into facts by other theories.


    Okay, you’re wrong. Theories are always theories until made “laws” (Newton’s Law’s of Physics, for instance.) And a theory can not ever be “proven” – only disproven. When all attempts to disprove the theory are exhausted, it is then accepted as law. Since current physicists are working with such abstracts, it is possible that their theories will not be (dis)proven for centuries.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    That other guy said it. He’s right.

    Theories can not be confirmed or validated by more theory.

    Science is mostly theory btw.

    So religion gets dumped on for being faith based even though science is largely the same way.

    But try telling some fucking half wit that and all they want to do is cry ‘bu bu bu…me smarter no?”. The nerd in that picture is such a half wit.




    Magnus that troll was so obvious it was painful… however I still find myself infuriated by the trolling. Tousche.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    I’m trolling by saying both sides suck? Jesus. This is like when I say both sides of the political spectrum are shit and the leftist nutfucks shit fairy over it because I dare not agree with them which makes me a nazi.

    Have you guys read Hawking’s shit? If you’re impressed by that guess work then its no wonder you guys worship a retard.


    What does Stephan Hawking & Harold Camping have in common?


    One of them is retarded and the other one is in a wheelchair?


    “Ohhh snap, fooo. You see dis muffukka’s sagn?”

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