Which ones?

For me, all but A and I.

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    39 Responses ttto Which ones?

    1. rykocolor says:

      I feel ya about A and I, J has some thunder thighs on her too so cross her out too! All of them look a little young to me though! Tiny chests and stupid duck faces no doubt.

      • She has a cute face, nice tan, and doesn’t look morbidly obese.

        • rykocolor says:

          Standards bro, standards! I would rather go without poon for months than date someone that was fat. and a tan and nice face do no compensate for fatness even though they are great. I mean look at the way she is standing, with her ass our and dress loose to hide her gut. I think it’s all about F baby!

          • jess the mess says:

            who wants to roll on a skeleton?

            • rykocolor says:

              Well there is certainly healthy fat. I want a skinny girl, and 99% of men want skinny girls, that is simply how it works, we are programmed that way

            • Cy85 says:

              I really love how you pulled that statistic out of your ass. Some people actually try and be legit when using numbers in their arguments, but not you, no sir.

          • anadin says:

            Does anyone else suspect this is casemods talking to himself?

            “I mean look at the way she is standing, ”

            Yes, she looks about 14 and new to walking in high heels

    2. AgZed says:

      “A” I’m in agreement with. She looks like she may be legitimately retarded, and while there’s nothing wrong with that in a strict “Would I stick my dick in it?” sense, not being able to prove consent is a turn-off, so “A” is out.

      “B” looks like a screamer, which is always good providing you can prove the aforementioned consent, so she’s in.

      CDE look like the girls everyone figured where fucking everyone left right & center, but in truth don’t lose their virginity until they’re 24. While not renowned for being terribly skilled, or even lively, in the sack, if anything goes awkwardly and seriously embarrassingly wrong (which is often does), they’re the only ones who will believe “No, it’s totally normal” as an excuse. So they are so very in.

      “F” was the one who was fucking everyone in high school, and likely gargles semen instead of Listerine in the morning. Nothing special in the sack, but expects you to act like she’s the freakiest sex kitten you’ve ever been with, and when you can’t pretend that her lying there like a wet towel is something out of the Karma Sutra: Unrated Edition, the inevitable drama just isn’t worth it. So “F” is out.

      “G” will give you the dirtiest, most depraved sex you could ever imagine, and you will wind up crying in the shower afterwards, desperately trying to get clean, while both abjectly terrified and insanely aroused over the thought that she might call again. So “G” is in.

      “H” will bite. And scratch. And make you bleed. While “G” will crush your soul and shatter your manhood, “H” won’t be satisfied until she breaks your body. While that whole “pleasure=pain” think is mostly for freaks and weirdos, the agony “H” will inflict upon you will also drive you to the highest reaches of ecstasy, so she’s in.

      I have found, after extensive and exhaustive research, that chicks who are wearing baggy plaid shirts tend to wicked bodies, low self-esteem, and are the most vicious kind of demon in the sack. So “I” is in.

      I’m not sure what to think about “J”. If she’s standing normally, something is fucked up right there. If she’s semi-squatting like she’s trying to take a shit, she might be pretty decent, when she’s standing normally. That does beg the question of why she’s posing for a picture like she needs to shit. If she has some latent “shit = sexy” thing going on, that can go fucking wrong, fucking fast, and risking that sort of thing isn’t worth it for a chick who can’t even look sexy while taking a shit. “J” is out.

      TL;DR: AF & J are out. I think up crazy shit while high.

    3. DMYTRIW WDS says:

      Fuck. I’ve gotten to the age where they look way too young. Now I care more about shit like compatibility and education/intelligence.

    4. blowbags says:

      Yea I’m not someone who whiteknights/chest beats “ill protect your offspring madam!!” at the sight of anyone under 26, but ABCDGH I’d want ID off 🙂 still… they are probably all in the same year. And yea… Jail time and mental scars aside, assuming they are all 18, I’d probably take em all – not mad on I though. B+C would get my sticky gold and silver medal however 🙂

    5. Korinthian says:

      D with a better poise.

    6. mcavity says:

      “I” will leave money on the dresser while your still passed out on the bed.

    7. Aquaman43 says:

      A is just ugly, sorry.
      B because she has food.
      C, D and E are totally fuckable.
      F looks like a screeching banshee.
      G I’d like to live in her vagina.
      H can move in to our guest room.
      I think I is my cousin Brian.
      J is the poster child for cankles.

    8. Reppy says:

      All of ’em. And I’d start with A and I and save the best ’til last.

    9. ogie says:

      J …look at how she is sticking her ass out..like she is saying “dick please”

    10. PatientZed says:

      A, E, I, J

      All four at once, preferably.

    11. venek says:

      I’ll take G. Then I guess I’ll do H, E, C, J, I, F, D, B, and finally A….then go back to G to finish on a good note.

    12. RSIxidor says:

      All of them but A, but then probably A as well.

    13. markosabo says:

      A and I what are you purposely picking out the ugliest ones?

    14. ANONymous says:

      G … and for the love of god, post pictures in NSFW when you’re done with her!!

    15. jadakiss says:

      you guys are fags.. J is fuckin hot .. prolly the only one from the whole bunch …. !

    16. TrikYodz says:

      At the same time.
      then one at a time.
      Then at the same time again.

    17. Nurgen says:

      Just I. Everyone else looks irritating as hell.

    18. Mike Rackhabet says:

      CH&J at the same time while A watches.

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