liberals and their views

liberals and their views

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    13 Responses ttto liberals and their views

    1. Korinthian says:

      At least they don’t try to censor every opposing opinion like Christian republicans.

    2. outlanderssc says:

      Where did you get this? asinine trolls R Us?

    3. Tyger42 says:

      Conservatives are just shocked to find out there are other views.

    4. TheLotusEater725 says:


      Christ you people are easily manipulated.

    5. TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

      They know there are other views. They just want to silence them.

      That’s why they’re worse.

      This has been my point for years.

    6. DMYTRIW WDS says:

      I’m not shocked to know that there are other views. I’m shocked at what those views are.

      -Like how a single payer system is evil, but insurance companies making a profit is OK and free markety.

      -Like a the average American wage is $44,000. They pay 25% in taxes. 2/3 of corporations pay no taxes and we actually give them money. But to tax them would be socialist.

      -Or how a GOP wannabe presidential candidate thinks that if this country goes too secular it’ll will be full of atheists who are controlled by Muslims (Newt) WTF?!

      -Or that the NOAA satellite should be defunded because it helps give evidence of global warming. The same satellite they use to track hurricanes and storm systems.

      -Or that NPR is liberal media and should get cut from the budget.

      -Or running on the base of limited government but voting for the patriot act extensions

      -or running on the base of limited government and wanting to kill net neutrality

      Or believing that unions are the problem for the recession and not Wall Street

      -Or that Obama isn’t American

      -Or that Obama is a secret Muslim

      -Or that Obama is a lizard pers… wait, that one’s mine

    7. zilch says:

      people who believe the world is divided into liberal and conservative may do it because they are too stupid or lazy to even believe that someone could form their own opinion on each issue rather than having their stance dictated to them by party leaders or to assess others as individuals. I dont think it is OK that most people describe their political beliefs into one or 2 abused terms(republican, democrat, liberal, conservative) Actual thinking people should describe their stance on each issue individually. Encouraging people to join of of the 2 major moron clubs(political parties) then having the party dictate their position is detrimental.
      All political parties should be dissolved, they are counterproductive..

    8. Puulaahi says:

      Join the Anarchy party and get a free grenade.

    9. 100110110110010 says:

      If Buckley actually said that, I’m shocked. I thought he was a “con” in the
      same way Patrick Moynihan was a “lib.” That is, a thoughtful intellectual,
      partisan but reasonable on issues.

      The most amazing facet about the new Republican breed of dullards is their
      ability to: be outrageously wrong and deceitful (like their stands on climate
      change, evolution, tax cuts for rich people) and simultaneously express outrage
      at their opponents for being wrong and deceitful. Fucking Republican brains,
      how do they work??

    10. Caio says:

      I think you guys are missing the point. I say this as a person who is about as left wing as you can get. Here’s the deal:

      I once knew this chick who moved to China, and was a feminist vegetarian who wanted to experience a different culture. Unfortunately, in that (rednecky, middle of nowhere) part of China, marriages are still arranged, people beat their wives in public, brag about having concubines, and absolutely nothing is even close to being vegetarian. And she was shocked by the casual (though rarely meanspirited, more joking) racism directed at her. She cringed whenever someone called her a ‘foreigner’, even, because she believed in not pointing out skin colour, but that’s just not traditional Chinese culture.

      The girl had a mental breakdown. Basically, she was in a position where she was ultra-left and tolerant of other cultures, and thrown in the middle of a culture that was completely the opposite of everything she believed in, sending her into a star trek-like computer paradox breakdown. It did not end well, and she left China an ultra-right wing neo-nazi, I swear to god.

      I suspect most liberals would do the same thing if they ever left whatever stupid cafe they’re the mayor of or whatever.

      • Korinthian says:

        No liberals in foxholes?

        Here’s where I tell you a story about a close friend of mine that turned from being a republican to a liberal after getting his first hug at age 35. What does my story prove? Absolutely nothing.

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