Lyrics Have Gone Downhill

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    39 Responses ttto Lyrics Have Gone Downhill

    1. I don’t think so. Good lyrics are still being written, the only difference is that it doesn’t take good lyrics to be famous any more. It does say a lot about this generation but bad lyrics, and I can speak only for myself, have never taken away from my enjoyment of what I consider to be good lyrics.

      So baptise me in the stars
      And wrap me in nighttime
      Moon blue
      Pupil my sight with orange balls of light
      And echo my plight
      Through the corridors of metaphor
      What else are we living for if not to create
      Fiction and rhyme?
      My purpose is to make my soul
      Rhyme with my
      mind over matter
      Minds create matter
      minds create fiction
      As a matter of fact
      As if matter were fact
      Matter is fact
      So spirit must be fiction
      Science fiction

      – Saul Williams – Tao of Now

      • Puulaahi says:

        Well I think as far as mainstream music, it’s gone downhill.

        But I agree, there is plenty of great music out there. Just feels like you have to search a lot more for it. I recently found a band that is quickly becoming my favorite: Mumford And Sons.

        • Yeah that’s what I meant. Now that I reread my comment it sounds a little funny though, what I meant is that all the bad music doesn’t bother me, I don’t listen to any radio stations that play mainstream music and I don’t have a TV, the only time I’m exposed to MM is when I choose to. Also based on what I keep finding on the Internet, the amount of good musicians is endless, both classics and semi new ones.
          Mumford and Sons are fantastic, I would have known that you like them even if you hand’t told me. They’re like a British version of that musician you made me ask for on the radio.

          • Puulaahi says:

            Definitely tons of great music to be found on the internet and tons of places to find it. I totally forget what song I asked you to play. Feels like forever ago. Maybe Great Big Sea? Which are similar but a wee bit different. Their more folkie then Mumford and Sons.

        • Tyger42 says:

          Or just a specific genre that’s gone downhill (Well, that genre was never really much up from the bottom of the hill to begin with…). Known as (c)rap… ( Or maybe rap(e), as a description of what it does to the ears )

          • Bullshit. It’s only mainstream rap that is shit, as with any other genre. There is a whole culture of rap that TV doesn’t show you, the purely poetic rap, the liberal rap and even the secular rap.
            Such as Saul Williams, Sage Francis, Atmosphere, doseone, Sole, Aesop Rock, Why?, Jurassic 5, The Roots, Matisyahu, MF Doom, Dan Le Sac, K-Os, Madlib, Deltron 3030 – any of these sound familiar yet? If no then perhaps it’s not a good idea to make generalisations like that.

            • Aquaman43 says:

              I dont know one single name you just listed. Not one.

            • Yeah mate, that was my point. The masses are only exposed to mainstream rap, they’re not going to be familiar with anything else unless they search for it. Is Korn a good representation of what rock has to offer? No? Neither is Jay Z in regards to rap. Step out of your comfort zone and give this a try,


            • Korinthian says:

              I’m not surprised that isn’t mainstream, as it isn’t *music* and it isn’t good.

              Anyone can write poetry that impresses a music snob with a distaste for anything that’s not obscure.

            • Wait are you trying to tell me that rap alone isn’t music? I would have never guessed. Since we were comparing lyrical talent I thought a rap alone would do. I’m not sure what’s supposed to be obscure about it or how you can claim I’m a music snob based on one single poem that I like.
              And it’s not mainstream because it doesn’t mention guns bitches bling, sorry about that.

            • Korinthian says:

              That thing you linked to isn’t music, and that’s one of two reasons it’s not mainstream.

              You may not have said that you’re a music snob, but in what you’ve written it’s implied that you know better than the unwashed masses that only listen to what they’re fed through MTV. That might not have been your intention, but it’s how you come across.

              Next time you express yourself on this subject you might want to consider that the music you like isn’t very good instead of resorting to explanations sounding very much like conspiracy theories.

            • I never claimed it was music, it’s a poem by a rapper. He has songs where he composed the music and other things and he’s still not mainstream. Mainly because he’s an atheist and a harsh critic of his government.

              What about Jay Z being mainstream is a conspiracy theory? Where do you think Aquaman came across this guy? The TV or the radio. I honestly don’t know what you’re going on about there.

              Aren’t you the same guy who was impressed that I could spell Dostoevsky’s name? You know what, I think you just enjoy disregarding anything that has depth by calling it obscure. I’ll stick to my fancy “snob” writing, whether they come from an American underground rapper, a British rock musician or a Russian author, thanks.

            • Korinthian says:

              If you know it’s not music, then my original statement shouldn’t have confused you. Glad we’ve got that sorted out.

              Regarding your reasons sounding like conspiracy theories, you added more in your most recent reply, regarding his atheism. It’s excuses.

              “Aren’t you the same guy who was impressed that I could spell Dostoevsky’s name? You know what, I think you just enjoy disregarding anything that has depth by calling it obscure.”

              Don’t make yourself look more of a fool and take a joke of mine and try to make it into an attempt at a comeback. And don’t assume that just because you think something is profound that it is so to others.

              Sometimes it’s good to realize that the high horse you’re sitting on is a pony. Consider it a favor that I don’t just point and laugh, but that I’m instead honest with you.

              You’re welcome.

            • Haha oh man you really are dense. When was the last time MTV promoted atheism or anything secular. When was the last time the majority of people were interested or approved of criticising the government? Look at any top 10 charts and tell me how much of their lyrics is about anything substantial. There’s no conspiracy theory here unless you can show me what the unlikely theory about this is. People enjoy Britney Spears and Justin Bieber, i.e. dumb stuff, end of fucking story.

              And I think you’re just trying to make excuses because you’re illiterate. See the problem is that my argument was never that the music I listen to is better than anyone else’s, taste is subjective, but that disregarding thousands of lyricists because of a handful of mainstream clowns is probably not realistic. That point however seemed to have completely gone over your head.

              So far you haven’t presented one single artist of your own, I have no reason to take your commentary on anything creative seriously.

            • Korinthian says:

              “People enjoy Britney Spears and Justin Bieber, i.e. dumb stuff, end of fucking story.”

              My point is that Britney and Bieber have better music than the stuff you’re listening to, which is why they’re mainstream, not because of atheism and disagreeing politics. Perhaps I haven’t made this clear before, but I’ll assume that you’ve understood it after having read this reply.

              If the music is good enough, it won’t matter that it calls out the USAdish government, as Eminem and Rage Against the Machine have done. That much is obvious to me, although I don’t understand why it is not so to you.

              I’m glad you’ve come to realize that the music you like isn’t better than Britney et al. I’m glad that I have taught you something.

              Perhaps there’s a reason that so many disregard these thousands of lyricists that you speak of. I mean, I’ve already established that the best of them that you could find on youtube was some emo crying into into the microphone. Now, I’m sure that kind of thing resonates with yourself and several dozens of others, but it wasn’t impressive to me. Perhaps you’d like another chance to win me over? I’m sure that you care about my approval of this not-quite-hip-hop thing. Everyone deserves a second chance is what I always say.

              “So far you haven’t presented one single artist of your own, I have no reason to take your commentary on anything creative seriously.”

              So dismissive! So angsty! No need to get like that though, I don’t dislike you just because your taste in music/lyrics is special.

            • I didn’t know there was a video for it, it’s gorgeous. I wish record vans were real.

        • nyoki says:

          One thing to consider is that, in general, the music we listen to from the before time are the good ones. If you were actually listening to radio (am and fm at the time) you’d be commenting on how the lyrics and technical ability of the bands were terrible.

      • Luke Magnifico says:

        Yes… but what do those lyrics mean?

        • All I can give you is my interpretation but you’d have to listen to the whole thing to get a better idea, I chose this part only for its poetic beauty.
          He is ridiculing the idolisation of deities while praising independence and art. The stuff about stars, light and in other parts he mentions earth and nature – are a metaphor for relying only on the laws of nature, that it’s all you need to be illuminated. Most of his stuff is about this kind of thing, it’s pretty sweet.

      • It says something very good about you that you lead-in with Saul Williams. +1

    2. All of my love would have been a better reference.

      The beat is a lot better and sophisticated.

      But new music is supposed to be party music.

      Stuff from the 70’s was to get stoned to, mostly

    3. Korinthian says:

      Nothing deserves to be compared to bad hip-hop.

    4. TunaFish says:

      derp derp derp

      Pretty much like DieA said, mainstream music has been mostly bullshit for the last decade, perhaps even longer. But there is still an immense amount of brilliant music being made every year. And thanks to the internet, we have the power to ignore the shit designed for the masses that gets played on TV and Radio, and discover the music that speaks to you as an individual.

      This year alone I have discovered more music that I love than ever before. And most of it is fairly recent, as in released in the last decade or so.

      Lyrics have gone downhill? Bollocks. Marketing has become better.

    5. Aquaman43 says:

      Clock strikes twelve and moondrops burst
      Out at you from their hiding place
      Like acid and oil on a madman’s face
      His reason tends to fly away
      Like lesser birds on the four winds
      Like silver scrapes in May
      And now the sand’s become a crust
      Most of you have gone away

      Come Susie dear, let’s take a walk
      Just out there upon the beach
      I know you’ll soon be married
      And you’ll want to know where winds come from
      Well it’s never said at all
      On the map that Carrie reads
      Behind the clock back there you know
      At the Four Winds Bar

      B.O.C – Astronomy

      Ok Jay Z. Your turn.

    6. Chenoan says:

      In twenty years people will be comparing these lyrics to whatever lyrics are around then.

    7. DMYTRIW WDS says:


    8. didyimis says:

      Your faulty logic annoys me. I’m not saying that you couldn’t be right, but you could’ve picked a better song for comparison (i.e., something in the same general genre). Fly like a G6 is a party song, a club song; lyrics aren’t supposed to be so important, it’s meant to make you move (and it does just that).

      For comparison, Van McCoy’s “The Hustle” (1975)

      Look here’s a dance
      So old it’s new
      ‘Cause trash disco is seventies cool
      Like country line dance, to some it’s fine
      Sadly though, you gotta lose your mind
      Get organized, discipline is fun
      I want to encourage everyone
      To coordinate your steps and clap
      Avoid the individuality trap
      Take a walk on the wild side

      Nothing too spectacular here, either (besides the fact that it discredits the idea individuality). The Hustle, like G6 is a dance (specifically, disco) song.

      Led Zeppelin told stories with their music and there are plenty of artists today who still do the same. Broad over-generalizations, stereo-typing, and painting anything “other” or “new” as the downfall of our civilization (rather than things like consumerism and man’s unwillingness to live peaceably next to one another and be tolerant of their neighbors’ beliefs, lifestyles, etc.)is more detrimental than some club song with shitty lyrics.

    9. PatientZed says:



    10. ian356094 says:


    11. I’m not saying this is poetic or genius, but Marshall Mathers’ lyrics can get me amped. from ‘No Love’ I love to bump this in my mercedes 😉

      I’m alive again
      More alive than I have been in my whole entire life
      I can see these people’s ears perk up as I begin
      To spaz with the pen, I’m a little bit sicker than most
      Shit’s finna get thick again
      They say the competition is stiff
      But I get a hard dick from this shit, now stick it in
      I ain’t never giving in again
      Caution to the wind, complete freedom
      Look at these rappers, how I treat them
      So why the fuck would I join them when I beat them
      They call me a freak because
      I like to spit on these pussies fore I eat them
      Man get these whack cocksuckers off stage
      Where the fuck is Kanye when you need him?
      Snatch the mic from him, bitch I’mma let you finish in a minute
      Yeah the rap is tight
      But I’m ’bout to spit the greatest verse of all time
      So you might want to go back to the lab tonight and um
      Scribble out them rhymes you were going to spit
      And start over from scratch and write new ones
      But I’m afraid that it ain’t gonna make no difference
      When I rip this stage and tear it in half tonight
      It’s an adrenaline rush to feel the bass thump
      In the place all the way to the parking lot, fellow
      Set fire to the mic and ignite the crowd
      You can see the sparks from hot metal
      Cold-hearted from the day I Bogarted the game
      I so started to rock fellow
      When I’m not even in my harshest
      You can still get roasted because Marsh is not mellow
      Til I’m toppling from the top I’m not going to stop
      I’m standing on my Monopoly board
      That means I’m on top of my game and it don’t stop
      Til my hip don’t hop anymore
      When you so good that you can’t say it
      Because it ain’t even cool for you to sound cocky anymore
      People just get sick cause you spit
      These fools can’t drool or dribble a drop anymore
      And you can never break my stride
      You never slow the momentum at any moment I’m about to blow
      You’ll never take my pride
      Killing the flow, slow venom and the opponent
      Is getting no mercy, mark my words
      Ain’t letting up, relentless
      I smell blood, I don’t give a fuck: keep giving them hell
      Where was you when I fell and needed help up?
      You get no love

    12. 7footJesus says:

      Best. Troll. Evar.

      Eat your heart out casemeth.

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