dislexic hipster

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one of my professor’s is dislexic this term. its horrible to try to copy down the utter shite he writes on the board

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    The verb for dyslexia is dyslexic not ‘dislexic.’ It also took me three tries to understand what you were saying in your first sentence there. The plural for professor is professors, there is no apostrophe.


    adjective not verb*


    I don’t mind? All I was trying to say is that one doesn’t have to be dyslexic to be unintelligible.

    Tiggle Bitties

    ’tis true, though dyslexia certainly does not help.

    I have a friend who is more cohesive in writing than most people I have met, but it’s only because he’s also somewhat autistic. He edits everything to the point of perfection.

    Also I would laugh very hard if I ever saw a dyslexic hipster. Not because he’d be lysdexic, but because he’d be a lysdexic hipster.


    lysdexic tishrep?


    Can’t be easy to be dyslectic on the web. People are bound to think you’re less smart than you actually are.


    I have an excuse now.


    Fuck you


    Was that aimed at me?


    no, you’re good

    casemods UID# 667

    Is that even legal?

    Wouldn’t it make you work harder and possibly misunderstand a lot of info?


    I think it’s bullshit that they let him be a professor to teach college students. I’m all for letting people with disabilities have all the rights of everyone else, but how the fuck are you supposed to learn properly from him? You’re paying (or someone is) fuck knows how much money for an education and you have to cope with that, or with people who can’t really speak English that well or have accents too thick to understand it with any amount of ease. And even worse than the average student, what about students who also have disabilities… they’re pretty screwed with teachers who have communication issues themselves.


    I don’t think they should let retards use the Internet and yet here you are


    You don’t think there should be any job requirements or English proficiency tests for those who have to teach to people who only know English? I’m pretty sure that most jobs (including ones much less prestigious than that of a professor) have more stringent language proficiency requirements… so why should they be exempt or have very relaxed standards? I also don’t think that just because someone is a genius in their field that that makes them a good teacher. Knowing an advanced level of a subject does not necessarily make you able to communicate an understanding of it to others well.


    There is more than one way to communicate with people, I’ve had professors who only gave lectures, and I’ve had some that explain their point in writing. Since most cases of dyslexia don’t affect your speech, theres nothing stopping him from giving oral lectures in the class.
    As for people who are incomprehensible, whether it be because of accent or language barrier, most of the time they can illustrate their point through writing.
    But If they have no way of communicating, then yes, they shouldn’t have the job, but I doubt a school will hire someone like that in the first place.


    One magnificent individual by the name of John Francis stopped talking or using any vehicles for almost two decades. He travelled all over the US by foot, he went to school and even taught at schools. At first the students were shocked when they heard that their teacher doesn’t speak, by the time he was about to leave every student tried to attend his classes and the room was always stuffed with people. He told his story on TED.


    I don’t want to take away from his story in any way, but Those are some amazing circumstances.


    It’s not that they don’t have a way of communicating (in my experiences), they do, but they just don’t utilize it properly. Going right along with your examples, someone hard to understand their speech giving mainly lectures despite the difficulty of understanding…

    Or in the case of the OP, he said that his dyslexic professor, rather than teaching mainly through lecture which wouldn’t affect his ability to teach, instead wrote a ton of stuff on the board… which again doesn’t make sense if he had thought through his options for communicating with the students.


    I has a chem lab prof that was Chinese It was impossible to understand her speech or writing. There’s a point when it becomes ridiculous. I ended up dropping the course and took it the next year.


    My brother was an original dyslexic, back when the man said it didn’t exist. He was a pioneer and paved the way for us Nu-Wave dyslexics. Me dyslexic hipster ^^

    I over compensate by trying to use proper spelling and grammar on the internet and to avoid that incomprehensible hand writing thing, I write in caps.

    Have a word with your professor, I found most to be quite accomodating when it came to suggestions to make their lessons easier to understand or take notes from. Also, you don’t get to make fun of us if your spelling and grammar is that bad, it just makes you look stupid.


    It doesn’t even matter if he is dyslexic, the point is you can’t read what he writes, that is cause for complaint. There will be someone you can take that to, either course leaders or student body thing.

    It’s the wannabes I hate, shit hand writing and an inability to spell does not qualify you as dyslexic. You need to pass exams and shit.

    Alec Dalek

    The professor is dyslexic this term? What was he last term, colour blind?


    Dyslexia is a reading disorder. Dysgraphia is a writing disorder.


    Aren’t they usually connected?

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