Fast Roping 101

Fast-Roping-101-IDF-Flotilla.jpg (32 KB)

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    23 Responses ttto Fast Roping 101

    1. nyoki says:

      Just reading Salon’s How Israeli propaganda shaped U.S. media coverage of the flotilla attack that dieA posted.
      Very interesting and disturbing info. I used to mostly defend what Israel had to do, but these last couple of years, I’m finding it more difficult and sometimes impossible to defend their positions and/or actions.

      • nyoki says:

        I hope my comment is relevant, since I can’t actually see the pic.

        • Puulaahi says:

          It is. You will see whenever stupid MCS let’s you see. Luckily, eventually the site will.

          I don’t defend either side. They deserve each other. Both at fault. Two separate nation states with equal land!!! USA needs to stop helping Israel. That place will always be a cluster fuck. Always has been and always will.

          Real religion should be about compassion toward your fellow human being and the earth itself. Sadly, a really rare characteristic. Instead these religious folk seem to be stuck on crusade mode collecting born again followers to beat out x religion or for browny points into heaven or out of pure hubris. And this is coming from the perspective of a non-religious person.

          • One should never defend any “side.” Condemn the people who commit crimes, and support the people who haven’t done anything wrong and just want to live their lives. Entire countries can’t be “at fault”, judge individuals if you want yourself to be judged as an individual.
            Lastly, just because an argument is old doesn’t mean it’s intractable. The roots of every war goes back thousands of years. Unless you think you personally can be hold accountable for all the crimes of your own country, in which case you have the right to make that judgement I guess. Though that would be very heartless on your part.

            You always repeat the same thing, Puu. Did you ever even watch the video I posted just for you?
            Also I suggest you read World War Z for ideas how realistic peace between the two can be. (I’m only being half serious about that last line)

            • Puulaahi says:

              In the video he still talks about two sides. The same two sides I talk about: Palestine (Hamas) and the Israeli Military/Government. Who both happen to be filled with people killing the innocent unjustly and endlessly fighting each other to no resolve. Who also have leaders who are individuals. I keep repeating myself because nothing has changed.

              I make broad statements with zero description or only write part of my opinion because I am sick of the subject matter. I have the right to have an opinion on the matter just as you do and everyone else.

              I don’t always repeat the same thing on every subject. You probably think I am stupid because I don’t take the time to write argumentative essays to discuss. But the truth is simply that I am lazy and would rather spend that time outside among people I see day to day.

            • Why are you so defensive and trying to insult me? I never said you can’t have an opinion, but if you were truly tired of it you wouldn’t be talking about it at all. No seriously, what’s the point in saying “this issue will never be resolved” over and over again? Yes he talks about two sides but he doesn’t say that all the civilians on both sides deserve whatever is happening to them. He explains how and why compromise and peace is possible.

              I didn’t say you repeat yourself on every subject, just this one. I don’t think you’re stupid, I was being polite and trying to discuss it with you. I even made a joke at the end, what’s the matter?

            • Puulaahi says:

              I don’t have much of a sense of humor these days and I wasn’t trying to insult you. My social skills suck, I can’t even have a discussion. Besides it’s not like I completely mean what I am saying. I believe if anyone will turn things around over there it’s the children that will. I have posted docu trailers of Israeli and Palestinian kids coming together for peace. I have varied opinions on this subject matter.

            • Sounds good. It’s not so bad to have a little more faith in people though. I know about the kids, and I believe I replied to that with what happened in my country where they invited children from both sides to a school to discuss solutions together. But it’s not just kids you know, here’s something you won’t see on mainstream media.

              “Palestinian and Israeli Combatants Join Forces For Peace”

              Lastly, no matter what happens, remember that I respect you because I know the reasons why you’re being so harsh. For example you’re also very critical of America even though you’re American, more critical than me in fact, which says a lot. So when I’m trying to challenge you, it’s because I see a little more reason for hope, not because I think I’m smarter than you.

            • Puulaahi says:

              Yeah, I honestly have very little faith in humanity itself. I know I should probably have more, but I haven’t seen anything in humanity to give me any hope. I wish their would be peace everywhere, but that is a fallacy. All human civilizations fail. Besides my personal life certainly gives me little hope.

              I have always had high respect and regard for you dieA. I miss our talks. You are one of the most intelligent people that I have ever come across.

              The only reason why I am so hard on my country is because it simply hasn’t measured up to the documents that it was founded on from the start. Democratic documents that other nations have copied and are succeeding better then America has as far as rights for their citizens.

              Great to see Israeli and Palestinian soldiers coming together. That definitely is huge. Screw the mass media. I read a site called: TruthOut that posts news stories you don’t hear on the mainstream news. Depressing stuff.

            • I know I know. On the other hand, I feel like we really need to get our shit together, I’m pretty sure scientists would consider our generation lucky to even see any number of civilisations fail. Since we’re not even sure if we’ll make it that far.

              Likewise, although you probably shouldn’t have said that here, someone is gonna show up and disagree with the intelligent part for sure haha.

              But at least you got those documents. Like there’s room for improvement where as other people don’t even know where to start. And I’ll say it again, I don’t have any 1st Amendment rights in my country. Well I do but they’re greatly compromised, in comparison. Anyway it’s a good trait of yours so I won’t say much more at this point. If everyone were like me, most people would be living in dreamland so I’m glad there are people like you. TruthOut is a good site, I just bookmarked it. It’s depressing though, you’re right. Here’s a site that I recently found that’s a little more uplifting.

              It collects articles that make society look a tad better, that mass media ignores on purpose, or doesn’t give as much attention. My favourites there right now are, “Surrealism boosts brain power” and “Netherlands closes prisons due to lack of criminals.” (The last one is hilarious in my opinion, take that Geert Wilders you stupid lying cunt.)

            • Oh yeah and the joke was that in World War Z there is peace between the two because of a zombie apocalypse. Which is obviously such a super smart argumentative essay on my part, right? Relax, man.

            • Kik Dogg says:

              cute puppy

            • Puulaahi says:

              Cute Misanthrope (See only dark humor going lately).

          • PsiloCybin says:

            Excuse me? Israel just wants to live in peace, how would you feel if you had kids and when you woke up every morning you had to fear for their safety and worry that a stupid 100$ bomb will blow up your kid, who is priceless. IDF Does not take land, they DEFEND their own country. Just like any other country would, When terrorists bombed the twin towers, The U.S.A was bombing and sending thousands of troops a week later.

    2. DMYTRIW WDS says:

      Solution to the Israeli/Palestinian shitfuckstorm in three easy steps.

      1- Give a fuck tons of AT4s and Stinger missiles to the Palestinians, but they have a RFID tag rigged to blow if they get too close to the fence.

      2- Give a fuck ton of C-RAMs and CIWSs to Israel to protect them from missile attacks that never hit anything anyways.

      3- Tell both parties to fucking lose our number and keep all that aid and support money for hookers and blow money for me since I solved the Middle East problem.

    3. TGGeko says:

      What the hell does any of this have to do with “Fast Roping”?

    4. PsiloCybin says:

      Israel should have a right to defend it self, just like any other country.

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