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    26 Responses ttto There’s probably no god

    1. natedog says:

      well at least they leave it open to probabilities. because the universe is composed of quantum probabilities.

    2. Queensly says:

      erm, yeah what Nate said.

    3. I’m with nate also.

      Except mathematics right? Support my mathematics fundamentalism goddamnit. If you do you get a badge with a mathematical equation on it, each supporter gets a different one. Our supplies are endless. Just like your momma’s butt.

      • Sticky says:

        I’m not good at math. Can I still be a math fundamentalist? I totally want a badge.

      • RSIxidor says:

        If our perception is different from some other life form’s perception, couldn’t this other life from see 1+1 as equal to 3? But at the same time, if our perception is different, then perhaps their 3 is equal to our 2. Why am I still talking?

        • Not really, if their 3 means what our 3 means it won’t work. Mathematics is a system that is not dependent on such factors, all you need is a person capable to perceive it and it exists and works. If they use 3 as a symbol for what we use 2 then yes. But that would just mean that they speak mathematics in a different language. My mathematics fundamentalism doesn’t support xenophobia so it would be cool.

        • Waelfwulf says:

          Also, people talk about math being the only true universal language, but there are different dialects. We count using base 10, if some alien race counted using base 17, then we would not be able to communicate until either race figured out what the other was speaking. Just my $.02

          • That’s precisely what I just said in my prior comment. Just because this hypothetical race calls numbers a different name doesn’t make our mathematical system invalid. Our mathematical system is self evident, it is true because we can think of it.

            “A mathematical truth is neither simple nor complicated in itself, it is.”
            – Emile Lemoine

            “But there is another reason for the high repute of mathematics: it is mathematics that offers the exact natural sciences a certain measure of security which, without mathematics, they could not attain.”

            “…it is marvellous enough that man is capable at all to reach such a degree of certainty and purity in pure thinking as the Greeks showed us for the first time to be possible in geometry.”
            – Einstein

          • Lamb says:

            I’m thinking aliens wouldn’t send something in base 17 even if it were their normal counting system. They’d probably use base 2 to be sure it’s easy to decipher by an intelligent enough race.

        • The Matrix: Rebooted says:

          Maths are far more fundamental than 1+1. You can spend a whole semester class starting with set theory and working your up to proving basic arithmetic operations. So as long as you start with the same set theory axiom (which are stuff like really obvious stuff like “Two sets are equal if they contain the same elements”) then you would end up with same maths.

        • maxcw says:

          2 + 2 is 4, 2 + 2 is 4, Heheheh I can see why THIS show is so popular!

    4. Puulaahi says:

      How I learned to stop worrying and enjoy the bomb. True story.

    5. bstaples says:

      If you think you’ve got the balls to put your religious message on my subway, man up and go all the way. “Probably no God” means you should’ve keep your worthless opinion to yourself.

      What would happen if a theist decided to make an ad saying “There’s probably a God Now go read you bible to gain life”?

      • fracked again says:

        Have you seen church ads lately?

        This is actually as strong of an atheist statement as one can honestly make. Agnostic atheism is a logically defensible position, and happens to be Dawkin’s position. Pretty damn sure, but open to evidence.

    6. Flickerdart says:

      Man, if people gained a life every time they read the Bible, then religion and gladiator sports would be much more popular.

    7. mikoyangurevich15 says:

      How cute.Myths are probably not true.How courageous.

    8. TheLotusEater725 says:

      More proof that atheists really do not care what you believe.

    9. Gilly says:

      “If you could reason with religious people…”

      (complete the quote!)

    10. Tyger42 says:

      You know, it’s sad that people get all bent out of shape over something like this, but it’s A-OK for Christians and other faiths to put up billboards spouting their beliefs…

    11. bloth says:

      He’s right.
      Buddha didn’t wear underpants.

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