Eeyore The Emocrat

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In response to my other Post.

Asinine America

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    18 Responses ttto Eeyore The Emocrat

    1. Pants says:

      good thing i dont know what this means or i wouldnt find it so funny

    2. vincent.ex2 says:

      Government-run wars! That’s the problem with you Americans, you need to privatize war.

    3. Belbo says:

      Black president? Really?

    4. 100110110110010 says:

      This all makes sense if you only listen to
      and Glenn Beck.
      Rock on, troglodyte!

      • TheLotusEater725 says:

        Most of it makes sense if you watch any mainstream news outlet and don’t shackle yourself to the “democrat vs republican” pigeonholes. I don’t watch glenn beck ( i fucking hate that guy, always have and you can check my forum posts to verify it) and i sure as shit do not hang out on conservapedia.

    5. The Matrix: Rebooted says:

      I lol’d at most of the these. 2nd to last one is a little bit weird: (1) what do failed wars have to do with healthcare? (2) Democrats apparently do not support government run health care. They are clearly not going to pass it.

      • TheLotusEater725 says:

        Because the government isn’t able to manage simple conflicts that should have ended in a matter of months, days even (unless you think iraq vietnam and the war on drugs are sucessful wars), so we expect them to be able to run healthcare for the whole damn nation.

        • Belbo says:

          I don’t think you can equate providing social services to a military takeover of a sovereign nation or a whole bundle of black ops and shady paramilitary dealings on a one-to-one basis.

        • Belbo says:

          Furthermore, (sorry), I don’t expect them to RUN my healthcare, I just expect them to PAY for it.

          • TheLotusEater725 says:

            And with what money are they going to pay for said healthcare? I think one thing i should make clear is that i am not opposed to the idea of socialized medicine/healthcare, it is a great idea. However i live in the real world where funds get misappropriated, price gouging occurs and where politicians have their own interests as well as corporate interests in mind over the peoples interests.

            • fracked again says:

              With the money we are already using to pay for healthcare. Just get rid of the health insurance casinos or force them to not make a profit on basic, broad coverage plans as does Germany. Also allow importation of pharmaceuticals or force fair market prices for drugs (return laws on pharma advertising to where they were in the 80s to bring down costs, too). Ba Da Bing.

            • WistfulD says:

              You do realize that 46% of health care spending is already paid for by the government as is, right? I see your argument, but government control is not always the most inefficient. Want to talk inefficient? By 2016, 20% of our GDP is going to be spent on health care! 20%! And for health outcomes that are at the bottom of the industrialized world. The current bill before congress does not specifically address cost containment, but it does bring more people into the system, allows more information to be gathered by health researchers, and allows us to start asking why our healthcare is so expensive.

        • DMYTRIW WDS says:

          The government also runs our schools, colleges, build our roads and bridges, pays our police and fire, and everyfuckingthingelse. They haven’t managed to kill me yet with their horrible mismanagement of those.

          • TheLotusEater725 says:

            Really because last time i checked our schools were overcrowded. We had to cut education programs for things such as art and music and science labs. Our roads and bridges are falling apart (Don’t believe me? Drive down i-95 on the east coast and compare it to say the Auto-bahn)and when repairs and expansions are made they can take years at a time when they are needed right now. Our police officers are too busy busting kids for smoking pot meanwhile our justice system lets convicted rapists,murderers and pedophiles walk freely amongst society. I take it you have never been arrested.

            • fracked again says:

              So we change the funding priorities. Make schools and infrastructure a priority, clear our some of the pointless military spending and move from a prison economy to a rehabilitation system. But that makes us “weak on crime” and “weak on defense.”

            • TheLotusEater725 says:

              Yes, i agree, but do you honestly think it will work out that way?

    6. Tyger42 says:

      You know, it’s funny how Republicans harp on Obama’s bailouts when Bush did it first and bigger… Bush’s “economic stimulus” only involved cutting checks to the corporations. Obama’s did that some, but focused more on road work projects and other such things with the intent of creating jobs. Of course, both of those suffered from Congressional pork barreling…

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