Obama Says Goodbye To Bush

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    45 Responses ttto Obama Says Goodbye To Bush

    1. natedog says:

      [user was banned for this post]

    2. hufnmouth says:

      WTF is up with the racism here?

      • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

        Shut the fuck up, asshole.

        Did poor widdle asshat not get the usual Obama suckjob he woves tho moooooch?

        How’s your dollar doing btw? Looking more like a ‘dolla’ every day huh?

        • Sarcastastic says:

          Hufnmouth’s the asshole, eh? All he did was question the racism. He didn’t complain about anything against Obama, simply the racism. You jump to conclusions.

        • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

          And you came to his rescue…why?

          Or am I jumping to another conclusion?

          The bullshit meter says you are bullshit.

        • Sarcastastic says:

          Hahahaha! Somebody is awfully confrontational. I’d say conclusion, as I’m really just pointing out the gaping flaw in your logic.

        • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

          Gaping flaw?


          Solid point.


          I guess you just got here. Racism is the least of our worries.

          And you are also obviously full of shit. And a chinaman.

        • Sarcastastic says:

          The flaw is that you are equating someone questioning the racist comments with looking for support for Obama. Not only that, but you somehow tied that into the current economic situation, which had absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.

        • Tardex says:

          I feel like you’re a white supremacist who thinks that other people are the ones who are fucking up this country when in all reality the white folks screwed it up beyond belief back in the day and its slowly starting to rear its ugly head which allows people like you to blame shit one others so as to give yourself a feeling of accomplishment or satisfaction the problems are indeed not yours but others.

        • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

          I feel like you’re a God damned moron who is so backwards and uneducated its not wonder nothing but shit comes out of your mouth (virtually).

          How DARE anyone say anything bad about black people. White people is dee devyil!

          You’re an idiot and a racist and a complete, well rounded loser.

          Without evil whitey the rest of the world would still be at war and in some cases unaware of anything but their own geographic region.

          Anyway…you’re probably 12 or some dumb nig nig typing on a busted ass laptop sitting on a porch waiting for evil whitey’s free checks to get to you so you can make a payment on that track suit you have on layaway.

          The stupidity some people like Puulaahi and Tardex display on here is palpable and nauseating.

          Also I think tiki is a bisexual.

        • Tardex says:

          “shit comes out of your mouth (virtually)” Haha, what?! I think you need to look up what virtual means, because in this sense you’re implying that when I exist, whilst talking, in an imaginary computer generated world, shit comes from my mouth.

          “How DARE anyone say anything bad about black people. White people is dee devyil!” At no point in time did I ever mention black people or any other “inferior” race.

          “well rounded loser.” Well fuck man, at least I’m well rounded. I hate to be a loser with a gaping flaw like yours truly.

          “Without evil whitey the rest of the world would still be at war and in some cases unaware of anything but their own geographic region.” Untrue, take Hotel Rwanda for example. No white people involved there. I was just stating that America was fucked up.

          The next two are the best I think.

          “you’re probably 12 or some dumb nig nig typing on a busted ass laptop sitting on a porch waiting for evil whitey’s free checks to get to you so you can make a payment on that track suit you have on layaway.”


          “You’re an idiot and a racist and a complete”

          These completely contradict each other. I’m the racist here? Why do i have a track suit on layaway? If I’m so stupid should I even know how to use catalogs? Who the fuck buys a track suit that is so expensive that you actually need to make payments on it? Why am I on a porch? And why am I using a busted ass laptop? Why not a busted ass desktop computer. Better yet, HOW the fuck am I using a busted ass computer of any type if its busted ass?

          Fuck man, tie up your loose ends.

        • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

          It amazes me when stupid people get confused and then tell others that its their fault. lol

          There are no logic flaws or contradictions. You’re just too fucking stupid to follow along. So you saw a movie with about Rwanda and that shows clearly that white people didn’t create and extend the hand of civilization to the whole planet?

          You are quite the smart little thing aren’t you?

          Then you went on to try and dumbfuck your way through a deconstruction which would only make sense to someone with severe head trauma and think yourself funny. You’re sad, nutsack and in making yourself look so fucking stupid you only make my point more valid.

          Obama blowjobbers are the racists and are the reason American is fucked right now. Not the single one man they’d like to scapegoat for their idiocy, sloth, and general non-understanding of their own economics.

        • Tardex says:

          I find that you try to make your point through excessive vulgarity towards your target. That’s a fallacy in and of itself.

        • Sarcastastic says:


        • nyoki says:

          I find that you try to make your point through excessive vulgarity towards your target. That’s a fallacy in and of itself.

          Only if you’re paying attention.

      • Sticky says:

        Dude, it’s MCS. DUH.

    3. Moe says:

      -the country is in shit?
      -the doller is lost?
      -gas prices are up?

      ..Blame the Black-man! .. lol

    4. Puulaahi says:


      But GOOD RIDDANCE to the country killing cowboy.

    5. Deleted_User says:


      Shooped no way. Too bad the killing cowboy probably saved your ass from getting blown up by a terrorist. Didn’t care for him at the end but this new prez oh my god I hope Ophra didn’t pick him because of his looks.

      Who’s in charge? Better have some kids to pay off this debit. What are you doing this weekend, want to go NYC on date night while people you work for are Unemployed.

    6. And now, for a humorous interlude:

      “You work three jobs? … Uniquely American, isn’t it? I mean, that is fantastic that you’re doing that.”

      — Bush to a divorced mother of three, Omaha, Nebraska, Feb. 4, 2005

    7. Let’s see….

      Typical Blonde/mAgnUS BUTTfersoon bile & hate. (Which, you know, always makes me rethink my position on believing neocons are asshats).

      Some random racism. Nice. Haven’t had that on M[c]S in a while. Glad to see we’re trying to be 4chan. What else…?

      A little bit of Bush bashing. Always fun. That guy was like an 8 year case of the stupids.

      Well, glad to see I didn’t miss anything. Obama is going to win this next election in a Reagan-esque landslide.

    8. HoChunk says:

      Why is Obama’s finger white and Biden’s finger black?

    9. hufnmouth says:

      Undoctored, it is a pretty good picture. The position he was in was well beyond him as a man. His undoing was the loss of respect by those he governed. I attibute it to the isolation of the Presidency and ultimate abuse of those he governed.

      FYI: If you want to know where Cheyney, Rumsfeld, and the rest of Bush’s advisers got their start, read “All the President’s Men”.

    10. “I’ll be long gone before some smart person ever figures out what happened inside this Oval Office.”

    11. Holy shit, this one just blew my mind:

      “Let me start off by saying that in 2000 I said, ‘Vote for me. I’m an agent of change.’ In 2004, I said, ‘I’m not interested in change –I want to continue as president.’ Every candidate has got to say ‘change.’ That’s what the American people expect.”

      –George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., March 5, 2008

    12. Puulaahi says:

      “Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.” —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004

      “There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.” —George W. Bush, Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002

    13. TheLotusEater725 says:

      Ugh god so how much longer are people going to keep blaming bush for shit? It’s called personal responsibility people. Bush shouldn’t be the only person held accountable for our nations current state. But oh wait the only reason i am saying this is because Faux News told me so right?

      • I think there are just as many people who blame Bush as there are ones who blame Obama.

        “Government” in general, is not too popular these days.

        Except most people agree that Bush just didn’t do anything remarkable for America, and even now after he’s gone, the consequences of his actions, or lack thereof are still valid and devastating.

        You can disagree with Obama’s politics all you want, chances are the situation would be similar now, even if a republican were president.

        • sutenvulf says:

          ” You can disagree with Obama’s politics all you want, chances are the situation would be similar now, even if a republican were president.”

          Perhaps. I think a Republican president wouldn’t have stated a proposed exit date for Iraq nor released biased and prejudiced statements to the media to tarnish the other party.

          Sorry but I don’t buy anyone party’s bullshit anymore.

        • Well for one, whatever statements Obama released, what do they have to do with how he governs the country now?

          And oh yah, republicans are perfectly capable of releasing biased and prejudiced statements. All of the “celebrity” candidates did exactly that, especially McCain.

          Personally I was in favour of Ron Paul who is a republican, and guess what, he would have done the same thing about Iraq.

        • sutenvulf says:

          I’m referring to the fact that Obama is knee deep in salvaging the country’s assets and his administration also chose to disclose information regarding interrogation techniques and nearly released critical CIA security documents. Its helping a man into the boat after throwing another overboard.

          Also I’m referring to him releasing these DURING his presidency and not during his campaign. (Everyone released shit during the campaign)

          Prove that Ron Paul would’ve done that. Its probably the absolute WORST military and defense decision to announce. Period. Besides Ron Paul is too by the book with warfare and wouldn’t have the balls to make such a statement serving as a republican president.

    14. clicksip says:

      Hmmm… Why so much hatin’?

      • TheLotusEater725 says:

        Because it is more convenient to blame one person or party for the nations problems as opposed to taking responsibility for your fuck ups.

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