
99_evolution2.jpg (80 KB)

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    70 Responses ttto Evolution

    1. HoChunk says:

      That’s nothing. In the 10s they’ll have razorwire.

    2. MonkeyHitman says:

      funny since some still don’t evolve

    3. Sticky says:

      I didn’t see it until you pointed it out, but damn, nice job.

    4. j_bryon says:

      Looks like it went: 60s=Real Adult, 80s=Teenage, 00s=Child.
      Yup, that’s pretty much the truth there.

    5. fracked again says:

      Goodbye fur bikini.

      Whats the last thing a pubic hair hears before it hears the ground?

      Ptuh ptuh ptuh.

    6. maggot5858 says:

      AT you just dont understand the concept of NSFW lol

    7. L_Tetris_Block says:

      I blame global warming.

    8. MonkeyHitman says:

      @L_Tetris_Block: you sayin this is a bad thing?

    9. Gouki4u says:

      @ColombianMonkey: Wouldn’t the last one technically be Native American?

    10. storminator says:

      personally, i really like not having to go to the dentist for a haircut anymore.

      and my barber is very happy i stopped asking for a teeth cleaning.

    11. @ColombianMonkey: Is it wrong I didn’t make the connection?

      I’d almost say it’s more racist to see it that way, because who the fuck is pink or yellow?

    12. @Paul_Is_Drunk:

      PATRICK AND SPONGEBOB. Yeah maybe you’re not racist, but of course you gotta discriminate against cartoon characters. Pfffffft.

    13. joodles says:

      @dieAntagonista: Damn you, now I see Spongebob, Sandy and Patrick when I look at this picture. It’s creepy.

    14. @joodles: Oh. God. I can see it. On the other hand, Spongebob & co are kinda hardcore anyway. I’m pretty sure I have seen Bob in a French maid’s costume. Finding out that he has a pussy and doesn’t shave shouldn’t be that much of a shock.

      And you’d have to be blind to not see Patrick’s camel toe.


    15. MonkeyHitman says:

      @Gouki4u: more like a colour in between them both. a sweet caramel colour.

    16. MonkeyHitman says:

      @Paul_Is_Drunk: nah, not at all. just shows you were busy?

    17. @RSIxidor:

      Naw. Subtle references in cartoons are more likely to get me off than deliberate pornographic corruptions.

      All right I’m kidding. But in my head I’m the kind of person who would do it like that.

    18. @RSIxidor: Unfortunately that’s not the worst thing I’ve seen online, but it does make me more afraid of people in SpongeBob T-shirts.

    19. joodles says:

      In Rockabye Bivalve, Spongebob dresses up as a woman to be the scallop’s mother, cause Patrick doesn’t wear a shirt, and there’s a close-up of Patrick and he’s really really hairy. It’s a little disturbing.
      Also, Spongebob watches porn on tv in one episode. “Gary! I was just looking for the… sports channel..”

    20. Dreth says:

      Is it wrong that the first thing I thought of when I saw 00’s was :3 ???

    21. ack says:

      Fuckin spot on mate. I second global warming.

      Yes. GTFO.

    22. MonkeyHitman says:

      @Sticky: @ack: leave him, his is related to the undertaker. and undertaker would kick your ass with some fake wrestling.

    23. hvymetal86 says:

      And I beheld the evolution… and I saw that it was good.

    24. MonkeyHitman says:

      i would still be scared if he comes up to me with his acting (not dreth but undertaker) dreth iz cool

    25. Sticky says:

      Aww, I was just messing with Dreth. Maybe I should have added ¶s for emphasis.

    26. Zane says:


      I know this post could be borderline for some people’s workplaces. But, sadly, if this is considered postable, www.myconfinedspace.com is no longer a site I can enjoy in my spare time at work. Thanks AT.

    27. ack says:

      Shame. I shall miss you… well, actually no I won’t.

      Consider this, if a cartoon receding-hairline vagina cartoon has you worried about being fired… maybe you should stick to fucking work during working hours you slack fuck.

      The global economy is going to shit and your worried about surfing MCS at work???

      What the fuck is wrong with you?

    28. Sticky says:


    29. Dreth says:

      @Sticky: One for you.
      : 3

      @ack: One for you.
      : 3

      @ColombianMonkey: Aaaand two for you.
      : 3
      : 3

    30. Dreth says:

      Wait, how the fawk did you know about The Undertaker thing?

    31. Sticky says:

      Your question you wished to ask?

    32. MonkeyHitman says:

      @Sticky: is it me or a large amount of people have problems understanding comments/sentences?

    33. Sticky says:

      Yes, it seems to be a fairly common problem. But it’s the interwebs. I mean, there’s really nothing you can do. :\

    34. Sticky says:

      Lol. Die speaks only truth, so I guess I was wrong. XD

    35. Hey, he himself once said that he doesn’t put any effort in comments on the Internet.

      You get what you give.

    36. MonkeyHitman says:

      @dieAntagonista: ahh it’s nice to know your name is Sticky now 🙂

    37. MonkeyHitman says:

      @Sticky: Is cool man, leave it be. am heading out. i rather not say anything more so I don’t start another shitstorm to feed her masochistic needs.

    38. I think that’s Monkey’s subtle way of hinting on me being you, Sticky.

      Hey Monkey, it’s not my fault that you say things on here and then you forget all about it.
      I can’t remember word for word, but you said something like, “The Internet doesn’t deserve anything but my shitty grammar.”

      Or should I call you Immanuel. Or how about HitmanMonkey.

      I’m not the one with sock puppet accounts, you are. So stop spreading lies just because you can’t handle the truth.

    39. Sticky says:

      Die is a masochist? Kinky. 😉

    40. Masochistic needs? Oh please. You are the psycho with 67 different personalities.

      Monkey I just lost all respect for you. Smoke more weed and maybe take some classes in basic English grammar.

    41. Sticky says:

      *does my best Jack Nicholson impersonation* YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!

    42. Sticky says:

      Stuff’s getting posted faster than I can keep up with. 😛

    43. MonkeyHitman says:

      @Sticky: yea I know man, I learned that the more you talk the more
      it want’s to talk back to you, They look for every possible low grade comeback it can think off.
      Since they have nothing relevant to say lol. watch what happens mmkay?
      hey maya you are the one who started a shitstorm about 1 comment I made that’s obviously worth a fly in your room that progressed to something you cannot handle anymore. You are the one who started saying im full of shit and i should shut the fuck up. You are the one who couldn’t tell a difference between a serious comment and sparking a bigger flamewar between both of them but noooo you just had to go and judge me before asking. You are the one who’s scraping the wall for low grade disses and throwing them at me, You’re the one who makes a decision about me before becoming aware of the relevant facts of a case or event, thats called prejustice something you mentioned and you know something else you mentioned that fits also into place? Hypocrisy, say one thing and do something else. You actually have the balls to tell me what I really meant…wow not everyone have had that royalty.
      It’s sad to know that I thought you knew better, that you were actually above regular people, that you understood the basic fundamentals of understand and coping with people. That you actually a person who ask questions first before acting but after this, pretty much allot of things you said seemed to be lies. I wished they were not. i really wish they are not for the sake of your well being cause later in life the shit is going to hit the fan and life is gonna hit you hard in the face before you even know it.

      As a matter of a fact i love my crappy grammar if you don’t like it tough love, you’re the only one suffering from it obviously. Also i like changing name thank you very much. It’s a habit that i change things. Didn’t know it really disturbed you that much that I like to change names. news flash Immanuel is one of my middle names ‘whoop di doo’. since you complain all the time that i hardly have nothing better to say. I had a reason why i kept it short but since you’re so eager to know why i try to refrain the words i speak? because i just don’t want you to embarrass yourself with the things you “automatically assumed” about me. you’re game is busted, it’s gameover so look, I’m going to stop being who I am just for you (there is no pilcrow here) so i can to stop caring. So here maya I wrote a big text just for YOU so you have an nice excuse to say something about me.

    44. You said, and I quote “retarded shitstorm”. Yeah you didn’t say retarded people, but that’s pretty much the same. If people are trying to have a discussion and you call their thoughts retarded, while you don’t have anything better to say than, “oh they’re all children, haha, look at them!” – then that is what I’m going to judge you by. Comprende?

      Look at you and how degrading you are. You don’t even reply to me, you reply to Sticky and you say “Since they have nothing relevant to say lol. watch what happens mmkay?”
      Now who is the one who doesn’t have the balls.

      It’s a game to you. Tough shit, because playing with you is no fun.

      And don’t be such a pussy because I said you’re full of shit. What you said makes me think you are full of shit.
      Want me to list all the insults you threw at me?
      Calling me “special”, like I’m retarded.
      Always pointing how you’re the “bigger person” while making fun of the things I wrote.
      “Masochistic needs”
      Calling me a liar.
      And you “warn” me about what happens if I don’t agree with you. You said “i really wish they are not for the sake of your well being cause later in life the shit is going to hit the fan”

      Ah well I appreciate your concern, dipshit. Except I didn’t ask for it.

      I never said all your comments are useless and you should not make any. But if you call people’s discussions, “retarded shitstorm” – and not only once, but over and over and fucking over again then I have only one thing to say to you about that: shut the fuck up. I said you should go somewhere else, comment on another post. I have no problem with your shitty grammar either. But again, don’t complain about other people being incoherent when you yourself sound like a 4 year old. You’re a hypocrite by definition. And you think it’s funny.

      I’m doing fine with my life, I’d appreciate it if you would stop using personal things you know about me to insult me.

      Since you won’t admit any of the offensive things you said, I figured that much already – I don’t want to have anything to do with you anymore. I won’t bother reading your repetitive shit either. Goodbye.

    45. Awesome1 says:

      It’s wrong to accuse people who shave their pussies and enjoy bald or super-trimmed pussies of having desires towards prepubescence. If you like to eat it, it’s the only way to go. Period.

    46. Dreth says:

      Ahoy there.

      I noticed you got drama on your internets. I have a camper in the back, I could help you store some of it away although I think it won’t fit in completely.

      Or I could fuck you up the ass so you forget about it.

    47. MonkeyHitman says:

      wow…. if you only knew how stupid that comment is. you’re blaming me for the stuff you doing lol. shows determination. just look at yourself trying to find the lowest forms telling me i’m scared and only quoting sticky only. imma just quote that so i can keep this short since you enjoy shitstorms . That is just proof how low you have to go. but HEY if you wanna go as low as your coping abilities then be my guest but at least have some pride for yourself.

    48. Sticky says:

      Jesus people. Internets are serious business, I guess.

    49. SumoSnipe says:

      So. When did you two get hitched? You sound like a married couple after the honeymoons over and the first bills just came in.

    50. Sticky says:

      Talk about the proverbial gas on the fire. XD

    51. nyoki says:

      @SumoSnipe: LOL
      I thought that for a split second and decided against posting the thought.

    52. SumoSnipe says:

      Hmm. I still have not yet learned that:
      buzzed x (stick + hornets nest)= BAD IDEA

      Oh well. maybe next time I’ll beat them hornets to the water….

    53. i brought some haterade… i know how all this hating can really get your electrolyte levels down…

    54. Sticky says:

      Thoughtful of you. I hope you brought the gallon.

    55. iriepants says:

      people have read into this a lot – it’s just social commentary – simply showing a shift in trend translatable to the masses – the change in color was either an aesthetic choice as one color was too bland or an effort to avoid selecting one race, and in turn, being considered racist –anyone know the artist?

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