One more Red Sonja Teaser

rose-mcgowan-is-red-sonja.jpg (59 KB)

OK, they have my attention… let\’s see how good it is

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    57 Responses ttto One more Red Sonja Teaser

    1. Hepathos says:

      oh wow, she’s… not that pretty. And that eyepaint is pretty crappy.

    2. joodles says:

      But red hair is really hot… and boobs…

    3. MonkeyHitman says:

      @joodles: i see you love photoshop like us lol

    4. Luke Magnifico says:

      She does have quite a set, this much is true.

      But her face is deformed.

    5. joodles says:

      It’s not as if anyone will ever meet these women, may as well improve their pictures.

    6. MonkeyHitman says:

      @joodles: ahhh lol never say never lol you could bump into…. btw you should visit the forums and post there also!.

    7. joodles says:

      @ColombianMonkey: lol omg lol! no, I just like lookin’ at the pictures.

    8. CathyLong says:

      wow… bad bad bad. Not even a good photoshop. Shoulda let the guys over at Heavy Metal take a crack at this. At least they know how to make warrior women look sexy. -_-
      It’s not that fucking hard to make a woman look hot weilding a knife. Jesus.

    9. wookie_x says:

      Ok, Robert Rodriguez producing is the only reason to think that this movie won’t be completely filled with the suck. Rose McGowan may be hot, but a pretty face does NOT make a good movie.

    10. Sticky says:

      I agree with the Heavy Metal statement.

    11. joodles says:

      West Coast Customs, even.

    12. MonkeyHitman says:

      @joodles: all it takes is one click

      You know you want to click it. just read all pages and if you want you can submut your own : D

    13. joodles says:

      @ColombianMonkey: Is it ok to submit NSFW pics of myself? Cause they’re the only pics I have, except for that one of me and the sub.

    14. Luke Magnifico says:

      It is very all right.

    15. MonkeyHitman says:

      @joodles: actually don’t, we tend to have some immature people who will fap the whole time. you have to choose some vip and share it to them LoL

    16. MonkeyHitman says:

      and it will make you regret posting them, unless your that type of girl by all means share with the world>

    17. Puulaahi says:

      Definitely missing this one.

    18. joodles says:

      Yeah that was a joke………

    19. MonkeyHitman says:

      @joodles: you have to excuse my rudeness too much internet gets the better of me.. you will understand in time, the more time you spend with with McS

    20. Luke Magnifico says:


      The way the internet works is simple;

      If you are male, you should not post pics. This is important.

      If you have boobs, you should post pics.


      The first rule must be obeyed.

      A male with boobs cannot post pics.

      It’s a good system.

    21. MonkeyHitman says:

      @LukeV1-5: hmm that is the wrong rule men.

    22. MonkeyHitman says:

      the rules of internet based on /B/


      we are pretty much normal people but on the internet we “release” our steam. whereas in real life we would be in solitary confinement for the things we say.

    23. joodles says:

      Woah, hold up… so on this ‘internet’ thing, guys want to see women with their tits out? Wow… I never knew this. I really admire those women that post naked pics of themselves. They must be really proud of themselves. I didn’t know a thing about the internet until this site…

    24. Luke Magnifico says:

      The /b/ rules are outdated. We need a bold, new, simple approach to the internet.

      With me as your leader, we cannot fail!

    25. MonkeyHitman says:

      @joodles: let me try to explain. 60% is YES to your comment 30% say for joke but respect a women privacy if they wanted they would see if the friendship could evolve and the 10% is isn’t interested in seeing, but just to chillout (no homo).
      @LukeV1-5: LOL we shall talk about this.

    26. joodles says:

      This is so edutaining.

    27. Luke Magnifico says:

      …there is something I must say.

      I am messing around.

      Fucking with you, if you will.

      I am not sure ColumbianMonkey is doing the same.


    28. MonkeyHitman says:

      i assume your new to this so okay on a serious note we are cool people but sometime anonymous gets the better of us all and some like to act big behind monitors lol. but the internet is a really cool place especially My Confined Space. if there some internet trend that you don’t understand please revert to

      if you don’t understand /b/ i warn you. it could make you choose to leave the internet, it is considered the dark pages of the internet, little big mouth kids & pedophiles who show each other underage porn or talk the most outrages gay stuff. if you ever go there prepare to expect the unexpected! and the internet has “funny” pictures aka pictures with TexT which is hot like lukeV1-5 ¶retarded unborn radiated face¶. BTW this symbol = ¶ represents sarcasm. was inveted by luke himself *claps*

    29. Luke Magnifico says:

      I veto CM’s serious note.

    30. joodles says:

      The internet seems complicated! I think I’ll just go back to cooking dinner, chilling beer and providing bjs.


    31. MonkeyHitman says:

      @joodles: i must go against that, you could be usefull! we still have more topics to know what you know. it is a must. hmmmm cooking dinner & Beer.. teh best *drool*

    32. MonkeyHitman says:

      @LukeV1-5: veto ? i don’t understand the word from 1629

    33. Luke Magnifico says:

      @joodles: Depends what you’re cooking.

      You’re not a… vegetarian, are you?

      @ColombianMonkey: 1629?

      I was thinking more, ancient Roman tribunic power of Veto.

    34. hvymetal86 says:

      The top she is wearing is made from chainmaille. I make chainmaille and have made a bikini top in the past.

    35. joodles says:

      @Luke: I mainly cook steak, bacon, sausages in beer batter, apple pie, chocolate chip cookies, etc… I don’t eat them though, cause no fat chicks.

    36. MonkeyHitman says:

      my god. can i hire you? do you reside in europe?

    37. Luke Magnifico says:

      @joodles: Hmm….

      You have passed the test. You have permission to cook for me.

    38. Annarchy says:

      You are fucking hilarious!!

    39. MonkeyHitman says:

      i challenge you to a brawl bitch! i saw her first as my chef! lol

    40. Luke Magnifico says:

      @ColombianMonkey: Yeah, but who can get to her quicker.

      I propose


    41. MonkeyHitman says:

      well i have to know where she resides, but i live in holland soo.. until we know where she resides then yea.

    42. Luke Magnifico says:

      She resides in Cork. Or Limerick.

      I am closest. So to make it fair, a race around the world is necessary.

    43. MonkeyHitman says:

      hmm let me re-think this.. i think i would forfit the race. enjoy:)

    44. nyoki says:

      @joodles: They do seem to be ignoring your UID.

    45. joodles says:

      Yup. I’m ok with that.

    46. Awesome1 says:

      so sick of this “sin city” colorization bullshit

    47. Phyreblade says:

      Well, I’ll watch this with an open mind, but my movintuition says… Phail.

    48. MonkeyHitman says:

      @nyokki: LOL and to thought I could do something good. I feel like a whore now but nevertheless it could be she just made an account and left it and recently returned!. or maybe she has been brainwashed. damn i feel like a skanky whore. being used. damn you luke.

    49. joodles says:

      I’ve been here quite a while. is my earliest post I can remember, but I’ve been here for a lot longer. I’m not a figment of your imagination, and I’ll haunt your nightmares.

    50. MonkeyHitman says:

      @joodles: is cool atleast it will be better than the nightmare i had this morning.

    51. Luke Magnifico says:

      Dudes, I recognised. Hell, I even tried to @tell Columbian Monkey:, but he wouldn’t listen.

    52. Luke Magnifico says:

      @ColombianMonkey: Well, I was trying to be subtle.

    53. nyoki says:

      @ColombianMonkey: Skanky whore isn’t all bad. 😉

    54. MonkeyHitman says:

      really? hmm.. i guess it’s not all that bad …

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