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    45 Responses ttto chocolate reign – some stay dry, others feel the change

    1. flyingcat88 says:

      F* brilliant! Simple, but clever! I love it!

    2. Drew says:

      Oh here we go, yes we get it Obama is the president. You should call this website TikiGod[wantstosuck]Obamascock.com

    3. yawn says:

      Yes, because posting a funny picture about the new President of the United States of America is sooooooo going overboard!

    4. PmWi says:

      i don’t see the problem. i lol’d. simple as that

    5. Tardex says:

      @Drew: I was under the impression that tiki god was the creator of this fine virtual establishment. I believe that his opinion would out-rank yours.

    6. Tardex says:

      Also, I laughed. Nice.

    7. Either candidate would be screwed. Obama is just more of a celebrity. The world seems to worships celebrities like gods. I think people will be more forgiving of Obama’s failure than they would of McCain’s. Either way, I have gained alot of respect for Obama. This man has a lot of charisma and a suave personality which may or may not be a good thing. Time will tell. I stayed dry today but am looking forward to feeling some change. STILL Proud to be an American.

    8. isoft says:

      did you prefer white drunk reign ?
      are you rednek ?

    9. dub_1211 says:

      @Drew: i just love the fact that he’s here, he ain’t going anywhere anytime soon, and you’re forced to live with it. move to russia.

    10. natedog says:

      Obama’s Cock. wow. that is funny shtuff right there.

    11. Puulaahi says:

      It’s an awesome historical event. Things can only get better.Although economically we still have a bit more of a drop before things get mo betta. Obama is in a position right now to bring us up from this 8 yr downword spiral. If you think otherwise, FUCK YOU GTFO.

    12. yawn says:

      Anyways, for anyone who didn’t watch the inauguration speech (for example, if you’re like me and don’t watch television – ever), here’s the speech:

      Part I: www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fvu83xAhGc
      Part II: www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFlyWvYCZEs
      Part III: www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCUj4cEgrKE

    13. Luke Magnifico says:

      I thought it was a pretty kick ass speech, honestly.

      “We will extend our hand if you are willing to unclench your fist”


    14. Annarchy says:

      Forgot this: for the last eight years I have been shouted down every time I disagreed out loud with Bush’s policies and blunders because “it’s un-American to disagree with the president.” Guess what? You’re being un-American. You have to support Obama or risk looking like a neo-con hypocrite asshole.

    15. Drew says:

      it’s not like i called the guy a spear chucker.

    16. RSIxidor says:

      Isn’t it nice that someone actually feels proud of their president for a change? (at least so far)

      There were only a few brief instances I think anyone could feel proud of Bush (other than for being president, alone itself something incredible). I felt something after 9/11, but that quicly faded and may have just been terorrismphetimines getting me all hopped up.

    17. FlyingMantisShrimp says:

      I think both parties need to maybe just slow down a bit.

      People who hate Obama: he hasn’t even done anything yet, give him a shot.

      People who are proud of Obama: congratulations on being proud of somebody for getting elected. Not for being a good president. Just for making promises during a campaign and getting elected.

    18. Puulaahi says:

      @RSIxidor: I felt something after 9/11 too, but it had nothing to do with Bush. It was the nations of the world standing strong behind America in the tragedy that somehow felt empowering and the possibility of good coming from such a horrible act. Then Bush stomped that asunder.

    19. natedog says:

      Are you prepared to take the Oath, Senator?
      I am.

      I, Barack Hussein Obama I, Barack Hussein Obama do solemnly swear,
      I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear,

      That I will execute the office of President to the United States faithfully,
      That I will execute… The off..faithfully the Presioffice of the President of the United States The office of president of the United States faithfully…

      And will, to the best of my ability
      And will t best of my ability.

      Preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.
      Preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.

      So help you god?
      So help me god.

      Congratulations, Mr. President

    20. Annarchy says:

      terorrismphetimines! Where can I get me some of those?
      Bush’s take on fixing the morale of the country after 9/11: Go spend money while I take over a country. Ugh.

    21. RSIxidor says:

      Take over country

    22. Puulaahi says:

      @DisplacedTexan: Get drunk, shoot guns into the air and ride horses of course.(what else do Texans do?) We can’t forget: spend, spend, spend. Because if you have profit thats what you do.

    23. @Puulaahi: that doesn’t promote phase 3 at all… some texans design nuclear power plants :-O

    24. The Matrix: Rebooted says:

      @natedog: Thank you for reminding us that a George Bush appointed justice can’t even remember the oath of office. That was your point, right?

    25. Alec Dalek says:

      I love how pissed Bush looked when Obama’s speech essentially slammed him. Slammed him bad. Like in the ass. Ha ha!

      I also loved how when they introduced former president Dumbass, I could hear booing, at least for a few seconds before that blasted music, perhaps to drown out the boos. Ha ha HA!

    26. nyoki says:

      @Puulaahi: He can’t ride.

      Vicente Fox, the former president of Mexico, derided his political friend as a “windshield cowboy” – a cowboy who prefers to drive – and “the cockiest guy I have ever met in my life”.

      He recalled a meeting in Mexico shortly after both men had been elected when Mr Fox offered Mr Bush a ride on a “big palomino” horse.

      Mr Fox, who left office in December, recalled Mr Bush “backing away” from the animal.

      ”A horse lover can always tell when others don’t share our passion,” he said, according to the Washington Post.

      Mr Bush has spoken of his fondness for shooting doves and cutting brush on his Crawford ranch in Texas, which he bought in 1999.

      The property reportedly has no horses and only five cattle.

    27. tiki god says:

      I caught that too, what a douchebag thing to do to the next President.

      for those of you that didn’t catch it, it was supposed to be :

      “That I will faithfully execute the office of President to the United States”

      but the dip shit that was giving the oath to Obama switched it up to have the adverb at the end of the sentence. obama even stopped to let the guy correct himself, but he never did 🙁

      There’s speculation he did it on purpose because Obama didn’t support the other dude’s appointment to the Supreme Court

    28. natedog says:

      @reboot: both. they both butchered it and THANK GOD it was recorded on video for all future generations!

      for one thing, obama should have been practicing that shit for the last couple of months. fuck.

      also, even though roberts troll’d the holy shit out of obama (dont you fags think for one second that obama isn’t über pissed at himself for fucking up his oath. he will be replaying that shit in his head for the next few decades and facepalming himself), roberts fucked up one of the most important moments in our country’s history.

    29. natedog says:

      @tiki god: you know, Obama started the oral fucking up of the oath, not roberts.

      however, like i said, obama should have been practicing that shit for weeks and known a little fucking paragraph by heart. he’s known for being a cool cat, so he should have stopped roberts in his tracks, whipped his big black presidential cock out, and made him suck it while he pointed at the camera and shouted his Oath.

    30. nyoki says:

      @natedog: No, Roberts did. He put the adverb faithfully at the end of the sentence rather than prior to the word execute. It’s only 35 words long, and it was the only job Roberts had today. He should’ve gotten it right.

    31. natedog says:

      @nyokki: well, i can totally see where a person could say that. roberts did fuck up way moar than obama. i was referring to how he jumped the gun on “do solemnly swear”. but i can see also see how that could be just roberts fucking with him too.

      all in all, awesome win for the internets. i can’t wait to see how this flub plays out in the next couple of weeks.

      but i stand by my statement of how obama will stew on his fucked up oath of office for at least the next 4 years until he gets elected again and gets another try while everyone sucks his dick.

      oh wait. i forgot. he probably wont get a second turn because the first half of the tribulation is only 3 1/2 years. i dont think america will exist in the last 3 1/2 years. at least, not as we know it.

    32. Phyreblade says:

      @natedog: LOL that would have definitely been quite impressive…

    33. nyoki says:

      @outofocus: I so hate that man (Bush) every time I see put all together like that.
      @natedog: It would have been totally awesome if he would have have pulled out his manly of manlies (manleys?).

    34. Annarchy says:


      Bush is NOT from Texas. He was born in Connecticut.

    35. Puulaahi says:

      @Annarchy: But his residency is Texas.

    36. Annarchy says:

      But I don’t care. People keep saying he’s a Texan, he’s a cowboy. He’s not either of those. He’s a fucking ‘tard from Connecticut.

    37. SumoSnipe says:

      @Annarchy: As Foghorn Leghorn would say:” I do, I say I do believe,good sir, that the word you are looking for is ‘carpetbagger'”
      But. Here is hoping that the Hoopla is done, everyone gets back to work, and that Mr. President is at least 1/10 of what the people hyped him up to be.

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