palin vs liberty

palin vs liberty

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    31 Responses ttto palin vs liberty

    1. Caio says:

      in b4 bawwwwwwwwwwwwwwing

    2. dieAntagonista says:

      Couldn’t have been any more melodramatic.

    3. Puulaahi says:

      “Gee golly take a picture of my prize. I saw antlers, so I shot the beast with my pee shooter don’t cha know. Ain’t she a beut.”

    4. gor says:

      You’re right dieAntagonista, they’re just becoming stupid now.

    5. Caio says:

      Yeah well you’re party has given us six years of crying bald eagles so shut your cunt mouth.

    6. Caio says:

      *your, but because I know you’re not clever enough to do anything but grammar nazi.

    7. w0x says:

      Who here is ACTUALLY american?

    8. FlyingMantisShrimp says:

      Her facial expression in this picture will haunt my dreams for the rest of my life.

    9. dieAntagonista says:

      Who here is ACTUALLY a pancake

    10. gor says:

      What the hell is Caio crying about? Does any of his ramblings make sense to anyone?

      He really needs to take his meds and not stay up past his bed time, the little Canuck is really going batty.

    11. storminator says:

      that plane is called a “BEAVER”…

    12. Caio says:




      it is the most god damn tragic thing I have ever seen in my life. such a bird of




      weeping in the ruins of its great city new york. it may be left-coast and queer filled but god damnit god protects america

      what happened?

      why would god let the eagle cry?

      What have *we* done wrong?

      I cry with you bald eagle

      the world

      doesn’t make sense


      never forget

    13. Luke Magnifico says:

      @dieAntagonista: I am Spartacus!

    14. dieAntagonista says:


    15. awfulintentions says:

      No, I’m Spartacus!

    16. TheLotusEater725 says:

      Bah, that french whore had it coming to her.

    17. elzarcothepale says:

      @thelotuseater725: ha!

      @Caio: the one thing I’ll say in Palin’s defense- it is undeniable that, all intelligence aside, she is one vicious cunt. Bitch fights dirty. If she had a shred of worldly wisdom, rather than the folksy tripe she is trying to pass off, she would be a legitimate candidate for office.

      i wish bill hicks were still alive. . .

    18. I honestly think if most Americans realized just how much they have in common with the French they would shit bricks.

      @thelotuseater725: That was not directed at you, FYI

      Is it me, or is Caio acting out of character here?

    19. elzarcothepale says:

      @w0x: are you asking about the whole “alien nation” thing, or who here isn’t from Canada?

      in what sense?

    20. TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

      Can I get one of Obama chucking a spear at the whitehouse?

      Or maybe suicide bombing the Golden Gate bridge?

      No that would be heresy! And the babies would cry.

      Everyone is bagging on that bitch for being inexperienced yet thats the same argument against Barraka O’Bama and his pot o’gold of dreams.

      Both are politicians and both will eat you.

    21. bytehead says:

      I loled. It’s stupid. And I still hate her.

    22. Phyreblade says:

      Wow, she nailed a 7 point… doe? Oh well. Another head for the fireplace wall…

    23. elzarcothepale says:

      @mAgnUS BUTTfoorson:
      nah- i think Palin is much more likely to be a cannibal.
      I mean, Obama IS a politician, but I’d peg him as more of an “politely overthrow the government” type of villain, whereas Palin clearly falls under the “Bond Villain Sidekick With A Unique Attack Style”subclass- in this case, a frenzied cannibal.

      None of these people have experience in the drivers seat, but the Republican party kept touting Palin as the good kind of inexperienced, and Obama as some kind of befuddled town hall PTA leader, which is just stupid.
      in all seriousness, my problem isn’t with her inexperience. Her attitude, and i guess her character in general, gives me the willies.
      I’m not gonna lie, every time she talks, it makes me wince- like nails on a chalk board. She is a female version of George Bush. Obama keeps trying to tie McCain to Bush, which honestly I don’t care about- a voting record in the past doesn’t dictate future actions- but to have an *ancient* president, and a bitchier version of Bush on deck is unacceptable.

    24. TheLotusEater725 says:



      But in all seriousness the french were pretty important to the founding of our nation. South carolina (where i live) has some deep roots in french culture. At least three times a day i see a french tourist in downtown charleston.

    25. gor says:

      Soooo, Caio makes comments in haiku now? Does that mean he’s no longer pretends to be Canadian and now pretends to be Japanese? I can understand now that the Canadian government has been implicated in the torture of it’s own citizens by way of Syria. Poor Caio, I reall feel sorry for him.

    26. elzarcothepale says:

      do you need someone to explain Haiku to you?
      Because, no offense, but that was a dumb comment. You went from incorrectly mocking a poem that he had put up to mock the “Nevar Forget” phenom, to using that incorrect poem labeling to posit that he is faking nationality in a different country from the one he you say he is *currently* faking to be from so that you can make a statement about the Canadian government’s policies (making my second biggest pet peeve of a grammar slip by using the wrong “it”) So that you could tell us how much you pity Caio, in a thread about a cartoon Sarah Palin shooting a cartoon Liberty.

      I’ve gotta say thanks man- i needed a few minutes to let my steak cook, and your dumb internet presence was just the ticket to make it zip on by.

    27. gor says:

      Obviously elza, you are not aware of the relationship between Caio and I here on MCS. You also seem to not be aware of the direction many MCS posts take when the chance to ridicule asshats (like Caio) presents its self.

      BTW, I lived in Japan for 7 years and am very well aware of the proper forms of haiku, but Caio is always proving himself to be a knucklehead and it wouldn’t haven been much of a strecth for him to mangle the japanese artform.

      Please try to be a little more understanding in the future and thank you also for your dumb internet presence to make my workday go by faster.

    28. Phyreblade says:

      @elzarcothepale: Soooo… basically you’re saying Obama is “The Operative”, and Palin is… Jayne Cobb?

    29. elzarcothepale says:

      wow. if that were the case, i’d be bitching about palin a whole lot less. i think she’s more like any random bitch vamp from the Blade movies.
      I don’t really think Cobb would be Republican- anarchist seems more up his alley. Also, I may be missing out here: I’m not familiar with “The Operative” or maybe i am- what’s he from?

      1:you have a relationship? Does. . .does Caio know about this “relationship?”
      2:how is you looking retarded (read: making odd, unrelated comparisons and generally making no sense) ridiculing anyone?
      3:why would someone well versed in Haiku even bring it up? own up! it was a dumb thing to say, followed by a very weak attempt at an insult, and if you don’t know it, then *I* feel very sorry for *YOU*

    30. Phyreblade says:

      @elzarcothepale: “The Operative” the dude in black from the Firefly movie Serenity… my kind of guy. 🙂 I guess it was a bad analogy…

    31. elzarcothepale says:

      @Phyreblade: i simply didn’t know that was what he was known as-
      but i think obama seems more like a good Manchurian Candidate candidate.

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