
ebola.jpg (109 KB)

Do not want.

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    31 Responses ttto Ebola

    1. the3g_ipwn says:

      If you haven’t read Without Remorse, Clancy goes into pretty good detail of how bad this little bug can be.

    2. Puulaahi says:

      The incubation period for Ebola HF ranges from 2 to 21 days. The onset of illness is abrupt and is characterized by fever, headache, joint and muscle aches, sore throat, and weakness, followed by diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain. A rash, red eyes, hiccups and internal and external bleeding may be seen in some patients.

      Researchers do not understand why some people are able to recover from Ebola HF and others are not. However, it is known that patients who die usually have not developed a significant immune response to the virus at the time of death.

    3. garbledxmission says:

      Way to cut and paste.
      If you really want problems sleeping, read The Hot Zone by Richard Preston. It’s a true story and it happened IN THE US. In Virginia no less. One little mutation, a three protein difference, is all that kept a massive outbreak from occuring with an airborne version of the Ebola Virus.

    4. the3g_ipwn says:


      Thanks. I’ll give it a read.

    5. Puulaahi says:

      garbled meant to say:
      “Good Job, informing everyone of the symptoms.”


      “I wish I had Google Skills ya’all, but I am too busy sounding like a smart ass. I am very sorry for my behavior. Please forgive me.”

    6. the3g_ipwn says:

      That was what he said. He just said it in jackass. A language with which I have become very fluent.

    7. Marrock says:

      If it removes surplus population it can’t be all bad.

    8. greytone says:

      Thanks for my new wallpaper!

    9. Moe says:

      The risk of West Nile Virus (WNV) infection continues to remain elevated at this time. California has 38 new confirmed human cases of West Nile virus, bringing the year to date total to 236 human cases. -im with Marrock. WNV- is mostly being discoverd in crapy areas, where ghetto people don’t clean their pools..STUPs

    10. Exacerbate says:

      I think we should be more concerned about a flu pandemic similar to the Spanish Flu than an ebola one.

    11. Exacerbate says:

      It’s too bad it didn’t kill everyone in Virginia.

    12. TheLotusEater725 says:


    13. nyoki says:

      I’m perfectly happy w/ someone doing a copypasta, saves me from looking it up. Richard Preston wrote another book (based on fact)called The Demon in the Freezer about the effort to eradicate Small Pox. He’s also wrote at least one book of fiction; The Cobra Event, I think (too lazy to look it up). Both good books.

    14. Nemesis says:


      its not Without Remorse, the book with ebola is Executive Orders, the last one.

    15. asdf says:

      @Marrock: as long as you’re not part of the surplus population.

    16. hellb0y666 says:

      at least it is cute…deadly cute!

    17. garbledxmission says:

      Hemperor, yes, that’s what you were doing, because the majority of us here need to be aware of the symptoms of ebola. You weren’t trying to look like you knew all about the subject matter…not at all. I bet if the subject was about killing sand fleas or dealing with sunburn, you’d be all over it without the help of google. (Just treat it with weed and rest!)
      Ipwn: you are welcome, hope you enjoy the book. It’s been out for awhile, so the local used book or online store should have it for cheap. Glad to meet someone else who speaks the mother tongue.
      Nyokki, I normally don’t have a problem either, as long as they quote their source or do a link instead. I don’t care for people who copy/paste with the implication that they just rattled it off from memory or are just pulling it out of their asses.
      And I don’t need forgiveness nor do I apologize for my behavior. Stop acting like a poser, hipster, douche and I won’t treat you like one.
      Now go make me that hemp t-shirt you promised, O Hemperor of the Beach.

    18. nyoki says:

      @garbledxmission: Understood, I get your point.

    19. Puulaahi says:

      @garbledxmission: I didn’t post a source and you whine like a child about it. Grow the fuck up garbled! You think you know everything about everything. The truth is you know diddly squat. You come up with these little stereotypes based on a tiny bits of information… HOW IMPRESSIVE. Stop acting like a pompous judgmental xenophobic troll and I might give you an ounce of respect.

    20. Hepathos says:

      What’s the matter seentheidiotwalk, afraid of shitting blood?

    21. garbledxmission says:

      Tiny? Tiny? The only tiny thing here is probably your penis from being exposed to all that cold ocean water. Have you forgotten, (it is possible, your brain is pretty soaked with THC), that your name links to YOUR webpage? There’s a touch more than a tiny amount of info on there about you, slappy. The only whining I’m seeing here is you wailing about my “abuse” of your colossal ignorance, immaturity and cluelessness. Your flailings make me laugh and I thank you for it. Now go make me that t-shirt.
      You make a pearl out of that sand in your vag yet, junior?

    22. Puulaahi says:

      garbled you are judging me on a site where we post images(Images of internet speak/internet pop culture and fat women sliding down a pole) and comment on them. Take yourself out of the tight space you live in and think about that for a second. My little youtube page has enough information for you to believe whatever you want to believe. LOL You are an ignorant fuck.

    23. garbledxmission says:

      If that’s all you think we post or discuss about on MCS, I feel sorry for you.
      It has nothing to do with belief or judgement. You put the info you did on your page for a reason. You may not realise it, but what you chose says volumes about you.
      Once again you’ve missed the boat, (or would it be surfboard?), and once again you are the one having a fit about said ignorance being pointed out for all to see.
      But don’t worry, you just keep being yourself and I’m sure you’ll get by just fine. After all, you do live in the good ol US of A, where slackers can coast through life without an original thought or care in the world. I’ll still get many laughs from your pathetic flailings.

    24. thecowsays says:

      Looks like a Mickey Mouse balloon. A deadly, make you bleed from the eyeballs, liquefy your innards Mickey Mouse Balloon.

    25. Puulaahi says:

      @garbledxmission: Slacker? I have a job, I pay taxes, rent, own a vehicle, I go to school to better myself and I have ambitions. Nice try though. You seem to enjoy throwing out stereotypes based on nationality and sub cultures. A quality of a weak minded individual.

    26. garbledxmission says:

      Your stated ambition was to “surf all over the world”, or something to that effect. How is that anything but the hallmark of someone with little to no ambition who has no intention of making a significant contribution?
      Looking for lost change on the beach does not constitute a job, nor does teaching kids to catch waves and hitting on young girls at the beach. Maybe you could try selling some of that hemp clothing you’re always making.
      I guess the sales tax on your board wax covers the paying taxes portion.
      Renting out floor space in the shack at the beach covers the rent thing too I guess.
      Your surfboard does not count as a vehicle, unless you put wheels on it then it would be more of a longboard then wouldn’t it?
      Watching Surf’s Up and Beach Blanket Bingo 300+ times doesn’t qualify as schooling.
      My estimates of you have nothing to do with where you are from and everything to do with that webpage you’ve put so much energy and time into creating/maintaining, along with the asinine comments you make here in MCS. If you don’t want people to come to certain conclusions I would recommend you change the face you display to the world so readily. You’ve already edited your site once in response to something I said in a diff thread, so perhaps you’re not as secure in your life choices as you’d have us believe. Maybe that’s why you get so worked up when I razz you about it.
      So yet again, you’ve completely missed the point. But then I’ve come to expect that of you. Keep defending your sad, empty, pointless little existance. That is the sign of a truly weak minded individual.

    27. Puulaahi says:

      @garbledxmission: You think that is a complete biography or at least take it as such…Wow you really are a simple minded ignorant fuck. You have a complete delusional vision of my world, probably your own and that of surfing. Now that is funny. Also I really did not put much energy into that web page. So thanks for thinking otherwise. Asinine comments? Only according to you pal. Again you are the only one with the problem. The point is you have no point, everything you say is based on BULLSHIT, false truths and your own twisted selfish view of the world. You think I am worked up? You aren’t even a blip in my existence. Your life is so pathetic that you spend your time trolling a website. Go You!

    28. outofocus says:

      Puulaahi argues like McCain… with lots of name calling, blaming and not much else.


    29. garbledxmission says:

      It’s YOUR website, not mine. Just remember that. YOU made it, it reflects YOU. YOU then linked it to YOUR screen name, (before Tiki got creative with the code, I love where your name links to now, ironically appropriate). Which is like putting a giant neon sign above your head saying, “THIS IS WHO I AM!!!LOOK AT MEEEEE!” Whether you were consciously aware of it or not, that was the subliminal reason for your doing it.
      We keep doing this, you and I. You flip out, swear at me, rant and rave like a little girl or a 72 year old candidate, then I point out the canyon sized holes in your logic and arguments. You then miss any point I make, refuse to do a little self eval, and yell and swear at me some more.
      Here’s an example: claiming you put little to no energy into making your webpage just undermines your argument even more. I know for a fact that it takes a minimum of 3-4 hours to properly set up a page with the amount of data you had on it. Plus there is updating, general maintenance, etc. So we can look at this one of two ways; either you are a flat out liar, or you somehow really did put little effort into the page. In which case you are telling us that you care next to nothing for all the stuff you put on the page, like surfing which you claim is the end all be all of your existance. All these things which mean so much to you aren’t worthy of even a moderate output of your time and energy. Kind of devalues those things you claim you love, doesn’t it? Sort of makes you look like a poser douchebag.
      BTW, could you use the phrase, ignorant fuck a few more times? If you do, I can start using it as a drinking game, you one trick pony, you.
      I’m still waiting on that hemp t-shirt, slappy.

    30. seentheidiotwalk says:


      Yes. Yes I am.

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