Barack Star

wponnuru_0811.jpg (79 KB)

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    14 Responses ttto Barack Star

    1. Bicoid says:

      Yawn. MCS is getting predictable. Political cartoons I can find anywhere. Crazy internet memes I *thought* MCS was good for.

    2. LordPartyTime says:

      This is what Barak Obama ACTUALLY BELIEVES!

    3. TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

      Why are all the reporters white?

      This picture is the white man’s Barrack Star.


    4. jadechimera says:

      It’s not like Obama’s ‘celebrity’ is making him popular in the polls, and it certainly isn’t getting the media to take the McCain campaign’s blatant lies at any more than face value, so I’m still waiting for someone to explain how it poses any problem.

    5. Elepski says:

      Lets just remember how much shit we get into when Republicans are in office; and how much shit gets fixed when the Democrats are in office.

      Here the short run down:

      Bush Sr.
      Cons – Felt the need to invade Iraq.
      Cons – Fells that Atheists should not be considered Americans
      Pros – Was there any?

      Pros – Great economy
      Pros – The deficit was shrinking
      Cons – Felt the need to invade Lewinsky (but like it really matters)

      Bush Jr.
      Cons – Felt Iraq needed to be invaded again.
      Cons – Ran the deficit into the stratosphere.
      Cons – I’m pretty sure we can pin this 700B on him too
      Cons – Took the Patriot Act too far

      Cons – Single handily embarrasses the U.S.A. every time he opens his mouth.

      Pros – Other than the endless pictures of him with a stupid look on his face… Not applicable.

    6. phat_stack says:

      I thought Bush Sr. didn’t invade Iraq, but went after Iraq after they invaded Kuwait? Still not a fan, but just sayin…

    7. tiki god says:


      I agree, we should rise up and take over the site!!!!!111!!eleventy1!

    8. TFSolo66 says:

      Bush I, invaded Iraq after Kuwait started slant drilling into Iraq, which Kuwait was pretty given the ok to do so by the Bush I admin. (they said the US will have your back if Iraq gets pissed, which they did and invaded Kuwait to reclaim their oil) so living up to his word he attacked Iraq in defense of Kuwait and then invaded southern Iraq but decided it would not be a good idea to go any farther north, ie. Baghdad. So OT, Bush I was pretty much responsible for the whole thing…

    9. Thrella says:

      Lol if you’re going to make a list of Bad things make sure you’re accurate.

      1st 2 years of Clinton sunk the economy till we elected 8 years of tight Republican congress where they fought tooth and nails against clinton with so many vetoes and override it seems like they were blatantly trying to beat the record.

      We invaded Iraq in Bush Sr for 2 reasons: 1, Because they were dicks to Kuwait and the whole middle east region and 2, to show their military superiority post Cold war. And for the atheist thing, who do you think he rather please. 150 million Christians who agree atheists are not american or 50,000 atheists who thinks thats a pretty dick move?

      As for Iraq being invaded, It was Him, everyone in congress, most of america, half of the world and probably you too. And he’s the only one who actually stood by his word. So pretty much everyone is a hypocrite and a lier (besides Obama).

      And On US budget 700b over 8 years isn’t that much specially when everything is in China’s hand (Wait shit thats actually bad… never mind). The economy is in the state it is because of American tendency to trust credits and banks to be infallible in any circumstance, hence now we’re nationalizing everything and turning into a massive France.

      So um..

      Bush Sr: 8/10
      Clinton: 7/10
      Bush: 3/10000 (Honestly he sucked, but i give Condi Rice 9/10)

    10. Exacerbate says:

      I declare Thrella the king of this thread.

    11. Puulaahi says:

      People like him! He is popular! Damn those liberals.

    12. we need 2 look beyond the glitz and glam of BOTH parties … politics this cycle has become too much of a fashion and not enough of people actually giving a fuck. doing a little research instead of being spoon fed a bunch of bullshit lies and sensationalism my the media has never been easier but as a society we’re becoming fat , dumb , and lazy . frankly this whole thing disgusts me. Do you’re self a favor break your sorry asses away from nightly-news and reality shows , and watch fuckin c-span! The shit these old fucks try to process through the system ( on the backs of the American tax payer ) is outrageous. They’re all fuckin corrupt! This country needs 1 great big douche , and it isn’t some Half-breed or some old Dirt-bag . …..

      and b-4 you start hatin … im NOT a shit eating repub or some whiny ,wet-pussy Dem …. I AM LIBERTARIAN….
      OH BTW… Heres a GREAT start on that douche , . Go there … learn something!

    13. Puulaahi says:

      @withered spyryt

      I can do you one better. I do not belong to any party!!!! Suck on that elitism, bitches.

    14. Caio says:

      Oh, wow. A libertarian on the internet. In all caps as well.

      I’m getting ready to be impressed by someone who’s philosophy in life is ‘don’t do nothing and all problems will fix themselves’

      Getting ready.

      Still getting ready.

      I’ll be ready to be impressed by you any moment now.

      Hold on, okay

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