Fuck You – I Am Cat

Fuck You - I Am Cat

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    34 Responses ttto Fuck You – I Am Cat

    1. LOL FAIL, try not combining profanity and humor, then you’ll get more effect. For instance, “I AM A CAT”, just drop the “FUCK YOU”, correct your english by adding an “A”, then you’re a winner.

    2. Marrock says:

      “try not combining profanity and humor”…?

      Can anyone guess who here has never watched cable TV or, at the very least, one of George Carlin’s shows?

    3. George Carlin has a good message at times, but do you know how up tight culture was when he started, now culture is uptight with lued behavior. Carlin’s got some good messages, but his medium is rather enjoyable. I prefer Hicks becuase he is a bit more upbeat. I don’t watch cable TV.

    4. leud “spelling mistake”

    5. Marrock says:

      It’s spelled lewd, genius.

      And they said the internet killed literacy…

    6. Caio says:

      Even illuminaty is, by far, the best new MCSer of 2008, if only because his trolling is so transparent, yet so effective. It’s like his mission on earth is to separate the weak from the heard.

    7. jascas_ says:

      lol @ “weak from the heard“.


    8. knittingforzombies says:

      I would also like to point out the spelling of “becuase” [sic].

    9. yawn says:

      Goddamn this is pathetic.

    10. bright green says:


    11. Caio says:

      You, sir, are and idiot. :{

    12. Caio says:

      ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i see the problem i meant to say ‘week from the heard’

    13. dorix says:

      Fuck, I am you, cat.

    14. Gunface01 says:

      My anteater pic makes this fial.

    15. Awesome1 says:

      criticizing profanity followed by criticizing of spelling. what a bunch of old ladies.

    16. thanks Caio.

      You are Criticizing for Criticizing Dayna Mole.

      Architects are usually terrible spellers and write in ALL CAPS too frequently. ALL CAPS is also used in International Maritime Banking Law, which is why it’s ALL CAPS on your Drivers License, Social Security Card, Birth Certificate and Passport. Any Government related information as well as your taxes or you name as it appears in court documents is also done so because it’s under Maritime Law. The U.S.A. is a Corporation run by International Maritime Law, it’s Banking Law and the Law of the High Seas. Jordan Maxwell teaches this information. Citizens are actually stock in a Common Wealth Market. To be a citizen, or stock in the Corporation of U.S.A. you must waive your right of sovereignty. Capitalism, Communism, Fascism, and Nazism are all “Corporatocracies” run by the Cloth & the Crown, know also as the Pope and British Monarchy.

    17. FlyingMantisShrimp says:


    18. Yogistyle says:

      Uh, wait. What?

    19. Pants says:


    20. natedog says:

      @ Evil Illuminati:


    21. outofocus says:

      The “Fuck You” is what made this funny for me…

      Maybe you need more sleep, evil illuminati… Being tired can remove humor senses (like spidi senses but different).

    22. Billy Manic says:

      A: “I AM CAT.”
      B: “I AM A CAT.”
      Let’s hold a vote: Which is funnier and decidedly more epic sounding? I vote for A.

      (yes this is just an attempt to feed the troll that evil illuminati is)

    23. CMoorehead says:

      I say, “I AM CAT”, as it’s painfully obvious it is a cat. However, I rather get the impression it’s saying it’s THE cat, definitively…

      Or like saying I AM MAN, Hear me roar…

      I love profanity, in fact who says Fuck is a bad word. You have Mormon’s saying, “Freak”, and lets be honest we all know what your saying in your head and it means the same thing. Just like Crap/Shit, Darn/Damn. There are no bad words, just words, so I say Fuck It!!!

    24. trolling is actually quite eloquently defined at dictionary.com. I do find it cute when words are missing and animals are supposed to be talking. I don’t think that cat has a potty mouth though. It looks too nice. I bet it only saws meow. I tripped on acid once and thought I was an astral snow leopard. All I could think was how amazing I felt and sexy, kinda like orgone energy – the sexual energy – of Wilhelm Reich. I just think FUCK sounds so negative. Some guy spit on me yesterday and I just don’t like rude people, it’s so negative.

      a bit more on Gandhi and his cohorts

      If you have read Fritz Springmeier’s
      Be Wise As Serpents you will know how the Theosophical Society ties in with Freemasonry, Satanism, and Lucis Trust. Several famous members of the Theosophical Society include:
      Adolf Hitler (a Satanist who practiced human sacrifice, & who had HPB’s book at his side.)
      Mahatma Gandhi (a Hindu guru considered a god by some of his followers. Gandhi was successful with the British in part because of the Theosophical Society.)”

    25. troll doesn’t sound so good at urban dictionary

    26. The Matrix: Rebooted says:

      “I tripped on acid…”
      OK,that puts a lot into context.

    27. nyoki says:

      Definitely prefer I AM CAT.

    28. bluebec says:

      words only have the power you give them. If “fuck” is just a word, like any other, than its not at all offensive. The moment it is taboo, then it becomes offensive (like genitals, sex and overall nudity – sadly).

      Illuminati, I think you are still tripping on acid.

      Don’t feed the troll.

    29. FlyingMantisShrimp says:

      Trolling or not, the stuff Illuminatti says cracks me up to no end.

    30. tisk01 says:

      EVIL ILLUMINATI needs to get himself a life.

    31. Caio says:

      Tisk, I can’t say you’re the brightest poster to make an appearance on MCS

    32. MrDooves says:

      No, this cat isn’t nice. Born into the conventions of a simple housecat… he is overwhelmed with apathy. No longer is he happy with his lazy existence. He is angry and defiant.
      Boundaries and limitations have pushed him to the edge, And Brimming with Proud Rage, he rears up and screams, “Fuck you, I AM CAT!!!”
      Or some such…that’s how it looks to me.

    33. nyoki says:

      Good story. I likes it and it certainly seems very cat-like in its plot.

    34. migsmuniz says:



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