Thats not what atheism means at all. Thats just silly. Atheists believe, and I am not one of them, that there is no God or Gods or anything that is like a God or Gods. Atheism is not that there is no right or wrong.
IMO, everyone has their opinion of what Atheism really is.
Some might think it means you don’t believe in god, others might think it means you warship the devil, while a definition is completely different:
Many Christians have very different views and beliefs, just like Atheists.
Don’t listen to Acriticalgent, totally do anything they want and are awesome.
1. Atheists are mammals.
2. Atheists fight ALL the time.
3. The purpose of the atheists is to flip out and kill people.
I heard that Richard Dawkins who was eating at a diner. And when some dude dropped a spoon Richard Dawkins killed the whole town. My friend Mark said that he saw Douglas Adams totally uppercut some kid just because the kid opened a window.
I’m a atheist, in my eyes there is no god, nothing more.
greytone (#1667)
17 years ago
So by this logic believers only act like decent human beings because they think they’re being watched. And a believer subscribing to this is essentially admitting that if they weren’t being watched day and night that they would gladly lie, cheat, steal, rape, kill, and so on.
Yeah… cause blaming your myriad of holy wars, crusades, racism, fascism on a book that was written thousands of years ago by people who used leaches to ‘suck the evil out’ of people and drilled into other peoples skulls and burnt supposed witches is soooo much better!!
and in a happy conicidence casemods, i am a bastard… lol, HAVE FUN YOU NON/RELIGIOUS NUTS!! hehehe
I only behave myself when I’m in the Panopticon. Because there has never been, nor will there ever be, a theory of morality that is not associated with religion. It’s unpossible!
I think this submission speaks more to it’s creators lack of morality than it speaks to Atheists or anyone else’s.
I mean, the only reason you dont rape is because of an invisible man in the sky?
Thats scary.
(BTW, I’m not a atheist myself, but I know more than a few)
just because i don’t beleive in a giant wizard that lives in the sky, and has the pettyness of a 5 year old, doesn’t mean i don’t have any morale system.
I do what I think is the right thing, not what some novel from like 2000 years ago says someone said is the right thing.
God told moses, and moses told everyone else all the rules, thats like heresay at best. that would not pass in a court of law.
You see though, it’s a sort of natural evolutionary moral policing.
Those who aren’t advanced enough to have their own sense of morals usually aren’t advanced enough to be able to break from the things they’ve been told.
Imma gonna go and get some drinks with Nietzsche, Feuerbach, and Russell right now, anyone care to join me? All aboard the Categorical Imperative train! Toot! Toot!
This is possibly the dumbest post I’ve ever seen. To say that someone who does not believe in a God or Gods has no morale stability or understanding is absolute bullshit. Each human has the ability to know absolute right and wrong. You don’t see nearly as many atheists practicing “SIN” as people who follow a strict religious morale code. I guess all those rapists, killing, inmates who magically find God also are forgiven in the end because they committed all those wretched deeds and then confessed to remove their sins.
Don’t you get it? Religionists pay big bucks to be able to claim the moral high ground. Without that, they’d have to admit that they are weak, sorry, little toadies who need to be told how to behave.
It must be a dark, scary world for the religious people who believe that right and wrong are just random and arbitrary rules which exist for no clear purpose, except that they’re given by God.
Although, it does explain the requerimiento, and other such crazy things.
Feh. Typical Religious Right (or is that Religious Wrong?) caricature of atheism. True, atheism is, by definition, the belief that there is no higher power, but that does not mean that atheists do not fit into moral society. You see, although laws often get attributed to divine providence (by priests to keep the religiously devout masses in check), laws in truth arise from man’s need to govern himself and create a system so things do not fall into chaos; therefore, one follows the law because society will shun them and punish them if they break it. Conversely, if one follows law and chooses not to go out raping and pillaging only because “God told me not to do so,” what kind of person is that, and what would that person do if they sudddenly snapped?
“Drawing on a wide range of studies to cross-match faith – measured by belief in God and acceptance of evolution – with homicide and sexual behavior… found that secular societies have lower rates of violence and teenage pregnancy than societies where many people profess belief in God.”
There is a God. I’ve seen him. His name is Dynamo Jack, and he lives under my bed. He generates electricity by rubbing his mandibles together, and when you click on the light he shoots the light bulb with his invisible laser, and TIR occurs reflecting the light around the room. And he does this everywhere, because he’s omnipresent. Except you can only see him if you’re his prophet, like me, or when you die of electrocution.
We have a holy book, written by some guy I met in an alley somewhere. It begins “I want them to SCORPION ON YOURBack to you in the studio, Jim”.
Disprove me, Christianity. Disprove my religion. One true God? Yes, his name is Dynamo Jack.
See how easy this is?
My guess is that on time these guys got together back in the day, got baked, and wrote the bible.
..elements of human self-interest are objective. All human beings have objective biological and psychological needs, and one’s actual interests are identified by reference to these needs. Mere whim-fulfillment is therefore not constitutive of human well-being because one’s whims might be at odds with one’s actual needs. Moreover, the character traits of the “selfish” brute are not compatible with any human being’s actual, rational interests. Humans live in a social world; in order to maximize the value of their interactions with others, they should cultivate a firm commitment to the virtues of rationality, justice, productiveness, and benevolence. A commitment to these virtues naturally precludes such brutish behavior…
Atheism: Possibly the definition above, perhaps not.
Stupidity: Not proof reading before you post.
12 years ago
Seems reasonable to me to criticise failures in grammar and spelling. Either they are due to a lack of care – which suggests that the poster isn’t worth listening to as he/she can’t be bothered – or they are due to a lack of education – which suggests that the poster isn’t worth listening to as he/she is fucking stupid.
An example: promise to be there as quickly as possible, as an
alternative to saying “There isn’t way I can take care of the work for no less than every week Bluehost Promo
Codes at hdfc house, sanjay has not been the only real
one who was simply causeing this to be claim of improved bookings and possible property price increase in pune housing
Atheism is for faggy bastardly children of hoes
Thats not what atheism means at all. Thats just silly. Atheists believe, and I am not one of them, that there is no God or Gods or anything that is like a God or Gods. Atheism is not that there is no right or wrong.
IMO, everyone has their opinion of what Atheism really is.
Some might think it means you don’t believe in god, others might think it means you warship the devil, while a definition is completely different:
Many Christians have very different views and beliefs, just like Atheists.
BTW I have no idea what category I fall under.
Don’t listen to Acriticalgent, totally do anything they want and are awesome.
1. Atheists are mammals.
2. Atheists fight ALL the time.
3. The purpose of the atheists is to flip out and kill people.
I heard that Richard Dawkins who was eating at a diner. And when some dude dropped a spoon Richard Dawkins killed the whole town. My friend Mark said that he saw Douglas Adams totally uppercut some kid just because the kid opened a window.
Damn, I love that site xD
I’m a atheist, in my eyes there is no god, nothing more.
So by this logic believers only act like decent human beings because they think they’re being watched. And a believer subscribing to this is essentially admitting that if they weren’t being watched day and night that they would gladly lie, cheat, steal, rape, kill, and so on.
And by interesting I mean horrifying.
Yeah… cause blaming your myriad of holy wars, crusades, racism, fascism on a book that was written thousands of years ago by people who used leaches to ‘suck the evil out’ of people and drilled into other peoples skulls and burnt supposed witches is soooo much better!!
and in a happy conicidence casemods, i am a bastard… lol, HAVE FUN YOU NON/RELIGIOUS NUTS!! hehehe
ITT Failure
I only behave myself when I’m in the Panopticon. Because there has never been, nor will there ever be, a theory of morality that is not associated with religion. It’s unpossible!
Atheism is a lack of belief in god(s).
Some atheists may adamantly believe there is no god while other atheists may simply see no reason to believe in a god.
Agnosticism is the belief that it is impossible to know.
I think this submission speaks more to it’s creators lack of morality than it speaks to Atheists or anyone else’s.
I mean, the only reason you dont rape is because of an invisible man in the sky?
Thats scary.
(BTW, I’m not a atheist myself, but I know more than a few)
Someone’s an moran.
Athieism =/= Anarchism
and in a happy conicidence casemods, i am a bastard… lol
Are you at least a half decent person?
Because there has never been, nor will there ever be, a theory of morality that is not associated with religion. It’s unpossible!
That is illogical.
I am not religious, but I still have morals.
Same here.
just because i don’t beleive in a giant wizard that lives in the sky, and has the pettyness of a 5 year old, doesn’t mean i don’t have any morale system.
I do what I think is the right thing, not what some novel from like 2000 years ago says someone said is the right thing.
God told moses, and moses told everyone else all the rules, thats like heresay at best. that would not pass in a court of law.
Using “god” would be a good excuse if you think about it;)
He told me to do it xD
You see though, it’s a sort of natural evolutionary moral policing.
Those who aren’t advanced enough to have their own sense of morals usually aren’t advanced enough to be able to break from the things they’ve been told.
Mental note: before mocking other people’s beliefs, make sure you know how to spell.
Falsley understood that one needs to have a moral authority in order to be moral is full of fail :{
I was being facetious.
Imma gonna go and get some drinks with Nietzsche, Feuerbach, and Russell right now, anyone care to join me? All aboard the Categorical Imperative train! Toot! Toot!
Speaking as an atheist, I’d have to say that all the rape and robbery stuff is passé. Freebasing babies is now win.
Not only is that wrong, but it is hypocritical. When was the last time God smote a rapist?
This is possibly the dumbest post I’ve ever seen. To say that someone who does not believe in a God or Gods has no morale stability or understanding is absolute bullshit. Each human has the ability to know absolute right and wrong. You don’t see nearly as many atheists practicing “SIN” as people who follow a strict religious morale code. I guess all those rapists, killing, inmates who magically find God also are forgiven in the end because they committed all those wretched deeds and then confessed to remove their sins.
Dumbest fucking post ever.
Don’t you get it? Religionists pay big bucks to be able to claim the moral high ground. Without that, they’d have to admit that they are weak, sorry, little toadies who need to be told how to behave.
It must be a dark, scary world for the religious people who believe that right and wrong are just random and arbitrary rules which exist for no clear purpose, except that they’re given by God.
Although, it does explain the requerimiento, and other such crazy things.
Feh. Typical Religious Right (or is that Religious Wrong?) caricature of atheism. True, atheism is, by definition, the belief that there is no higher power, but that does not mean that atheists do not fit into moral society. You see, although laws often get attributed to divine providence (by priests to keep the religiously devout masses in check), laws in truth arise from man’s need to govern himself and create a system so things do not fall into chaos; therefore, one follows the law because society will shun them and punish them if they break it. Conversely, if one follows law and chooses not to go out raping and pillaging only because “God told me not to do so,” what kind of person is that, and what would that person do if they sudddenly snapped?
Where did the original poster get to, anyways?
“Drawing on a wide range of studies to cross-match faith – measured by belief in God and acceptance of evolution – with homicide and sexual behavior… found that secular societies have lower rates of violence and teenage pregnancy than societies where many people profess belief in God.”
Here is a summary of the study itself from the Journal of Religion & Society:
If the poster returns I would be interested in his or her interpretation of this.
If there was a god, he’d have committed suicide by now. Seriously, what a fuck up creates a world like this?
Jolly lucky, there is no god.
Posted in an epic thread, woot!
There is a God. I’ve seen him. His name is Dynamo Jack, and he lives under my bed. He generates electricity by rubbing his mandibles together, and when you click on the light he shoots the light bulb with his invisible laser, and TIR occurs reflecting the light around the room. And he does this everywhere, because he’s omnipresent. Except you can only see him if you’re his prophet, like me, or when you die of electrocution.
We have a holy book, written by some guy I met in an alley somewhere. It begins “I want them to SCORPION ON YOURBack to you in the studio, Jim”.
Disprove me, Christianity. Disprove my religion. One true God? Yes, his name is Dynamo Jack.
See how easy this is?
My guess is that on time these guys got together back in the day, got baked, and wrote the bible.
Oh yes its wonderful. Just as wonderful as the grammar errors and the non sequiturs. What a difference an education makes….
Ah, grammar. The backup plan of any internet debater. Can’t think of anything to say in response? Talk about your opponent’s use of commas.
..elements of human self-interest are objective. All human beings have objective biological and psychological needs, and one’s actual interests are identified by reference to these needs. Mere whim-fulfillment is therefore not constitutive of human well-being because one’s whims might be at odds with one’s actual needs. Moreover, the character traits of the “selfish” brute are not compatible with any human being’s actual, rational interests. Humans live in a social world; in order to maximize the value of their interactions with others, they should cultivate a firm commitment to the virtues of rationality, justice, productiveness, and benevolence. A commitment to these virtues naturally precludes such brutish behavior…
Ayn Rand “The Virtue of Selfishness” Introduction
Atheism: Possibly the definition above, perhaps not.
Stupidity: Not proof reading before you post.
Seems reasonable to me to criticise failures in grammar and spelling. Either they are due to a lack of care – which suggests that the poster isn’t worth listening to as he/she can’t be bothered – or they are due to a lack of education – which suggests that the poster isn’t worth listening to as he/she is fucking stupid.
An example: promise to be there as quickly as possible, as an
alternative to saying “There isn’t way I can take care of the work for no less than every week Bluehost Promo
Codes at hdfc house, sanjay has not been the only real
one who was simply causeing this to be claim of improved bookings and possible property price increase in pune housing