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    30 Responses ttto Are You Ready For A Zombie Attack

    1. schulzbrianr says:

      God damn right I am! #1 piece of equipment for zombie apocalypse? Shotgun. Mossberg Model 500 Persuader.

    2. Kerry says:

      That is a nice, nice gun shulzbrianr.

      I have the “generic equivalent”: a maverick model 500. Very reliable and tough.

    3. schulzbrianr says:

      Yeah, I got mine the day I turned 18 (for myself, not a present) and as soon as I got home, I ripped out the little dowel rod that restricted the round capacity in the tube. No way you can rock it with 2 rounds, gotta have 6. I love taking it to the range, it’s just sick racking and blasting while little kids plink with their .22LR.

    4. bob says:

      AA-12 Automatic Shotgun. Sexy

    5. schulzbrianr says:

      Real men can pump their own gun.

    6. egnilk66 says:

      Doesn’t that really make it from 3 round capacity to 7 since you can chamber one round?

    7. schulzbrianr says:

      Yes. I was referring only to the tube, not the chamber.

    8. egnilk66 says:

      Gotcha… I just attached an 8 gallon paint bucket to mine and filled it with shells….it holds about 500. 😉

    9. schulzbrianr says:

      You should get a 10 gallon cowboy hat, or one of those Culligan water cooler jugs.

    10. ladyoftheorb says:

      I has swords. Swords kill things. Is good.

    11. The Matrix: Rebooted says:

      Swords kill things, but zombies are already dead, so no good.
      Only options are a shotgun,replacing your hand with a chainsaw, or strapping a lawn mower to your chest.

    12. schulzbrianr says:

      Yeah, you can’t risk getting their blood on you, in case it’s an “infection” type zombification.

    13. ladyoftheorb says:

      Swords can sever brainstems, and I’m much better at close-range combat.

    14. Serix says:

      …I have a stapler =<

    15. Phyreblade says:

      I is ready. I has many swordz and large knives. And I am also teh tameshigiri pwnerorz.

      And as an added bonus: Swords don’t run outta ammo… 😛

    16. egnilk66 says:

      Swords are aiiight…..you just gotta be REALLY close to your target. .50 cal Barrett…you can be like 2.5 miles away. Not too bad.

    17. Hepathos says:

      Pffff nigra plz, everybody knows, that for a zombie apocalypse, you need several 9 mm handgun, ammo, and a nice scoped rifle.

    18. The Matrix: Rebooted says:

      Never, EVER use a scoped rifle during a zombie apocalypse. While you are aiming at distant zombies and feeling cocky about it, others (probably someone who got bit but didn’t tell you) will sneak up behind you. That is a FACT demonstrated in numerous documentaries.
      Similar results are true for velociraptor.

    19. ladyoftheorb says:

      This is a very good point.

      Y’know, I think if I do get attacked by zombies, I’m going to go the Dead Rising route:

      Wielding large flat-panel TV’s, plastic light-sabers, or whatever else happens to be nearby.

      Also wearing ridiculous clothing and/or headgear, and drinking gallon jugs of coffee creamer when I’m injured.

    20. Hepathos says:

      @reboot: Real zombies are small. They walk noisy. Just go up a hill, clear out it with handguns, then snipe down distand zombies, but between every shoot, look around, just in case. NEVER-EVER go inside a building alone.

    21. The Matrix: Rebooted says:

      Name one zombie movie, just one, where the sniper guy survives. Doesn’t happen.
      Zombies are supernatural. A zombie apocalypse doesn’t follow your human-centric views of logic and strategy. The only way to survive is to devise the most insane, unpredictable yet badass tactics possible. See for evidence Evil Dead II, 28 Days Later, Dead Alive, etc.

    22. Hepathos says:

      You take zombie ovies as resource? Pff, shame on you. if you travel to a zombie infested town and survive, then tell me about your unpredictable badass tactics. Untill then, basic logic is my weapon.

    23. egnilk66 says:

      Ok, so let’s not REALLY get into an argument over “zombie survival tactics” please.

    24. egnilk66 says:

      I wonder why nobody has ever tried spraying them with 99% Hydrogen Peroxide….

    25. schulzbrianr says:

      If zombies crave human flesh (which is pretty much the only reason you should fear them) then you can assume that they will rush at you to feast on your tasty skin. In which case, you will be heavily swarmed by them en masse. Hence, my argument for a shotgun with lots of ammo satisfies my close quarters need for massive damage potential.

    26. The Matrix: Rebooted says:

      I don’t think hydrogen peroxide has been used because its extremely unstable at high concentrations. You would probably blow yourself up before you get a chance to disperse it onto the zombies. In other words, it might just be crazy enough to work…
      @Hepathos, those aren’t just MOVIES those are DOCUMENTARIES OF ACTUAL EVENTS.

    27. egnilk66 says:

      😉 Aha! My craziness just MIGHT be useful!!

      (see mom, I told you!)

    28. Hepathos says:

      Also, you could wear those anti-bear armors and simply stomp over the bastards.

    29. schulzbrianr says:

      I prefer to be light and mobile, plus I’m sure that armor is expensive, and if they swarm you, you could get torn apart. I’m sticking with my shottie.

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