The Bible Motivation Poster


Because all the works of science cannot equal the wisdom of cattle-sacrificing primitives who thought every animals species in the world lived within walking distance of Noah’s house

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    14 Responses ttto The Bible Motivation Poster

    1. Kaze says:


      Never thought of that’n.

    2. maxcw says:

      Everyone knows they didnt walk, God carried them there, DUH!

    3. M-3 says:


      “Genesis 6:15 in the Bible tells us the Ark’s dimensions were at least 135 meters long (300 cubits), 22.5 meters wide (50 cubits), and 13.5 meters high (30 cubits). That’s 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high!”

      Wow! Those are incredible dimensions! Try to disprove it all you like, you “scientists”! You can easily fit all species, their food (so they don’t eat each other) and still have room left for their roaming and waste and such. C’mon! It’s 135 meters long! 😛

    4. Sneaky Snake says:


      At least now that science has disproved about every word of it. 400 years ago? No way. Its was all talking snakes and burning bushes back then.

    5. Ctrl-Alt-Elite says:

      wait wait wait, are you telling me god has the power to flood the whole friggin world, but needs some old guy to build him a boat to ferry animals in? cant he just y’know, make all the animals fly for a bit, or just replace them after he’s done?

    6. beep beep says:

      The Old Testament God had no idea what the fark he was doing, which is why he had to go around a smite and be destructive and shiat. Also why He had to be replaced by the New Testament God and then later teh Jesus came along and everyone was like, “Yay!” The end.

    7. Kaze says:

      And likewise that the 99% of “prayers” that go unanswered are “The lord’s work”, but the 1% that statistically happen are miraculous feats.

    8. Sticky says:

      Not to mention the many rewrites and edits and removals in the Bible done by monks and bishops and shit over the centuries.

    9. Hepathos says:

      The thing what always scartred me if Noah had 3 sons, and all the remaining humans are from that 3 son that means I fooked my relativites :S

    10. El_Chupachichis says:

      Yep. You did.

    11. El_Chupachichis says:

      Scarier still, I fooked your relatives… and intend to keep doing so.

    12. Hepathos says:

      Hehehe, we fook everything.

    13. GrammerRobot says:




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