
1295.jpg (34 KB)

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  • Never let the internet decide

    never_let_the_internet_decide.jpg (81 KB)


    Shark sleeping bag

    22371_700.jpg (113 KB)

    Neon fanged spider

    spidey.jpg (1 MB)

    The Tie-thulu

    tumblr_levad3JI6i1qasthro1_r1_500.jpg (154 KB)

    I Heart Zombies

    009.png (338 KB)

    That fish

    that-fish_english.jpg (64 KB)

    That fish

    Mario. Luigi.

    SUPAAAAAA_tease_Wallpaper_by_lastscionz.jpg (90 KB)

    Get yer own scissors

    job-fails-lock-up-your-valuables.jpg (48 KB)

    cause these are mine

    I asked a girl out to the prom…

    The day of the prom, I go to a tailor to get a new suit- there was a long line. Next, I went to a limo service to rent a limo- there was an even longer line there. Next, I went to a flower shop to get the girl a batch of roses before picking her up- there was AN EVEN LONGER LINE there.

    I pick her up and we go to the prom, there is a line to the entrance that soon resides. We go to the photo shoot to get a photo together, there is a line there too. We get hungry and decide to get food, there is a line there as well. We get thirsty, there is no punchline.

    via reddit.

    reposted from www.tikiwebgroup.com


    snowmobile.jpg (281 KB)

    Ready for some weekend R&R, Superman gears up and flies his snowmobile to the mountains.

    Forever a poop

    Forever a Poop.jpg (338 KB)

    Forever a poop.

    The meaning of life through the eyes of a dog turd. I reccomend it for the wat.
    “Doggy Poo”

    The King’s Speech

    kings_speech.jpg (55 KB)

    Great performances all around. Beautifully filmed. Quote-worthy lines. Will probably get an Oscar or two.


    Tank Girl

    tank_girl_wallpaper_by_daskai.png (211 KB)

    tank girl.jpg (268 KB)

    Just started reading this. I’ve had the entire collection on my hard drive forever now, but just now started reading.

    89 pages in and its pretty gosh darn entertaining.

    How the hell did they make this into a movie?

  • The Three Musketeers 2011

    2011_three_musketeers_001.jpg (271 KB)

    the_three_musketeers_poster01.jpg (208 KB)

    So far not all that excited for this and I am a huge Three Musketeers Fan. Still need to finish the book too. Not an easy read, but hilarious and full of action. Classic characters, they never go away for a reason.

    Drunken Master 2

    drunken_master_2_poster_012.jpg (221 KB)


    Girls-with-Freckles-3.jpg (40 KB)

    Girls-with-Freckles-7.jpg (38 KB)

    freckles.jpg (112 KB)

    freckles-freckles-angels-demotivational-poster-1279226638.jpg (130 KB)

    Girls-with-Freckles-38.jpg (58 KB)

    So with the recent freckles pics made me do a google search. there was many less nudes then I would have expected.

    Then I became concerned and checked my filter settings. Somone had turned it on. What the hell…..

    Not actual size

    hotdogsignnot.jpg (93 KB)

    Dreams crushed yet again, Ikea.

    X Men First Class

    FirstClassTeaserPoster.jpg (153 KB)

    Fallout 3 Bobblehead and Accessories

    018.JPG (568 KB)

    My lovely wife (she’s an Xbox 360 Widow) purchased this off of Ebay for 23 bucks. The bobble heads alone are going for $50 and up. The game wasn’t included but I already have it.


    RDSH.jpg (306 KB)

    old colored pencil piece

    Cereal Stonehenge

    krispy.jpg (25 KB)

    1000000 Volt Sermon

    volt.jpg (108 KB)

    Matter of Inches

    inches.jpg (50 KB)

    Yes indeed.

    Bumper Sticker

    IMG_1034.JPG (302 KB)

    Caution – this vehicle makes frequent stops – at your mom’s house

    Just got this printed

    Batman vs. The Internet

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    You doing it WRONG!!!

    Wrong.jpg (78 KB)

    By Sasha Gusov

    The monkey who saw too much

    The monkey who saw too much.jpg (122 KB)

    By theblackstar@flickr.

    Train Wreck

    Train Wreck.jpg (228 KB)


    Engrish – Learn it

    courtesy.jpg (402 KB)

    Found at a local Chinese restaurant

    Cat Light

    Cat Light.jpg (46 KB)

    X-Men First Class

    xmenhires1.jpg (94 KB)

    From left to right, that’s Michael Fassbender as Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto, Rose Byrne as Dr. Moira MacTaggert, January Jones as Emma Frost, Jason Flemyng as Azazel, Nicholas Hoult as Hank McCoy/Beast, Lucas Till as Alex Summers/Havok, Zoë Kravitz as Angel Salvadore, Jennifer Lawrence as Raven Darkholme/Mystique, and James McAvoy as Professor Charles Xavier.


    face0ff.jpg (298 KB)

    my money is on the bird

    Awesome scarf

    bacon and eggs scarf.jpg (47 KB)


    Found at www.acidcow.com


    RoboGod.png (444 KB)

    GO PACK!!

    bears2.png (759 KB)

    Toss cake

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    Casual Players

    tumblr_ldwtd6QvqK1qb5gkjo1_400.png (359 KB)


    True terror

    tumblr_ldln5ikngv1qb5gkjo1_500.jpg (63 KB)

    Japanese Proverb