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  • Just playing with the cat

    ytujhyjh.png (462 KB)

    Feeding time

    feed.jpg (257 KB)

    dun dun…

    Dear big black dude

    qt6pO.jpg (669 KB)

    Vomiting Skull artwork

    fYOJi.jpg (337 KB)

    Apple computers

    apple.png (104 KB)

    Geek Squad

    Sgg1D.jpg (540 KB)

    Beer troubleshooting

    dZ6XTyd5g.jpg (632 KB)

    Deformed people Bathroom

    yfd.jpg (466 KB)

    Domestic Cat

    kittu.jpg (404 KB)

    Childhood – Rest in Peace

    the-past-childhood-.jpg (166 KB)

    Sick and twisted and evil

    fathers_day.png (289 KB)

    but he’s still a dad!

  • Paper

    art-of-tearing-the-photo.jpg (27 KB)

    Killer Jesus…

    killer jesus.jpg (100 KB)

    idea for a game… It’s killer Jesus… he carries a cross (multiple rocket launcher), cherouvims reload the cross, and he kills little devils…

    Bacon pancakes

    3vd5sb99637.jpg (225 KB)

    Sexy Falconry

    C1hrwfalconry.jpg (230 KB)

    Bathroom Instructions

    usgrtd.jpg (188 KB)

    Atomic Bomb

    a-bomb.jpg (185 KB)

    100 problems

    100-problems.jpg (53 KB)

    420 Memorial collage

    the-all-encompassing-420-memorial-collage-17582-1271782962-8.jpg (396 KB)


    staredown.jpg (1 MB)

    Got this tshirt from Was a limited print, gone now. Since I see a lot of Who stuff here, I thought I’d show mine off.

    Spring in Alaska

    DSC_9429a.jpg (960 KB)

    DSC_9463a.jpg (840 KB)

    DSC_9472a.jpg (1 MB)

    Some recent pics. Sterling Jay, flower, dragonfly.


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    we treat your shit like out shit

    Meanwhile in Alaska…

    DSC_9481a.jpg (725 KB)

    DSC_9484a.jpg (895 KB)

    DSC_9485a.jpg (869 KB)

    DSC_9487a.jpg (1 MB)

    DSC_9489a.jpg (902 KB)

    A butterfly decided to have fun with some goslings.

    I demand you give me a google plus account

    first person to get me a google plus invite gets a MCS+ upgrade.

    or maybe some free merch from my merch site.

    what’s that?  you didn’t know I had a merch site?


    gimme a google plus account and I’ll tell you all about it.  then we can have a google plus MCS circle.

    send the invite to if you can.

    ok, invite received, uh…I found out that the email address that I mentioned above hasn’t been working since 2010, so there’s that. I fixed it, but damn.  Anyone else on google plus?  add me if so.


    peter_pan.jpg (14 KB)