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  • zz top the early years

    zz top the early years

    mary marvel

    mary marvel

    sexist pig bitch

    sexist pig bitch

    unfocused lights

    unfocused lights

    toilet paper advantages

    toilet paper advantages

    star wars facebook luke

    rainbow dash napping

    rainbow dash napping

    cute bunnies

  • fearless photographer

    fearless photographer


    zombiemakeup.jpg (31 KB)

    zombies.jpg (74 KB)

    The first photo is my zombie makeup from the Zombie Walk we hosted for the Lions Club here (I’m the president of the local club) the 29th and the second one was taken by a friend of me and my husband when we were standing around after the walk.

    Trachtenberg corpse bride

    trachtenberg_corpsebride.jpg (765 KB)

    Muppet WWE

    muppets ftw.

    and your mother.

    via toplessrobot for part 2

    the birds of prey

    the birds of prey

    eye drop

    eye drop

    help wanted

    there is no poop fairy

    there is no poop fairy

    Halloween Costume 2011 – Sexy Fireman

    327752_10100575343374121_6026828_57457438_1054276727_o.jpg (113 KB)

    Tiki made some comment about asking us about what we were for Halloween. I wanted to be slutty.

    Crazy 88

    DSC00800.crop.jpg (750 KB)

    My Halloween costume for 2011.

    cat rider

    cat rider

    tron – light wall

    tron - light wall



    kia – cold and hot

    kia - cold and hot

    bill murry

    bill murry

    incarcerated americans

    Dog And Bunny

    Dog And Bunny

    head licker

    head licker

    Reposts are reposts of posts that have been posted before

    Someone just asked me “hey tiki, why all the reposts lately?” to which I said, well I messed up.  you see, I have a folder named “These definitely going up to mcs later when I’m sober and I find the time” and then I have a folder called “These were definitely uploaded to mcs” and I mess up and didn’t move some files, and then DID move them, but them uploaded a ton of other images, and oh god, I’m so sorry.

    Please find it in your heart to forgive me.  The reposts are due to stop sometime in the next 45-90 days.  Until then though, let me axe you a question: how was your halloween?  what did you dress up as?

    Protest in America

    original.jpg (75 KB)

    Emergency Toilet Paper

    chinese food

    chinese food