Law & Order GCU

law & order GCU.gif (82 KB)

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  • Grenade Girl

    VrWHH.jpeg (338 KB)

    I found this lurking in my back up hard drive and thought I’d share it with you all

    Tiki Mug

    wood_detail_1.jpg (48 KB)


    bird food

    owlwfood.jpg (78 KB)



    Pudob.jpg (232 KB)


    Stop rape

    hfMA32691608-0023.jpg (112 KB)

    Lord of The Dance

    YAX.gif (1 MB)

  • Assholes

    assholes.jpg (677 KB)

    Occupy paris

    RA5xB.jpg (482 KB)

    goddam socialist bastards

    Headphones wall

    rMA32691074-0011.jpg (242 KB)

    Sexy beast

    HY.jpg (351 KB)

    Ice canyon wall

    ice_canyon.jpg (485 KB)

    Nothing is original

    kMA32699902-0001.jpg (112 KB)

    Tree nom

    nMA32692571-0018.jpg (719 KB)

    Local News Station Warns of the Danger of Pedobear

    “Petabear” is no laughing matter, and people are using him to rape your children. THIS IS NOT DARK HUMOR.


    MA32692571-0009.jpg (125 KB)

    Not a good look

    n.gif (498 KB)

    n.jpg (46 KB)

    Not everyone agrees.

    Trippy wall

    fyMA32693083-0052.jpg (2 MB)

    21 lb layer cake containing three pies

    Working in the Grand Geneva Resort pastry kitchen, I had some time to make a Cherpumple and serve it at Sunday Brunch. My Cherpumple weighed 21 lbs 10 oz and was seen by over 200 guests that Sunday. I was very pleased that it stayed standing until the final 1/8 was cut 4 hours after the first slice was taken. Will be doing this again.

    This is madness.  I want to have it.

    via Boing Boing

    Satisfied Customer

    raccoonbbcsc.jpg (117 KB)

    Tiny Manatees!

    tQLQh.png (190 KB)

    Taco ape

    tdvj.gif (885 KB)

    Boring college class Bingo

    ylgI5.png (229 KB)

    Big brother

    gnbhfgMA32695941-0007.jpg (242 KB)

    Being a cat

    Cats+life_5bfc6b_2616949.jpg (611 KB)


    fdgMA3269.jpg (293 KB)

    Engineering reality

    dMA32693521-0004.jpg (539 KB)

    Penguin fight

    5j6MA27856021.jpg (114 KB)

    Forever Provolene

    rMA32695941-0012.jpg (203 KB)

    Storm comin’

    YxjFb.jpg (248 KB)

    The real welfare states

    yMA32694641-0007.jpg (678 KB)

    Paris rain wall

    jjjjMA32691561-0030.jpg (305 KB)

    The carpet is alive

    live.gif (497 KB)

    Sativa VS Indica

    mMA32692571-0016.jpg (118 KB)