Occupy paris

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goddam socialist bastards

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    25 Responses ttto Occupy paris

    1. outlanderssc says:

      Not Socialist – Fascist. Not the same thing by a long shot.
      Perhaps you should read a history book sometime.

      • guest says:

        Nazi is short for National Socialism (Nationalsozialismus).

        And yes, please go through the whole No True Scotsman Fallacy routine now.

        • Antifa says:

          well you know as one very wise man said: Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken

        • crewmanguy says:

          Calling yourself a socialist doesn’t make it so. The Nazi also said they were the master race, pretty sure they were wrong on that count too.

          • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

            Their ideals were the purist socialist ideals. It was called “the people’s party” for a reason.

            Per the master race: in fact people with lineage in the Netherlands or “Aryan” are much less likely to have genetic disorders.

            They did horrible things but there is no questioning they started out as liberals.

            • outlanderssc says:

              You make me laugh with your bold naïveté –

              The Nazi party was founded out of the far-right racist völkisch German nationalist movement and the violent anti-communist Freikorps paramilitary culture that fought against the uprisings of communist revolutionaries in post-World War I Germany. It’s true that some Nazis were anti-Capitalist because Capitalism was seen as a Jewish economic system, but being anti-capitalist doesn’t make one socialist.

              The standard definition of Socialism is “any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods*” But the Nazi government never took ownership of any industries, even defense industries, and administration was no more strict than the US considering the wartime stance. In fact, many companies like Siemens, IBM and Hugo Boss were said to have made fortunes off the Nazis.

              So the Nazis fail to meet even the most basic of tests for a Socialist state.


            • DrEvil says:

              Stalin branded the Nazis as right-wing and assorted leftists have swallowed that bit of communist propaganda ever since. Nazi were nationalist and socialists whereas the communists were internationalists and socialists. They both sought absolute control over the means of production, the former through regulation and the later through direct ownership. They’re both far left collectivists, anti-capilialists, anti-individualists, anti-christian, anti-jew; they had much more in common than differences no matter what the old time Stalinists would have you believe.

              Have an Evil day

        • fracked again says:

          It isn’t a no true Scotsman fallacy when you are simply incorrect.

          The name for the political party was set before Hitler’s group took control of it. The only actual socialist stance that was maintained was a policy of full employment. Everybody had a job… building up for a massive war to enforce right wing authoritarianism on the rest of the world.

    2. outlanderssc says:

      Like I said – read a history book. Or at least the Wikipedia Article. Or do a basic Google search.

      No actual historian or political scholar considers the Nazis to have been real Socialists.

      • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

        That’s not true at all.

        The Nazis were socialists at their core. That’s history and you can’t rewrite it. Sorry.

        • outlanderssc says:

          Is that why the Nazis outlawed all trade unions as soon as they took power? Not a very socialist or liberal thing to do, was that? Aren’t socialists supposed to be pro-union?

          • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:


            I’m sorry but if that’s your strongest argument then this isn’t worth my time.

            I didn’t realize your interests and opinions were 100% self serving.

            Oh and unions wouldn’t have been necessary under Nazi rule. The whole country would have been government unionised.

    3. GrandAdmiralThrawn says:

      Socialism and communism are not that same thing. And as he said. National Socialism. Not the same thing at all as communal socialism.

      • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

        Socialism is a form of Communism.

        Communal socialism? That’s newfag politics and boils down to: we want to ruin things but please don’t lump us in with the last round of fucking idiots who tried to ruin everything.

        Socialism in any form is self destructive, short sited, and only makes sense to very weak minded and simple people.

    4. 100110110110010 says:

      you fucking idiots. noone actually believes Nazis were “leftists”, ok? everyone knows Nazis = rightists = KKK = John Birch Society = Republicans = Tea Party = Ann Coulter = Geo W Bush.

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