Corkscrew Bill and Hillary Nutcracker

Corkscrew Bill and Hillary Nutcracker.jpg (97 KB)

Ran across this in a local surplus store…

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  • Jean Reno Christmas ornament

    jean reno boule2.jpg (289 KB)

    We could say I have a certain obsession with Jean Reno…


    I Threw Out the Moneylenders for a Reason.jpg (53 KB)

    I threw out the moneylenders for a reason.


    atheist.jpg (52 KB)


    cold.jpg (369 KB)

    They doing it right.

    Pumpkin Spice Muffins

    Well Enjoyed Pumpkin Spice Muffins.jpg (100 KB)

    They look used…

    (source: Tim Hortons Canada)

    Abyss wallpaper

    abyssMA32695272-0003.jpg (56 KB)


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    American Horror Story wallpapers

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    Anyone watch?
    It’s deliciously bizarre.

    Lighted sand castle

    sand.jpg (78 KB)


    htrhMA32703361-0010.jpg (58 KB)

    We don’t LOL here

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    Busty Demon

    busty_demon.jpg (523 KB)

    As for a name, I propose “Boobossus”.


    jMA32696324-0005.jpg (74 KB)

    you gone git raped.

    The Devils warning poster

    warningposter_thedevils.jpg (57 KB)

    Saw it ages ago. Disturbing in that early-70’s way (also directed by Ken Russell, who does disturbing very well,) and Oliver Reed was cool…can’t remember much else, though.

    Dennings derp

    denning_derp.jpg (138 KB)

    Marvel genderbend

    female-marvel.jpg (138 KB)

    Worthy of repost, IMO:

    Female versions of popular marvel comics characters

    I would hit She-Thor like a flying hammer.

    Call of Cthulhu RPG

    CoC6.jpg (65 KB)

    Never played it, but I like this particular illo.

  • Robert Wadlow – 8′ 11″

    robert_wadlow_8f11i.jpg (40 KB)


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    thoughts again

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    Awkward Starwars Love

    RageStarWars.jpg (316 KB)

    You were my brother, Anikin, I loved you.

    Ergo Proxy

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    Nut Liquor

    NutLiquor.jpg (32 KB)

    Peanut butter vodka.

    Heather Irmiger

    Heather Irmiger Cyclepassion.jpg (170 KB)

    Your girl screams my name

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    A Bunch Of Trees

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    Wisdom Teeth

    IMAG0285.jpg (984 KB)

    Wisdom teeth extracted this AM. Two top teeth fully intact, bottoms were impacted and had opened up my gums in a bunch of tiny pieces. Missing real substancy food already. Not a lot of pain so far just soreness but I have been using the Ibuprofen they gave me.

    Walken in a Winter Wonderland

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    Sniper Deadpool

    tumblr_lj5gj5Gzpa1qzlngto1_1280.jpg (291 KB)

    Three Outlaw Samurai

    threeoutlaw_1600.jpg (1 MB)

    Can’t make this shit up

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    Bra Strap

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    Gifhands.gif (364 KB)

    Dark Knight Rises Bane

    dark-knight-rises-bane-alternate-cover-empire.jpg (254 KB)


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    Occupy-HOPE-poster-Shepard-Fairey-600x902.jpg (79 KB)

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    anatomy-genetically-modified-turkey-thanksgiving.jpg (1 MB)

    Sexy Face

    tumblr_lv4r61pwjO1qm86t3o1_1280.png (869 KB)


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    The Illusion Of Choice

    IllusionofChoice.jpg (994 KB)

    sexy thai chick

    image97.png (73 KB)