Portal Bookends

These officially licensed Portal Bookends not only feature test subjects going through orange and blue portals, but they also really, actually, pretty much keep your books in order! The left side features half of a test subject going through an orange portal while the right side features the other half of the test subject coming out the blue portal. Bookends make for a great conversation starter! Imagine all the great conversations this piece will inspire! Don’t be the guy or gal that misses out on this slick pair of Portal bookends. If you happen to be a test subject at Aperture Science, you’re probably going to need these anyway. Bookends measure 5-inches tall x 4-inches wide x 2 1/4-inches long.

via Entertainment Earth.

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  • fairy

    1328286938856.jpg (752 KB)

    Serenity 1:400 Scale Desk Model

    KAYLEE – You’re gonna come with us.
    BOOK – Excuse me?
    KAYLEE – You like ships. You don’t seem to be looking at the destinations. What you care about is the ships, and mine’s the nicest.
    BOOK – She don’t look like much.

    Not exactly large, looks like it’s about the same size as a deck of playing cards, but it sure is pretty.
    via ThinkGeek.

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