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  • You Won’t Like Obama When He’s Angry

    This incredibly cool sculpture is brought to you by the twisted mind of Ron English

    via You Won’t Like Obama When He’s Angry.


    hipsterlestia_by_dark_tsubaki88-d4kre88.jpg (89 KB)

    thanks dark tsubaki88


    Fhluz.jpg (189 KB)

  • celestia and philomeena

    celestia_and_philomeena_by_sugarcube_owl-d4lvveh.jpg (1 MB)

    I want to give credit but i can remember the link

    MCS on facebook

    Hey, did you guys know that MCS is on facebooks? it’s truth!

    click here:

    and like MCS. it will help a lot. as of this post, there are 474 “likes”. I would like to have over a thousand by the end of the weekend. that would be swell!

    Please note that after you “like” MCS on facebook, all the posts will show up in your feed. this might be a good thing, or it might be a bad thing. If it’s a bad thing for you, just “ignore” the stuff from MCS.

    car sale

    AJzpY.jpg (177 KB)


    106455 - applejack artist john_joseco celestia fluttershy luna Molestia pinkie_pie rainbow_dash rarity twilight_sparkle.jpg (202 KB)

    end of the party


    6384_d615.png (563 KB)

    Children are the Victims of Adult Vices

    In 2001, Russian artist Mihail Chemiakin constructed an unusual sculpture “Children are the Victims of Adult Vices,” depicting two unaware children playing as thirteen evil statues surround them.

    more info and images Atlas Obscura

    127 pets

    127_pets_by_gsphere-d4gnfqb.jpg (331 KB)

    every second counts


    2d823b87bdb3514d13413f85b6325c7d-d4hor8o.png (841 KB)

    portal 2 mega post

    Canadian CSI

    cst.jpg (69 KB)

    Some righteous pollen, dude

    bee-on-blackspaceavalanche.jpg (87 KB)

    Vampire bats

    vbts.jpg (260 KB)