MCS on facebook

Hey, did you guys know that MCS is on facebooks? it’s truth!

click here:

and like MCS. it will help a lot. as of this post, there are 474 “likes”. I would like to have over a thousand by the end of the weekend. that would be swell!

Please note that after you “like” MCS on facebook, all the posts will show up in your feed. this might be a good thing, or it might be a bad thing. If it’s a bad thing for you, just “ignore” the stuff from MCS.

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    is MCS also on G+?


    Google informed me on my birthday last December that they wouldn’t allow me to use my name (never telling me beforehand to create a Google+ Page). This differs from a person Google+ Profile. For more information about how to create a Google+ Page, please visit


    Even the NSFW?


    Didn’t even realize I already had MCS liked to start, so I’m guessing it doesn’t matter anyway, nobody has been complaining about my wall.


    I’ll like it once there is no more fucking ponies. Or at least significantly less.


    Thank god.


    speaking of which, a link would be helpful


    Done, I now have ponies in my feed. At least none of my friends can see them.


    I just waded through 3 pages of MCS with 90% of the posts about My Little Pony.

    Fuck that shit.

    Like something for more of the same?

    Next time I drop in and the front page is flooded with My Little Pony will be the last time I drop in.


    seriously, weeks of ponies and now you you say it’s gonna stop?

    No more ponies, no more pain.


    I don’t use Facebook, I’m one of the few sensible people who work in IT and know the risks (troll)….


    MCS on facebook is great- it is how I avoid all of those stupid ponies.


    I had every intention, after reading your Tiki Got Fired post, to purchase a MCS+ or even donate some cash to you.

    But then I got on here and saw all this pony shit and told myself “Nope, I will not condone such shit fuckery” and I put my card away.

    This place used to be great, even back when we had to see all of Casemods shit.

    Truth is, I’d rather see 100 pictures of him trying on womens clothes in the Gap then one more fucking pony post.

    True story.


    So, if the Ponies really do disappear, I will think about it.

    I really dont want that silly shit all over my Facebook page.

    Seriously, it’s frikking WEIRD. Somebody needs medication.


    I also am really tired of ponies. Casemods I found humorous, ponies… not so much.

    I have looked for a way to filter out all posts by tyarannopony, and not found anything.

    Do I need to give up on MCS, or is there a way to filter this crap so I don’t have to deal with it?


    I’m all about tiki doing well for himself but… le FUCK FACEBOOK.


    And here I thought I had a bad Transformers addiction, but Tiki you and the My Little Ponies make me look mellow 😉

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