“This Is Aperture”

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  • Awkward Handshake Disorder

    this has happened to me once or twice, but imagine if it were happening all the time to everyone you met.


    Hey, did you guys know that MCS is on facebooks? it’s truth!

    click here:

    also, stand by for pony related news.

    EDIT: There seems to be some confusion as to how the site operates:
    1 – people upload stuff
    2 – moderator looks at it
    3 – moderator approves or denies post
    4 – MCS CODE GHOST automatically schedules the posts, which MCS+ members can then view and comment on.
    5 – eventually, the unwashed masses get access to the post as well.

    so, those pony posts were posted to the post queue a couple weeks ago. long before I lost my jorb.

    mane six

    mane_six_by_wolfself-d4l6qod.jpg (499 KB)

    When A Girl Walks Into A Comic Shop

    I have seen this happen while I was at a comic shop. it was both tragic and hiliarious.


    Batman Infographic: Every (Significant) Bat-Suit Ever

    We’ve created a ‘Batman’ infographic that features every single significant bat-suit from comic books, TV, movies, video games, and theater since the Caped Crusader’s debut in 1939.

    I’m just disappointed they didn’t include the Rainbow Batman suit.

    via Screen Rant.

    Epic Girlfriend Demotivational

    demotivational-posters-epic-girlfriend.jpg (39 KB)

    luna as a baby

    S1ql0.png (300 KB)

    she went into space

  • exited girl

    1523_28d2.gif (491 KB)

    bet she like ponies


    sg1kL.png (523 KB)


    when in soviet russia

    VKcv5.jpg (183 KB)

    winter wraps up you

    Slurp Sabers

    Please suggest double entendres in the comments.

    George Lucas Invites You to Enjoy a Slurp Saber

    That Look.

    dean.png (1 MB)

    Pony hatred.

    Kinect Star Wars Teaser

    You Won’t Like Obama When He’s Angry

    This incredibly cool sculpture is brought to you by the twisted mind of Ron English

    via You Won’t Like Obama When He’s Angry.


    hipsterlestia_by_dark_tsubaki88-d4kre88.jpg (89 KB)

    thanks dark tsubaki88