Iron Monk Poster

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“The deeper he meditates, the harder he hits!”

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  • Uma

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    All Kinds of Governments

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    tl;dr Monty Python

    Yoda English

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    Black Canary Tattoo

    Fashionably Geek reader Andrew sent us this awesome Black Canary tattoo he got from Katie Williams at House of Tattoo in Tacoma, WA. Original illustration by Warren Louw.

    Check out an additional image…

    via Fashionably Geek


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    Free Throw

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    I Choose Pepperoni

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    2012 Republican Primary

    2012 Republican Primary
    Vote on this important matter at

    TWG Sites

    Internet Fight Machine

    Slide to Unlock

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    Rage face drinking game

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    Fractalackin V

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    Gem Hadar fighter

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    Always liked this design –reminded me of carrion beetles. Pretty cool when introduced in DS9, although their initial badassery was marred by one or two substandard episodes, iirc…

  • Sorry, punk…

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    Ask a Question

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    It’s like the GIF version of the magic 8 ball


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    pin up

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    Internet-Fight is ALIVE

    Since I am now gainfully unemployed, I’ve been going through some of my old web properties that haven’t gotten much love since….crap, last post on was in 2010, so it’s been long overdue to make sure the site is working properly, gets new content, and starts to pull it’s own weight.  So I ask of you: WHY.

    Internet-Fight Polls should be new every morning, so feel free to stop on by and vote on whatever it is we’re talking about over there…you might even have an account there if you’ve been around long enough!

    Star Trek – Catan

    In Star Trek Catan, players start the game with two small space stations at the intersection of three planets, with each planet supplying resources based on the result of a dice roll. Players collect and trade these resources – Dilithium, Tritanium, food, oxygen and water – in order to build spaceships that connect regions in the galaxy, establish small and large space stations at new intersection points in order to increase resource acquisition, and acquire development cards that provide victory points (VPs) or special abilities.

    On a dice roll of 7, a Klingon ship swoops in to prevent resource production on one planet, while taxing spacegoers who hold too many resources.

    The one new element in Star Trek Catan compared to the Settlers version is a set of character cards, each featuring one of Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Sulu, Scott, Uhura, Chekov, Chapel, Rand or Sarek. Each character card has two special powers that the holder can use on his turn, such as a forced trade.

    via Topless Robot.

    Crawlspace creeper

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    Dunno what this is from…

    Rumor: Microsoft to discontinue its virtual currency system Microsoft Points

    Microsoft’s proprietary virtual currency system, Microsoft Points, will be phased out by the end of the year, according to a source with knowledge of the company’s decision. The change will affect developers for Windows Phone, the Zune marketplace and Xbox Live.

    By the end of 2012, all transactions will be based on the region set on the purchasing account and real money will be used to purchase all Windows Phone content. The move puts the Windows Phone Marketplace in line with the purchasing practices used in the App Store and the Android Market.

    of course, in the end this will be a good thing, but what about those 90 points that I still have on my xbox 360 account? will I get those pennies back from MS somehow?
    via Exclusive

    JADS International, LLC.

    Finally four unique fragrances assembled together for the first time!

    Yes, for only $60, you too can smell like an alcholic that’s been locked inside a iron can for 8 hours. Or a god that hasn’t been introduced to a razor blade yet, or perhaps even a man that has freezer burn. I dont’ even want to know what the mutated / radioactive flesh of The Incredible Hulk would smell like…
    via JADS International, LLC..

    Lollipop Chainsaw – Announcement Trailer (PS3, Xbox 360)

    yes please. I’m particularly interested in the rainblow zombie split she does at the end. It’s like My Little Ponies crossed with Evil Dead.

    Old Spice: Bounce

    I wish I had those sounds effect when I flexed. If I could flex.

    Dylan Moran

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    Golden Retriever loves the guitar

    happy dog vs serious dog.
    😐 vs 🙂

    Tim Minchin: Scream

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    New Site Feature: MCS LIVE : where you can see what other people are seeing, after they’ve seen it!

    it may effect site performance, so I’ll let it run for a while and see how it does, if it does break stuff, I’ll see if I can’t cache it.