Drinking Fine Wine

bottle.jpg (22 KB)

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  • Grammar Dalek

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    fill’r up

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    Fox News

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    MCS Plus now sees all draft posts

    Two points to make :


    1 – if you have mcs+ you can now see posts as they’re submitted to the queue.  they’ll be the ones with the red border around them, when I get around to adding a red border around them.

    2 – I’m totally not trying to hack you, or have bad stuff happen to your computer.  I’ve done like a million scans of the site and every single one of them comes up clean, so I have no clue wtf google is smoking.  I’ve requested that they remove their heads from their asses and clear the site from the supposed infection of internet AIDs.

    3 – if you need to contact me for any reason whatsoever, please look for a link named “FAQ” and learn how to read.  Also, your puns all suck.

  • rotating disc

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    and the math proof
    also fuck natedog

    Giant Wet Balls

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    Boba Fett-san, Last Samuri

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    With this sword I guarded the Emperor…

    Who Is This???

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    Catching a Plane

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    deer crossing

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    Three Person Chess Set

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    How would you even play this?


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    Does whatever a Spiderboob does, spins a bra, any size…

    Game of Throws

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    I actually feel bad for the actor. This kid will probably be typecast as an annoying little shit in any other role he ever gets.


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    Blister cases

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    A good ginger

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    Cintia Dicker
    I am forced –FORCED I tell you– to give props to the coon for this one.