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  • Ashley Wood’s Hell Spawn

    hellspawn_comic_cover_011_cl.jpg (94 KB)

    l.jpg (56 KB)

    I read the book.. i loved it.. i love the look of the whole thing

    Duck and Cover

    Duck_and_cover.gif (429 KB)

    Cause, you know… Nukes work that way

    Ernst Haeckel’s bats

    haeckelbats_50.JPG (425 KB)

    Those goddamned faces…


    handtasm.gif (439 KB)

    Friggin’ Minecraft

    klk6-f4rS0i8_GL4Z1rpeg2.jpg (57 KB)

    it’s pretty cool…

    Judge Death

    GD_Judge_Death_Small.jpg (247 KB)

    Death Rider

    150900_v1.jpg (35 KB)

    This is from World war 1 i believe.. i could be dead wrong, either way it’s pretty badass

    WTF cat

    z9P4igMnH0GKsScbWvmQgg2.jpg (41 KB)

    My guess is that the cat stumbled upon some shock sites

    Do we have a new President yet?

    Everyone’s calling it for Obama, but there’s been no concession speak from Romney yet.

    Edit: Yes we do. The same one we had yesterday.


    Yes… Yes it is.

    wizardwhale.jpg (16 KB)

    Just a random thing

    lovely bones

    bones.jpg (177 KB)

  • Jengenritz

    Jengenritz-2.gif (140 KB)

    Jengenritz.jpg (68 KB)

    Late for the self-pic thing, but here’s me anyway…

    Rapt Contemplation

    RaptContemplation.JPG (456 KB)

    wondering why I didn’t post early enough to make it to the MCS 2012 yearbook. :\


    82886980.jpg (87 KB)


    unsc spartans

    unsc spartans

    Master Chief Coffee

    Halo-Morning-Coffee.jpg (50 KB)

    wish is was higher res, but Halo 4 dropped today so wtf not.

    halo – ring city

    halo - ring city

    halo – wheat killer

    halo - wheat killer

    halo – reach team

    halo - reach team

    halo – covenant ships

    halo - covenant ships

    halo – warthog defenders

    halo - warthog defenders

    halo and moon

    halo and moon

    halo – uparmor

    halo - uparmor

    halo – city of the future

    halo - city of the future

    halo – live action warthog

    halo - live action warthog

    halo 4 – waking of evil

    halo 4 - waking of evil

    Master Chief Sketch

    tumblr_lzieiboFqN1qbnq8ro1_500.png (203 KB)

    Not mine..

    halo wars city

    halo wars city