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  • Happy Couple

    happy_couple.jpg (112 KB)

    Is this

    pills.jpg (137 KB)

    Not sure

    Morris Dancing

    4249705_o.gif (1 MB)

    Solid church

    Church.jpg (585 KB)

    You can do it

    fip01.jpg (208 KB)

    fip02.jpg (268 KB)


    eyes.jpg (171 KB)

    UK Independence Party

    BIx-n3jCUAAxgZZ.jpg-large.jpg (24 KB)


    twins.jpg (63 KB)

    Twice creepy

    Cookie time

    Cinco-de-mayo-pinata-cookies.jpg (60 KB)

    tumblr_m9qj0lTASZ1reiiffo1_500.jpg (199 KB)

    Cinco de Mayo is coming up and that means it’s time for Piñata cookies. Then for the other 364 days, oreo stuffed cookies.

    Yo dawg I heard you like cookies so I stuck a cookie in your cookie etc etc.”

    These Cinco de Mayo Piñata Cookies Come With a Colorful Surprise Inside

    Dance hands

    dancehands.gif (1 MB)


    big_0e17616576dbf43c8d56c9841f49fb774ff3625b.png (737 KB)

    Best Answer

    551870_516329445075276_140114851_n.jpg (36 KB)

  • Paint snake 2013

    instasnake_2013.gif (3 MB)

    If real, then THAT is skill.

    GF scream!!

    541851_504270339628222_1307968952_n.jpg (25 KB)


    splodape.gif (1 MB)

    Judgement Day

    521595_505294719525784_1536107506_n.jpg (32 KB)

    Weird gifs

    weird1.gif (934 KB)

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    True Story Bro

    399910_507146742673915_400628676_n.jpg (28 KB)

    I back this with my own research

    Difficult Superman

    72872_642464355769871_700641117_n.png (408 KB)


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    Sex Brothers

    67534_505176309537625_103458374_n.jpg (63 KB)

    Its a joke…i know this is not what happens 100% of the time.

    Leia gobbles

    leia-licks.jpg (61 KB)


    Goth daddy

    goth-daddy.jpg (56 KB)

    Metal fork

    metal-fork.jpg (34 KB)


    dandelion-eclipse.jpg (29 KB)

    Kalashnikov mechanism

    kalashnikov.gif (1 MB)

    I’m not sure which gun